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The hospitals are empty(or I should say, waiting rooms and other typically high traffic areas) because like fudgie says, no one wants to go for stuff and risk it. Oh, and the visitor policy is super strict.


I am sandwiched between 2 hospitals where I live now. I can walk to one, drive a couple minutes to the other. When I first moved here and up until recently, the sirens drove me insane. Now I hardly hear them.


Snny, I am sorry!

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My sense is if the rural area includes large places of worship the cases multiply faster.


Actually, no and our churches have been closed for weeks. Being rural doesn’t necessary correlate with being religious in Canada. Maybe in the 50s it did but not anymore.

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Snny, I'm so sorry. I am hoping that you and your daughter stay safe. Please make sure you have plenty of Tylenol and fluids on hand.


Sera, is your area doing testing? We are at 600+ I believe with many in the hospital but most citizens cannot get tested!! I think the real number is more like 2k because of this. The only way you get tested here is if you're a healthcare worker like myself or you're sick enough to be in the hospital.


Mild symptoms? You go home, no test, told to quarantine.

I believe here you don’t get a test unless you have severe symptoms you are told to stay the hell away from every health facility possible and stay home.

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Our testing is improving here - a week or so ago it was go home unless you’re blue in the face. Now we’re testing with an increase of about 1000+ tests a day(not cases...well actually yeah sometimes we have 1k+ a day).


Yeah hereyou probably won’t get a test unless you’re on death’s door because there’s not enough. I have to have my next diabetic doctor’s appointment over the phone because my doctor won’t even allow anybody in the practice.

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I'm glad testing is better where you are, Cheet. It's abominable here. How can you see how you're doing if you have no idea where you are in terms of cases? This whole thing is embarrassing.


I am thankful I can get a test very, very easily (and know the result within a day) but I believe that this should be expanded so that it's open to everyone. Given that the virus is asymptotic in so many people, everyone should be getting tested.


I'm so frustrated with how this has been handled.


Sera, I had my PCP appt over the phone. I got one of my meds adjusted and also asked for a new med which I promptly got. I checked my insurance, her practice never billed me or my insurance. Everyone is losing money and it sucks.

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I'm glad testing is better where you are, Cheet. It's abominable here. How can you see how you're doing if you have no idea where you are in terms of cases? This whole thing is embarrassing.


I am thankful I can get a test very, very easily (and know the result within a day) but I believe that this should be expanded so that it's open to everyone. Given that the virus is asymptotic in so many people, everyone should be getting tested.


I'm so frustrated with how this has been handled.


Sera, I had my PCP appt over the phone. I got one of my meds adjusted and also asked for a new med which I promptly got. I checked my insurance, her practice never billed me or my insurance. Everyone is losing money and it sucks.

Here they have created new billing codes so doctors can bill for phone appointments.

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Yes, I am glad tok Fudgie. It’s certainly not ideal or anywhere near where we should be with respect to testing but our governor is a a hard ass. He wasn’t my first choice when I voted, but he’s been a very pleasant surprise. Our mayor is too - she’s the mom who turned the car around because we all didn’t behave. She gave the city one day to not congregate on the lake shore and stuff. Then the next day she’s all I TOLD YOU now we shut them because you all don’t know how to socially distance.


What is everyone doing for masks? I have a friend that sews and she sent me some a couple weeks ago. I don’t have a sewing machine so because what the hell else is there to do, I’ve been tinkering with making them by hand with shop towels my partner had. They’re ugly but functional.

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Actually, no and our churches have been closed for weeks. Being rural doesn’t necessary correlate with being religious in Canada. Maybe in the 50s it did but not anymore.


Yes- where I am many of the cases in the more rural areas appeared because of places of worship -in this case churches but of course doesn't need to be.

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Yes- where I am many of the cases in the more rural areas appeared because of places of worship -in this case churches but of course doesn't need to be.


Here almost nothing is open everything but grocery store has pretty much has gone to kerbside service . We have had a state of emergency for weeks.

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Here almost nothing is open everything but grocery store has pretty much has gone to kerbside service . We have had a state of emergency for weeks.


Yes. We live in an urban area so all grocery stores are open but I think I did my last shopping Sunday for over a week. My husband will go down the block for take out for lunch today.

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Thank you, Fudgie. I will let people know on my FB that this is real as I have a handful of them posting everyday that it's either some sort of conspiracy or that it's not even that big a deal.


I appreciate the truth from a nurse who actually knows.


I am so sorry to hear Snny. I hope your husband recovery's quickly.

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Yes. We live in an urban area so all grocery stores are open but I think I did my last shopping Sunday for over a week. My husband will go down the block for take out for lunch today.


Anything open here you need to line up 6 feet apart and they only allow a few people in at a time. Those restaurants that are open have takeout only or delivery. But everything is pretty much a ghost town

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Anything open here you need to line up 6 feet apart and they only allow a few people in at a time. Those restaurants that are open have takeout only or delivery. But everything is pretty much a ghost town


Yes- most stores do the 6 feet apart but because we are not in the burbs the most I've waited to get in is ten minutes. We only have takeout or delivery available too. We can't really do delivery in our situation and we have done takeout once a week. I also bought some prepared foods at the store, like a rotisserie chicken, eggplant parm, etc.

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I live in Los Angeles—not a hot spot—and have a friend who tested positive two days ago. Bad fever, didn't go away for a week or so. Tested positive, spent a night at the hospital, is home recovering. A friend's husband in New York City has it too; he's 56, tough road, but not critical. So, it's not totally abstract over here, in my tiny world within the world at large.


That said, I understand the instinct for conspiracy theories, particularly in the US. Big, big country, to put it mildly, so the numbers are such that most people will not know someone affected by this on a critical level. It's like 9/11: massive event, but for the majority of the nation it was an event that existed on the news, not in their reality. This is that, with more dire numbers, but also harder to fathom since it can't be "seen," even on the news. Hard stuff to wrap minds around, kind of like climate change.


Mix in that the US is fundamentally an individualistic nation—we simply don't value community or the collective, on a policy level—so the notion of making sacrifices for the common good, particularly of this sort, just don't hold much water here. It's not something we are really built for. Those sacrifices will, I'm confident, save lives. They will also ruin millions of lives financially. So the urge to think up some conspiracy theories? I see it as a coping mechanism, for some, to handle that very grim reality on the horizon.

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We haven’t done any takeout. It’s not the food I’m worried about, it’s the handling and all the packaging. I feel bad because I would like to support our local businesses, but I’d rather stock my freezer because there is no such thing as store hopping. I used to go to different stores for particular items for sales but now everything is one grocery trip for meats and one curbside for everything else. So it’s a lot more expensive. Plus the “sales” are not really sales, but a product of essential markup (legal...they do have wiggle room).

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Thanks, Blue, I appreciate it. I hope things are better with your friend. My brother is still being silly..but ah well.


Both are doing okay. Sorry about the tension with your bro. Such a weird time. It's finding all the cracks—in interpersonal relationships, in social structures—and pressing right down on them, hard.


I read this morning that the UK govt asked for volunteers to help deliver food etc. to those most vulnerable. They were hoping for 250,000. Some 750,000 signed up, are joining the deliverymen, shelf stockers, and so on, without salary. Of course, they're also guaranteed job security and 80 percent of lost wages through this time, so that altruism comes in part through a system that is just the opposite of ours. Not saying all this to get "political," but for me it helps to contextualize behavior—especially behavior that stings my own mental and emotional mainframe—inside larger systems so the effects aren't so potent to my well-being.

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A little rif for the bf and I. Early days I was concerned but skeptical. My bf was more concerned than I was. As time goes on and the reality has set in, I am 110% on board and doing my part.


I have chosen to not see my sons, seeing they are essential and still working with the public. I didn't realize when I made that decision it would create a dilemma for S and I in regards to his son. His son routinely comes by his house, along with his girlfriend. It's certainly his prerogative and he needs to do what feels right for him. I am quietly considering how I am going to handle now having made the decision to distance myself from my own family, up against the possibility of hanging out with his. His son and girlfriend are still working and being younger, aren't as cautious as those of us who have a few years on them.


I typically spend the weekend at S's. I take note his son is calling incessantly.

Now S has traded places with me. We go to the store and I am the one with the mask and gloves and in return S is rolling his eyes at me and scoffing the whole drill.


I mention to him that my life has impacted in so many ways. I am stuck home alone staring at a laptop. I don't see my family and my job and savings are precarious. My anxiety is high which as triggered my eczema. My hands look like that of a burn victim.


He on the other hand retired young and outside of not playing softball, this doesn't impact his life much. Beaches by our home aren't entirely closed. He could still surf. Though golf courses are closed, people are still golfing?? He's accustomed to home life and just got 3% cost of living increase on his handsome pension. This is nothing more than an inconvenience for him.


I hadn't said a word about his son. Yet the tension built enough that he blurted out hostilely 'you don't want to be around my son!' Though there is some truth to that, I never asked him to not see his son.

Anyway, long story short we cooled off for a day.


I shared with him that I am only doing my part. It's the CDC's recommendation to wear masks and wash your hands. I am not making this stuff up. I can't justify altering my life to this extreme to undo everything just to spend the weekend at his house. It would be great if we were on the same page about this, but I respect that he sees it differently. (now)


So basically I told him, 'you do you and I'll do me'. I would never ask you not to see your son or to wear a mask. But having said this it will put me in a position to make decisions accordingly.


I guess I am mostly annoyed that he seemed to flip his position on this to suit the moment.


He spent the day with his son yesterday and going forward I don't know what to expect. I guess we'll take it day by day.

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A little rif for the bf and I. Early days I was concerned but skeptical. My bf was more concerned than I was. As time goes on and the reality has set in, I am 110% on board and doing my part.


I have chosen to not see my sons, seeing they are essential and still working with the public. I didn't realize when I made that decision it would create a dilemma for S and I in regards to his son. His son routinely comes by his house, along with his girlfriend. It's certainly his prerogative and he needs to do what feels right for him. I am quietly considering how I am going to handle now having made the decision to distance myself from my own family, up against the possibility of hanging out with his. His son and girlfriend are still working and being younger, aren't as cautious as those of us who have a few years on them.


I typically spend the weekend at S's. I take note his son is calling incessantly.

Now S has traded places with me. We go to the store and I am the one with the mask and gloves and in return S is rolling his eyes at me and scoffing the whole drill.


I mention to him that my life has impacted in so many ways. I am stuck home alone staring at a laptop. I don't see my family and my job and savings are precarious. My anxiety is high which as triggered my eczema. My hands look like that of a burn victim.


He on the other hand retired young and outside of not playing softball, this doesn't impact his life much. Beaches by our home aren't entirely closed. He could still surf. Though golf courses are closed, people are still golfing?? He's accustomed to home life and just got 3% cost of living increase on his handsome pension. This is nothing more than an inconvenience for him.


I hadn't said a word about his son. Yet the tension built enough that he blurted out hostilely 'you don't want to be around my son!' Though there is some truth to that, I never asked him to not see his son.

Anyway, long story short we cooled off for a day.


I shared with him that I am only doing my part. It's the CDC's recommendation to wear masks and wash your hands. I am not making this stuff up. I can't justify altering my life to this extreme to undo everything just to spend the weekend at his house. It would be great if we were on the same page about this, but I respect that he sees it differently. (now)


So basically I told him, 'you do you and I'll do me'. I would never ask you not to see your son or to wear a mask. But having said this it will put me in a position to make decisions accordingly.


I guess I am mostly annoyed that he seemed to flip his position on this to suit the moment.


He spent the day with his son yesterday and going forward I don't know what to expect. I guess we'll take it day by day.


In the uk we're not allowed to see anyone outside our household to spend time with.

Now I'll be honest I did spend time with my mum and grandma at the weekend. I was the only person who could do a big essential shop for them as all mums friends are isolating and not even getting enough delivery for themselves, my mum can't get any delivery slots. So I did the big shop, and as it's 1.5hrs away and my grandma was begging to see me (she's well aware of the risks) against my better judgement I did spend some time there. I'll also potentially be taking my baby up when born as the only reason she's not given up the ghost yet is because she wants to meet this baby. But again it'll only be if she fully understands the risks.


I refuse to see anyone else bar my partner and I've had most of my maternity appointments transferred to phone calls, bar scans. It's a tough time and we're both missing our families immensely, but it isn't only ourselves we put at risk if we visit, it's others at the hospital when I go for my scan tomorrow, it's anyone we come into contact with doing essential shopping, collecting prescriptions. I'm of the view, I've come into contact with everyone you've come into contact with (so the midwife and sonographer at hospital, I've come into contact with all their patients before me).. and I don't want to chance that spread.

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A little rif for the bf and I. Early days I was concerned but skeptical. My bf was more concerned than I was. As time goes on and the reality has set in, I am 110% on board and doing my part.


I have chosen to not see my sons, seeing they are essential and still working with the public. I didn't realize when I made that decision it would create a dilemma for S and I in regards to his son. His son routinely comes by his house, along with his girlfriend. It's certainly his prerogative and he needs to do what feels right for him. I am quietly considering how I am going to handle now having made the decision to distance myself from my own family, up against the possibility of hanging out with his. His son and girlfriend are still working and being younger, aren't as cautious as those of us who have a few years on them.


I typically spend the weekend at S's. I take note his son is calling incessantly.

Now S has traded places with me. We go to the store and I am the one with the mask and gloves and in return S is rolling his eyes at me and scoffing the whole drill.


I mention to him that my life has impacted in so many ways. I am stuck home alone staring at a laptop. I don't see my family and my job and savings are precarious. My anxiety is high which as triggered my eczema. My hands look like that of a burn victim.


He on the other hand retired young and outside of not playing softball, this doesn't impact his life much. Beaches by our home aren't entirely closed. He could still surf. Though golf courses are closed, people are still golfing?? He's accustomed to home life and just got 3% cost of living increase on his handsome pension. This is nothing more than an inconvenience for him.


I hadn't said a word about his son. Yet the tension built enough that he blurted out hostilely 'you don't want to be around my son!' Though there is some truth to that, I never asked him to not see his son.

Anyway, long story short we cooled off for a day.


I shared with him that I am only doing my part. It's the CDC's recommendation to wear masks and wash your hands. I am not making this stuff up. I can't justify altering my life to this extreme to undo everything just to spend the weekend at his house. It would be great if we were on the same page about this, but I respect that he sees it differently. (now)


So basically I told him, 'you do you and I'll do me'. I would never ask you not to see your son or to wear a mask. But having said this it will put me in a position to make decisions accordingly.


I guess I am mostly annoyed that he seemed to flip his position on this to suit the moment.


He spent the day with his son yesterday and going forward I don't know what to expect. I guess we'll take it day by day.

I am so sorry. This is very stressful for all relationships no matter what they are. I know my husband is not as stringent as I am and balks at “ my rules” for re entering the house after someone has contact with the public. We have had our disagreements.

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So I analogize your situation Reinvent to when my son was a newborn plus there was the H1N1 flu epidemic. I didn't care if people didn't approve of my hygiene or sanitary concerns or my rules restricting who could touch him, be in our home. His health came first. The end. My husband was less protective than me so there was some disagreement. Especially about his parents' access. We're far far more on the same page with this situation - I just had to tweak a few things -like he didn't realize he'd habitually touch his glasses after coming in from a walk or getting takeout.


I think you and your health come first. Where I live we're not allowed really to have outside visitors either. We are not.

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No outside visitors here either. It's just too risky. Many couples who don't live together are just acting like it's a temporary long distance situation for now. There are other ways to connect what would S say to that idea? Would he balk?

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