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Ugh Fudgie ( hugs ). You and my brother are in similar situations, and it's one of my big stressors right now. He's overworked, exhausted, and alone. I want so badly to be there to help him, just support him, but of course we are self isolating.

I'm honestly so mad that the burden is falling to a few in our area , while others are being getting paid to stay home with their kids. I know I'll ruffle feathers saying that but it's insane to me. No one's health and well being is more important than another.

You are so worried about your brother I totally understand. We can’t though not help the population survive or there will be mayhem and anarchy, and all manner of illegal activities as people try to survive. And more people out getting sick making it much worse for your brother . People ARE placing your brother in high regard by staying home and being orderly. If everyone needs government help to do that to keep your brother more safe it is for the best.

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In my area, the sentiment among healthcare workers and other essential services such as police has been that the more people at home the better. There's campaigns by health care workers asking us to support them by staying home. I'm glad we have that mindset here and aren't getting divided over people not "pulling their weight". The best thing a lot of people can do is stay home and work from home if they can. That's them playing their part.


I think I'm being misunderstood.

Of course the more that can stay home, the better. That's not what upsets me.

In his situation, he works in a hospital. The people there need care and the emergency room is also open.

He and the others without children have been mandated to work and are working overtime/understaffed , but those with children were given paid leave. My upset is in that aspect. Ideally, everyone could stay home but there is need for people to care for others in the hospitals, the care homes, etc. I just don't think family status should determine who is on the frontline.


Hope everyone is having a good day.

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I think I'm being misunderstood.

Of course the more that can stay home, the better. That's not what upsets me.

In his situation, he works in a hospital. The people there need care and the emergency room is also open.

He and the others without children have been mandated to work and are working overtime/understaffed , but those with children were given paid leave. My upset is in that aspect. Ideally, everyone could stay home but there is need for people to care for others in the hospitals, the care homes, etc. I just don't think family status should determine who is on the frontline.


Hope everyone is having a good day.

Oh ok, now, I understand your frustration. Understandable. One parent then should stay home while the other works.

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I feel like I've turned a new leaf recently. My anxiety is a lot less. Don't get me wrong, life still kind of sucks but I think I've finally hit that "ok I'm not surprised/sad/upset anymore, I'm hunkering down and dealing with it". I'm finally enjoying my time alone a bit more and finding some contentment.

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My cousin posted a rant on Facebook that the virus is all BS and is something made up by Dr. Fauci so he can profit from the pharmaceutical industry. And that the deaths are not true and hospitals are empty. And I guess those of you who say you work in hospitals who have coronavirus patients are in on the conspiracy. She says, open everything up now!!! And that all people need to do is take zinc and vitamin C and they will be just fine. I guess I have severe memory loss because I don't remember her getting her MD. Oh, and that there have been zero deaths due to heart attacks reported and why is that??? Because it's all a coverup so Dr. Fauci can make money!


I presume Dr. Fauci has connections in Italy and Germany and all the other countries because he's convinced them to perpetuate his conspiracy so he can profit. I didn't know the guy had so much power!!

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My cousin posted a rant on Facebook that the virus is all BS and is something made up by Dr. Fauci so he can profit from the pharmaceutical industry. And that the deaths are not true and hospitals are empty. And I guess those of you who say you work in hospitals who have coronavirus patients are in on the conspiracy. She says, open everything up now!!! And that all people need to do is take zinc and vitamin C and they will be just fine. I guess I have severe memory loss because I don't remember her getting her MD. Oh, and that there have been zero deaths due to heart attacks reported and why is that??? Because it's all a coverup so Dr. Fauci can make money!


I presume Dr. Fauci has connections in Italy and Germany and all the other countries because he's convinced them to perpetuate his conspiracy so he can profit. I didn't know the guy had so much power!!

Unfortunately, you can’t change ......

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Yeah, bolt, there's a few of those on my newsfeed too. Honestly, it's tiring and depressing. But you cannot convince people of anything, all you do is ignore.


I have a good friend who is an ER nurse and she see's Covid patients daily as she works in a busy ER. I have known her a long time and she's not a liar.

Covid is very real. Her stories, can be quite grim, and are more than real. Honestly, it causes panic in me to hear them so I just don't.


Those who are in denial or wanting to downplay this, are playing a very dangerous game as all of us will suffer due to more people being careless. It will cause many more deaths if people don't start to understand how grave this situation is.


Being told to stay home, is not a game, nor is it not necessary. Right now is the time on the deciding factor of how bad it gets or doesn't get. It's in the hands of all of us, but mainly the ones who choose to either be careful or more careless.


The unfortunate part is, some people will never believe until body bags are piled up. (sorry for being grim but am sick of people who are making it so much worse by not caring, saying it's not real or saying it's not that bad).


They are dangerous fools.

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Can you mute people like this? Take this time to clean up your social media. Update your content and reset your privacy settings. Also get rid of dead weight like this.

My cousin posted a rant on Facebook that the virus is all BS and is something made up by Dr. Fauci so he can profit from the pharmaceutical industry. And that the deaths are not true and hospitals are empty.
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Can you mute people like this? Take this time to clean up your social media. Update your content and reset your privacy settings. Also get rid of dead weight like this.


I have removed one person for the first time in my life from FB. You really find out who people are in a crisis.

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She didn't post it on my profile page so no need to reset my privacy settings.


It doesn't upset me, more bemused than anything else. Her husband usually travels 2 weeks out of every month for work, plus she has her kids home with her all day now (she's a stay at home mom) so maybe she's tired of having her family around all time lol.


She's usually a compassionate person so I'm hoping it's just her frustration seeing so many people out of work and struggling that motivated this rant. Although the part about Dr. Fauci has me scratching my head. And the "empty hospitals" part was a comment posted by one of her friends.


Anyway...on site training completed for this week. Home virtual training next week, then back to on site the week after.


Hope the world is starting to turn the corner on this pandemic.

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Bright spot anecdote to share: my sister who is an awesome singer -used to do so professionally/semiprofessionally -is an out of work for now therapist (hands on type) - so get this -she and one of her clients, who is a singer by profession -are singing together on the phone to pass the time and have a sort of practice session for the future. I love that! (she's not a face time type gal and her friend is in her 60s, sister is in late 50s).


Negative needs support -my divorced/single mom friend (who I tried to support) moved from our city (she was my neighbor in this building) to a suburban development. Two young kids who are adorable. And they see every single day the neighbors' kids not doing social distancing, hanging around and playing and my friend has to say no each and every time and it breaks her heart. So she's taking them on solitary bike rides and hikes -in fact she drives them somewhere and if the parking lot is full, they turn around and try another place. She is awesome -works full time, too. And her parents can start helping her next week as they've been isolating for a month but she is such an inspiration. And my heart breaks for those kids seeing their friends all playing together right out their window.

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Okay guys, more info on conspiracy theory stuff...but I really am scratching my head over it.


So long story short, an article said that China created this virus for financial gain and knew how to stop it/control it...all other countries do not.


Now reading that, I was like,"sure"...BUT here's the kicker, Beijing has a population of 21 million and they only had 587 cases. Shanghai's population is 24 million and they only had 536 cases. Most cases in both cities have recovered.


So how does that work? Those are huge cities, supposedly they had the same info and resources as us, but a tiny amount of cases and most are resolved now.


It really does make a person wonder.

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Okay guys, more info on conspiracy theory stuff...but I really am scratching my head over it.


So long story short, an article said that China created this virus for financial gain and knew how to stop it/control it...all other countries do not.


Now reading that, I was like,"sure"...BUT here's the kicker, Beijing has a population of 21 million and they only had 587 cases. Shanghai's population is 24 million and they only had 536 cases. Most cases in both cities have recovered.


So how does that work? Those are huge cities, supposedly they had the same info and resources as us, but a tiny amount of cases and most are resolved now.


It really does make a person wonder.


It doesn’t make me wonder because I don’t trust their government statistics. But don’t get too political because they will shut this down like a duck on a June bug.

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Okay, Seraphim. No worries.


And Wiseman, I am taking all of it very seriously and I read loads. I am not just reading obvious fake news. I read it all and try to sort through the bs and non bs.


Unfortunately it's getting more difficult to figure out which is which.

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Agree. Too much confusion. I read mostly medical/scientific news however the politics and what people are doing affects everyone as well. I also read local news, the NYT, a French and German newspaper online for a different worldview/perspective.


Most newspapers that formerly required subscriptions to access have suspended that in regard to corona news. Accurate information helps to quell anxiety and helps us cope the best way we know how.

And Wiseman, I am taking all of it very seriously and I read loads. I am not just reading obvious fake news. I read it all and try to sort through the bs and non bs. Unfortunately it's getting more difficult to figure out which is which.

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Well, that country is known to "fudge" information (sorry Fudgie…).


One very small example is when they hosted the Olympics and had a stand in child appear to perform a song when in fact it was sung by another, less cute child. When word got out the government said the people of China should be in favor of what they did because it made China look good and added to China's glory or something like that.


A trivial example, but I think we all know they have a history of not reporting things that might make them look bad.


Not to say that practice is limited to China. I would expect most countries to tend to downplay many things that look unfavorable.

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