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Apparently cats can get coronavirus from humans and other cats.


The article I read has been reported for falsifying information. British vets association said that those who are in isolation, or who's got the virus should try to keep cats in as it may (no evidence) be spread via their fur. The bbc article basically said all cats should be kept inside where possible.

There's currently in the uk no evidence we can get or give our pets covid 19, or any other strain of the virus. However this is constantly being reviewed x

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The article I read has been reported for falsifying information. British vets association said that those who are in isolation, or who's got the virus should try to keep cats in as it may (no evidence) be spread via their fur. The bbc article basically said all cats should be kept inside where possible.

There's currently in the uk no evidence we can get or give our pets covid 19, or any other strain of the virus. However this is constantly being reviewed x


7 large cats at the Bronx Zoo have it as reported by National Geographic. Where would they get it other than their handler?

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Sorry to hear Reinvent :( I hope things work out but it does sound like a very stressful situation that could erupt at anytime.


I knew a man like his son, you really were walking on eggshells as he could explode at any time or drama ensue. The way you described his son, sounds just like this man. So I do feel for him as he needs help, and more than just his dad. Though I do wonder to a certain degree if his dad is enabling him somewhat?


It's gotta be difficult being in your position though and I am sorry that with an already stressful situation that you are dealing with this now too.

I hope it passes quickly.

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Good to hear. Agree part of the rampant spread was due to lax guidelines and just the unknown nature of this thing. Hang in there. Ironically the more immune people feel, the more vulnerable they really are.

Here in Australia, it's still early days but we seem to be managing the coronavirus better than many other countries. Hopefully people don't get complacent with their social distancing.
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Sorry to hear Reinvent :( I hope things work out but it does sound like a very stressful situation that could erupt at anytime.


I knew a man like his son, you really were walking on eggshells as he could explode at any time or drama ensue. The way you described his son, sounds just like this man. So I do feel for him as he needs help, and more than just his dad. Though I do wonder to a certain degree if his dad is enabling him somewhat?


It's gotta be difficult being in your position though and I am sorry that with an already stressful situation that you are dealing with this now too.

I hope it passes quickly.


Thanks Sherry. But now that I have some time to mull it around it does bother me some. It's hard to feel totally compassionate at a time like this seeing this has been an ongoing issue. Single son will rely on Dad heavily. The last time he went through this we basically had the young man parked on his Dad's couch every weekend.

I've had talks with his Dad, but I do recognize this is his struggle to figure out. They are a package deal.


Quoting his dad again from this morning. 'he'll get mad' This is in regards to talking to him about the drinking and depression.


I've heard the way he speaks to his girlfriend and lets say it's borderline abusive. I saw a positive change in her where she would stand up to him, but apparently she realized she didn't need to put it with it all and walked.


The son has been in therapy before and he clearly needs it. But dad doesn't want to upset him by bringing it up? I reminding my bf that being a parent isn't a popularity contest and it's often the job of a parent to tell their kids what they don't want to hear. So, what. He'll get mad. He's mad all the time anyway. He's not doing him any favors tippy toeing around him.


And now the sons problems create problems in his fathers relationship. If this was the first time I'd feel differently. But now it's a pattern.

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The son has been in therapy before and he clearly needs it. But dad doesn't want to upset him by bringing it up? I reminding my bf that being a parent isn't a popularity contest and it's often the job of a parent to tell their kids what they don't want to hear. So, what. He'll get mad. He's mad all the time anyway. He's not doing him any favors tippy toeing around him.


It's a shame his dad doesn't realize that he's not helping him, in fact, he's hindering him. It's no different than seeing someone with a broken leg but pretending it's not real. Parents are meant to be a source of comfort and support, yes, but they are also meant to give a little push, show guidance. His son most definitely needs help.


Tough situation. I feel for all of you. x

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The last day of my onsite training is going to be cancelled. I am scheduled to have an emergency root canal that day and the GM said there's no need for me to try to come in afterward.


Is it weird that I'd rather have a root canal than go to work?

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I've heard local news about the curve flattening too. I wish I could be happy but the US is so beyond testing, even in my area, I don't believe the numbers.


Our province is the farthest behind in testing 😣. So it’s actually far worse here than what they know.

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The last day of my onsite training is going to be cancelled. I am scheduled to have an emergency root canal that day and the GM said there's no need for me to try to come in afterward.


Is it weird that I'd rather have a root canal than go to work?

I would too at this point and I have severe severe dental phobia.

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I am working extra this week. I am dreading it.


Part of me is so torn. I don't want to get COVID but part of me is hoping I do because it probably won't be too terrible for me (probably, not certain) and then I could be immune and wouldn't worry so much about giving it to my patients.

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I have one more day of onsite training to get through. It hasn't been that bad because I distance myself and wear gloves and a mask, but so many others are not bothering. Walking in groups, no gloves, no mask, handling items and then handing them to someone else without gloves, community water bottles being stored in a fridge that everyone can access...many employees at other locations have complained publicly that the company is not protecting its workers, but they are trying! What are they supposed to do when so many of them refuse to follow the guidelines?


I just keep myself away from the others as much as possible and have elaborate routines I follow to clean and sterilize (removing my work clothes in the laundry room and then washing them in hot water, sterilizing things I bring to work before I use them again) but I can't control what other people do. I'm willing to be rude if it means staying away from people and hopefully staying healthy.


I am cautiously optimistic about hoping the virus is starting to be contained maybe in a month or so. That would be wonderful.

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Ugh Fudgie ( hugs ). You and my brother are in similar situations, and it's one of my big stressors right now. He's overworked, exhausted, and alone. I want so badly to be there to help him, just support him, but of course we are self isolating.

I'm honestly so mad that the burden is falling to a few in our area , while others are being getting paid to stay home with their kids. I know I'll ruffle feathers saying that but it's insane to me. No one's health and well being is more important than another.

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Ugh Fudgie ( hugs ). You and my brother are in similar situations, and it's one of my big stressors right now. He's overworked, exhausted, and alone. I want so badly to be there to help him, just support him, but of course we are self isolating.

I'm honestly so mad that the burden is falling to a few in our area , while others are being getting paid to stay home with their kids. I know I'll ruffle feathers saying that but it's insane to me. No one's health and well being is more important than another.


I'm working from home as is husband and taking care of our kid. I'm so sorry about your brother!!

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I'm honestly so mad that the burden is falling to a few in our area , while others are being getting paid to stay home with their kids. I know I'll ruffle feathers saying that but it's insane to me. No one's health and well being is more important than another.


In my area, the sentiment among healthcare workers and other essential services such as police has been that the more people at home the better. There's campaigns by health care workers asking us to support them by staying home. I'm glad we have that mindset here and aren't getting divided over people not "pulling their weight". The best thing a lot of people can do is stay home and work from home if they can. That's them playing their part.

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On a more positive note, it's so nice to see a sense of community for a change. There's community support and mutual aid groups being created by everyday people and people are looking out for each other. There's a couple of groups in my local area that I'm in where we've been helping vulnerable people source essential items. A collective effort to get people things that they desperately need.


I hope this remains post pandemic.

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Good to hear. Agree part of the rampant spread was due to lax guidelines and just the unknown nature of this thing. Hang in there. Ironically the more immune people feel, the more vulnerable they really are.


To be fair, initially there was a lot of mixed messaging from our leaders and it was confusing. We were told this is serious but it was still okay to go on about as normal and encouraged to go to sports games, dine out etc. That quickly changed and now it is being drilled in that we need to be practicing good hand washing, social distancing and staying home unless it is essential. Most people who can work from home are now working from home. The public transport system is scaling back services because less people are using it and there were empty buses driving around. Busy parts of the city are now empty. Once the messaging became clear and consistent, its clicked with people that they need to change their behavior.

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On a more positive note, it's so nice to see a sense of community for a change. There's community support and mutual aid groups being created by everyday people and people are looking out for each other. There's a couple of groups in my local area that I'm in where we've been helping vulnerable people source essential items. A collective effort to get people things that they desperately need.


I hope this remains post pandemic.


That's great! Where I am there's nothing at all new about community support or collective efforts -it's simply targeting the pandemic right now more than other causes. Same with the major city I moved from (I live in a large city but moved from a larger one). I've been doing my part with respect to the pandemic but without a pandemic I still do my part. Which is typical in our city.

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