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What kind of problems do you think he had?

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I'm not sure if this is the right topic for this forum. But here it goes.

I got bullied by this boy I'll call Sam in 11th grade. One day I wore a pair of large black glasses, because I had ran out of contacts. Sam made a silly face at me, with his hands over his eyes, mimicking my eyeglasses. The next day: he cut out a pair of brown paper glasses, put them on, and said he was me. (Yes. An 11th grade boy did that.)

"He's got problems!" is everyone's reaction when I told them this story. What kind of problems would a 17-year old boy have that would prompt him to do that? I (obviously) never understood that.

I know I keep saying this, but I'm autistic and I have this huge memory. Things have happened in my life that I reflect on and I don't understand a lot it. So I post them on here so I can (at least try) to understand them.

Thanks for reading/replying/understanding.  

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Have you considered some therapy, like psychoanalysis? It would help you understand how these events you're reflecting back on are currently impacting you. Very fascinating! I wish I had studied psychology.

Shamless plug: David Eagleman. Neuroscientist who talks on the brain in a way that laymen like myself can understand. Mind-blowing stuff!


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9 hours ago, midnightdeirdre said:

No I didn’t have a crush on him. I did hear that he indeed had problems. I mean what kind of problems would prompt a 17 year old boy to do that?

From whom did you hear he had “problems”? Be careful of gossip and don’t believe everything you hear. 

He wasn’t nice to you and it’s not likely you’ll ever know why. It’s more in your best interests to let it go.

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13 hours ago, Rose Mosse said:

From whom did you hear he had “problems”? Be careful of gossip and don’t believe everything you hear.

One of our teachers told me. (Sam also stole $500 cash from one of his other teachers. He gave it back; but that says a lot right there.)

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19 minutes ago, midnightdeirdre said:

One of our teachers told me. (Sam also stole $500 cash from one of his other teachers. He gave it back; but that says a lot right there.)

So, this teacher is actually not be trusted as they went around not preserving the privacy of a minor. Says a lot about that teacher. 

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On 6/2/2022 at 7:42 PM, Seraphim said:

So, this teacher is actually not be trusted as they went around not preserving the privacy of a minor. Says a lot about that teacher. 

I should make this clear: the teacher (I'll call him Mr.Smith) who told me, "He had problems," had left the school. Sam and I had him for math our sophomore year; after that, Mr. Smith left our high school. Junior year was when Sam made the paper glasses; Sam transferred to another high school after junior year. Senior year, Mr. Smith came back and when he asked about Sam, I said with disgust, "He's in rehab!" to which Mr. Smith said, "He had problems."

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11 minutes ago, midnightdeirdre said:

I should make this clear: the teacher (I'll call him Mr.Smith) who told me, "He had problems," had left the school. Sam and I had him for math our sophomore year; after that, Mr. Smith left our high school. Junior year was when Sam made the paper glasses; Sam transferred to another high school after junior year. Senior year, Mr. Smith came back and when he asked about Sam, I said with disgust, "He's in rehab!" to which Mr. Smith said, "He had problems."

None of this should concern you. Whatever "problems" you think he has, or what a teacher told you he had, is long long ago, in the past. It's over and done with.  It's high school - every teen in school is more likely than not, immature, including you at the time.  It's also possible your peers wondered "what your problems" were, right?  I imagine most teens come across as "having problems", when all it is is immaturity and part of normal growing up.  Let it go already.

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2 hours ago, midnightdeirdre said:

I should make this clear: the teacher (I'll call him Mr.Smith) who told me, "He had problems," had left the school. Sam and I had him for math our sophomore year; after that, Mr. Smith left our high school. Junior year was when Sam made the paper glasses; Sam transferred to another high school after junior year. Senior year, Mr. Smith came back and when he asked about Sam, I said with disgust, "He's in rehab!" to which Mr. Smith said, "He had problems."

Doesn’t matter he was in a position of power over minors and it is abuse of power and privacy. 

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3 hours ago, midnightdeirdre said:

I should make this clear: the teacher (I'll call him Mr.Smith) who told me, "He had problems," had left the school. Sam and I had him for math our sophomore year; after that, Mr. Smith left our high school. Junior year was when Sam made the paper glasses; Sam transferred to another high school after junior year. Senior year, Mr. Smith came back and when he asked about Sam, I said with disgust, "He's in rehab!" to which Mr. Smith said, "He had problems."

Okay, what do YOU believe that his problems were?

Have you done any reading about bullies his age?

Nobody here knows the guy or the context. You are the only one here with that information, so make an informed guess based on reading about bullies, and you'll be able to answer your own question to the best of your ability.

And that will have to do.

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8 hours ago, melancholy123 said:

I dont think he had any problems.  I think he was an immature teenage kid.  Why does it have to be any more complicated than that?

I agree. And no teacher should even allude to a minor's personal issues to one of his classmates or former classmates.  

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12 minutes ago, melancholy123 said:

But you dont know that it happened as she says it did!  Things change over time, memories fade etc.

Yes of course.  I tend to remember clearly what my bullies did to me -although the bully did not -one of them posted a couple of years ago how her high school daughter was being bullied and how she just cannot relate as she never would have bullied anyone ..... (yes we are facebook friends and yes I see she is no longer a bully and of course I didn't forget even though this was around 35-40 years ago).

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