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People Of ENA! A Question!


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Posters of ENA!


I have got to thinking, and wanted to ask this, to all the familiar usernames and all the unfamiliar and everything inbetween! 

How did you all come to this site in the first place, and why?


Also, what do all you lovely people do?! I notice some of you always post - are you retired, posting whilst working (naughty!), working from home, running your own business? Basically, I am so curious how everyone finds the time and works this addictive, helpful, and unusual little forums into their own lives? 

How long have you all been here?


A big thank you as well, I know this is a strange question and not a problem. Maybe this will get deleted or maybe it should be moved (admin!) to a different category? 

I find myself coming here off and on over the years. People have helped me so much on here at times.


Always curious,


Lo x

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17 minutes ago, Seraphim said:

Been here almost 16 years. I came here because I was at a very unhappy place within myself and my life. I stayed to help others and of course because it came to feel like a family. So many have come and gone. I used to work outside the home and then I was a SAHM for a bit, and then back to work outside the home and now work for myself. I don’t work full time right now . I am at a much much better place in my life than I was 16 years ago. 



Out of probably a whole lot of names on here I remember yours one of the most! I think you might have even replied to my first ever question on here back when I was probably, 22ish! Maybe even younger! 

I’m so glad you have come out the other side, and I’m warmed that you got help and support here. I think the anonymous aspect helps, right? You can ask and say something here and open up maybe where you wouldn’t too family or friends.


I’m always glad you are here x

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4 minutes ago, mylolita said:



Out of probably a whole lot of names on here I remember yours one of the most! I think you might have even replied to my first ever question on here back when I was probably, 22ish! Maybe even younger! 

I’m so glad you have come out the other side, and I’m warmed that you got help and support here. I think the anonymous aspect helps, right? You can ask and say something here and open up maybe where you wouldn’t too family or friends.


I’m always glad you are here x

I used to be Victoria66, but when I had moved beyond that very hurt persona I changed my screen name to reflect that change . 

I am glad I helped if I have . 

I know I am happy to be in a far better mental space . 

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2 minutes ago, Seraphim said:

I used to be Victoria66, but when I had moved beyond that very hurt persona I changed my screen name to reflect that change . 

I am glad I helped if I have . 

I know I am happy to be in a far better mental space . 



That is the name I remember!!!!


Wow, blast from the past! 

How did you come through your hardest times Seraphim? 


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1 hour ago, Jibralta said:

I came here in 2016 or 2017 when I was testing for my licensing exams. My study schedule was very intense and I needed an outlet. At the same time, my boyfriend had also recently moved in with me and I had a lot of anxiety about that. I posted here and found most of the responses to be a bit outlandish. Very extreme assumptions and suggestions. It was great. TOTALLY took my mind off of all of the stress that I felt. And I've been here ever since!

That is so nice to hear because you are still with him now! 🥳



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Been around since about 2014.

Found this site while doing some 'searching' re: my relationship breakdown and I was struggling badly 😕 .

I stayed as I really found this site supportive and I learned a lot! Nowadays, I share my own knowledge from others and my own experiences.

Am a retired PSW.

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18 minutes ago, SooSad33 said:

Been around since about 2014.

Found this site while doing some 'searching' re: my relationship breakdown and I was struggling badly 😕 .

I stayed as I really found this site supportive and I learned a lot! Nowadays, I share my own knowledge from others and my own experiences.

Am a retired PSW.

Hey So! 

Your name I recognise as a long timer as well! I’m sorry your relationship didn’t work out - I hope you are doing much better now!


And I’m being dumb here! What is a PSW? 🥲🤓



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18 minutes ago, mylolita said:

Your name I recognise as a long timer as well! I’m sorry your relationship didn’t work out - I hope you are doing much better now!


And I’m being dumb here! What is a PSW?

Hi Lolita 🙂 

A PSW is a Personal Support Worker. We are in the lines of 'healthcare', just below Nursing. We do home visits ( community) or in LTC locations. ( Long term care - seniors, etc).

Yeah, I ended up hitting rock bottom from long term negatives ( family loss, personal loss and then work related injury back in 2014). In which case, I ended up in ongoing therapy & meds.  Has been an ongoing battle, hence retired now. 


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4 minutes ago, SooSad33 said:

Hi Lolita 🙂 

A PSW is a Personal Support Worker. We are in the lines of 'healthcare', just below Nursing. We do home visits ( community) or in LTC locations. ( Long term care - seniors, etc).

Yeah, I ended up hitting rock bottom from long term negatives ( family loss, personal loss and then work related injury back in 2014). In which case, I ended up in ongoing therapy & meds.  Has been an ongoing battle, hence retired now. 


I’m sorry you had to go through that, sounds like a lot of tough situations rolled into one. 

When did you retire? Do you find you are loving it and all stress free or do you find yourself sometimes bored? 


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25 minutes ago, mylolita said:

When did you retire? Do you find you are loving it and all stress free or do you find yourself sometimes bored?

I was done with it after my injury( 2014).  It did not heal so was permanent 😕 . Sucked because I did have some sweet clients.. but it too takes it's toll, as it's got a negative, emotionally ( loss regularly). Was never bored, lol.  Was quite demanding in all senses. Especially having to go out in the community, the travelling and into people's homes.

I still have a few friends who are still doing it, and some who also had to leave this kind of work.

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1 minute ago, SooSad33 said:

I was done with it after my injury( 2014).  It did not heal so was permanent 😕 . Sucked because I did have some sweet clients.. but it too takes it's toll, as it's got a negative, emotionally ( loss regularly). Was never bored, lol.  Was quite demanding in all senses. Especially having to go out in the community, the travelling and into people's homes.

I still have a few friends who are still doing it, and some who also had to leave this kind of work.

Oh sorry S I meant did you suffer with boredom after retirement?


It sounds like a very demanding but rewarding job. I can imagine only a few types of people are cut out for your line of work!



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6 minutes ago, mylolita said:

Oh sorry S I meant did you suffer with boredom after retirement?


It sounds like a very demanding but rewarding job. I can imagine only a few types of people are cut out for your line of work!

Yup, you're right there... certain people can handle that type of demand & expectations.

Nope, have not been bored since 🙂 . I've got 4 kids, 2 still at home.  A few pets and I've learned new hobbies/crafts ( crochet, jam making & working with essential oils), so I do a little here & there, when I'm up to it. 

Life sure does take you on a wild ride at times, I have learned 😉 .

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2 minutes ago, SooSad33 said:

Yup, you're right there... certain people can handle that type of demand & expectations.

Nope, have not been bored since 🙂 . I've got 4 kids, 2 still at home.  A few pets and I've learned new hobbies/crafts ( crochet, jam making & working with essential oils), so I do a little here & there, when I'm up to it. 

Life sure does take you on a wild ride at times, I have learned 😉 .

Oh wow!


So you are definitely busy then! See these are the things you never get to know about everyone on here. I personally see this username and tend to make presumptions from how they rely to questions and what they say. Information like this, when you falsely feel familiar just because you see someone post so often, is really interesting and so refreshing!


I really value people’s opinions who have been through it all. I often look to women who have raised their children and they are up and off for advice because I think they have seen it all and been through all the stages!


I imagine you kind of a bit bohemian with your oils and in floaty clothing for some reason! And having a pet like a cat or a dog! 

Thanks for the reply it’s nice to know a bit about everyone!



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18 minutes ago, mylolita said:

See these are the things you never get to know about everyone on here. I personally see this username and tend to make presumptions from how they rely to questions and what they say. Information like this, when you falsely feel familiar just because you see someone post so often, is really interesting and so refreshing!

Exactly.. I agree.  We know nothing about other's really, lol.  Their lives, their struggles, etc.

I just go with the flow and have huge respect for everyone. As everyone who's here for years or days, has issue's going on, to which they've reached out..


18 minutes ago, mylolita said:

I really value people’s opinions who have been through it all. I often look to women who have raised their children and they are up and off for advice because I think they have seen it all and been through all the stages!

Yes, everyone's experience is different. Whether they've been through a rough go, due to raising kids alone.. raising kids with issue's... raising kids w/ a difficult partner, etc.

All dynamics.


18 minutes ago, mylolita said:

I imagine you kind of a bit bohemian with your oils and in floaty clothing for some reason! And having a pet like a cat or a dog! 

Hahaa.. Nah, that's not me 🙂 . I'm up to trying different things sometimes.  Just got into oil last few yrs. Same as learning to crochet. ( I did not progress with that until my 2nd attempt).  But, I've done oil mixes ( roller bottles), made soaps and mixes with coconut oil etc, to be applied re: pain. Is interesting stuff.

I am a 70's/80's child. I still get lost in my music and fave tv shows/ movies.  Was an awesome era 😉 . 

Yes, I had 2 cats, now just one and one little doggy 🙂 . And thanks to my son, we've recently gotten a few budgies.. they're really cute & amusing, lol.


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Hi Lo,


I joined back in 2006, but as you can see, I have not posted that much in 16 years, because I find it takes a lot of time to give a thoughtful reply. I can’t remember what made me join, I think I must have stumbled upon this site and I am coming back ever since. I mostly read on here and I have read a lot of good advice over the years. I find it interesting to see other peoples’ perspectives. Quite often, especially in the beginning, I found myself thinking: I have never thought about this issue in this way. That is quite eye opening.


I chose my screen name because I was wearing a blue skirt that day and blue is my favorite color. When I joined, I was working for a company, where we had to change our passwords every so often, that I started to run out of ideas. I took a more practical approach that I would change my passwords to things that were on my desk or in my office. So, when I registered here, I took the same approach and choose something practical.


I now work for myself, don’t work for an employer anymore. I am in financial services, have a couple of nice clients and I can work both from home and at my clients’ offices on a regular basis, which I find quite a nice mix. Finally, no husband, no boyfriend, no kids, but happy :-).

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I think from "regulars" I am the youngest(in terms of being here). In April it will be a year since I am here. I had a confusing dating situation. And while I am usually very "emphatic" at reading signs whether somebody likes me or not(to the point I cant remember somebody turned me off for a date), this one was very confusing. Turns out she was just looking attention and not just from me. Its long in past as far as I am concerned so doesnt matter. 

But I did stay around. I like to write and give advices, as well as hearing different life stories, and people here are generally nice. Plus it does help for my job. Which is freelancing(working from home) where I need to use English heavily even though its not my first language. It did help me a lot during pandemic(plus the pay is nice) but I do miss working with people(in terms of having a collective at work) so took a few steps to ensure that is changed, but we will see.

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Ms. Lo, (one of my faves) 😉

When did I come here? Apparently 6 years ago (yes I had to go look it up).

I have studied nursing(2 years), and also psychology (4 years, although I am always learning).

I think life can teach a person just as much, if not more than a textbook. I have learnt a great deal on this forum.

My career was supposed to be in the area of counselling, or nursing. However, life had different plans for me. I became disabled and had to let some things go in my life.

I now do a small business from my home and am a writer. (Working on different projects, and still learning in that area too!).

Great to hear from everyone.

Wiseman a neanderthal, never!...he's too good at word games to be a caveman. 😆


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