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Enotalone matches/matchmaker

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This site seems to actively discourage direct contact between members. I once posted about IM chatting and received a polite but firm warning for expressing my openness to receiving IMs from other members. Another member was banned for setting up a chatroom and posting the link here.


That said, I have successfullly exchanged PMs with a few other members, and I was once messaged on AOL messenger by a member from here, so I guess it'd be possible for two members here to connect. They'd just have to be located geographically near each other.

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This site seems to actively discourage direct contact between members. I once posted about IM chatting and received a polite but firm warning for expressing my openness to receiving IMs from other members. Another member was banned for setting up a chatroom and posting the link here.


That said, I have successfullly exchanged PMs with a few other members, and I was once messaged on AOL messenger by a member from here, so I guess it'd be possible for two members here to connect. They'd just have to be located geographically near each other.




I don't think i'll be finding any romance on enotalone because i don't think no man on here can handle my stong minded self. .I get Pm from men but not for romance.I haven't found a bold man yet .

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I don't think i'll be finding any romance on enotalone because i don't think no man on here can handle my stong minded self. .I get Pm from men but not for romance.I haven't found a bold man yet .


LOL! Now there's a challenge. C'mon guys, don't let the side down.

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I don't know about you guys, but I couldn't hook up with a guy on here. He would just have way too much access to personal information about me! I like to get to know people gradually... I don't need you knowing about my demons before you've even seen my boobs!

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I don't know about you guys, but I couldn't hook up with a guy on here. He would just have way too much access to personal information about me! I like to get to know people gradually... I don't need you knowing about my demons before you've even seen my boobs!


oh, i know, right? I wouldnt want someone im interested in knowing about all of my delightful health problems (like when im sick, get a yeast infection, etc...) and my scandalous romances... eek

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You must be new around here because most men on enotalone can't stand my strong views.


LOL, well I've been away for a while, so I've missed some of your strong views. But strong views, supported by reason and evidence , are fine. Many men like a strong woman, so don't be afraid.

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Given that so many posters here are in various stages of shock/recovery after a relationship has gone bad, you'd be searching among the walking wounded for good relationship material.


I liken it to looking for good food in the dumpsters behind the grocery store instead of going in the store itself. You may find some salvageable stuff out back, but for the most part you won't want what's there.


The other thing is this was never intended to be a dating/hook-up site. There are plenty of other places on the net that are set up for that purpose, and you'd be better off looking there.


All that being said, I know of several folks who developed a relationship through their initial interactions on this site. Distance was a big factor for several of them, and in most cases ended things sooner rather than later because that issue could not be resolved.


For a couple others the fact that one or the other or both wasn't really ready to be in a healthy relationship was their undoing. They came here looking for help and instead found distraction in flirtation/romance. But the underlying issues that brought them here hadn't been resolved...and that set up for some rather messy/exlosive/dramatic situations. In those cases, it not only ended...but it ended badly.


There are 2 couples I'm aware of that seem to be doing ok from what little I know. Then again, I only know a very little bit of their stories, so they may or may not be fine.

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Well if more forums, not just relationship forums had as mature & understanding members then I would've probably ended up marrying one of you! haha j/k but seriously. It's a nice place to be with people that can understand and relate. Things like that don't happen in this world often


On a side note, I'm sure if my g/f was on here...I'd go after her LOL

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