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Emotional support group Covid19


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Apparently while I was asleep my province made the move to close daycares,libraries,restaurants etc etc Dentist offices are closed. One of my neighbours is still arguing about why she’s not closing her daycare because they’re not forcing not licensed daycare to close. She saying because the parents are essential workers I think she’s full of crap I know the real reason is because she’s supporting her son, her daughter-in-law ,her grandson and her mother also on her income.


I’m sure it’s scary for her but I’d rather not be dead. She’s also in one of the high-risk groups if she gets this disease. Lord help me I’m trying not to judge I haven’t said anything in any of her threads or the Daycare group but.:::

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I left work early yesterday due to my cold getting worse. I am currently sitting on my couch trying to decide if I should go in today. The financial hit will impact me if I don't go in but not too bad. And being a responsible coworker is more important, of course.

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How will all this effect relationships and dating?


It's an interesting question. I suspect it will strain many, while affirming another many: spikes in births, spikes in divorces on the horizon. Dating? Depending on how long this all lasts, we may start seeing the sort of screen-only courtships we admonish on this site in a different light: the rule, rather than the cautionary exception.


Strange times, no doubt. Inhale, exhale. My personal micro rule is to offset the news feed by reaching out to friends and old friends just to say hi, let them know I'm thinking about them, ask a question about their lives.

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It's an interesting question. I suspect it will strain many, while affirming another many: spikes in births, spikes in divorces on the horizon. Dating? Depending on how long this all lasts, we may start seeing the sort of screen-only courtships we admonish on this site in a different light: the rule, rather than the cautionary exception.


Strange times, no doubt. Inhale, exhale. My personal micro rule is to offset the news feed by reaching out to friends and old friends just to say hi, let them know I'm thinking about them, ask a question about their lives.


Yes, good deal. I am giving a lot of thought to keeping family peace and marriage stability and peace during this time. Doing my best....

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Dating? We have been told not go out.


Same as Batya, just trying to keep family happy family harmony with an adult child who thinks this is much ado about nothing.


We have a younger child so we're navigating all of this online learning. Son had a surprising reaction to it but he'll acclimate.

If I were dating I guess I'd meet someone outside for a walk and keep distancing - just to get to know the person in person. At most. We are going out -for walks with plenty of social distancing (and me for shopping and take out food).


I had ordered a new, plush bath mat for our bathroom before this all happened so that bit of "retail therapy" helped LOL

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Great points. Wondering how long it will be before toilet paper jokes make it to late night. Agree it may make bad worse and good better. Many crises do that.

It's an interesting question. I suspect it will strain many, while affirming another many: spikes in births, spikes in divorces on the horizon. Dating? Depending on how long this all lasts, we may start seeing the sort of screen-only courtships we admonish on this site in a different light: the rule, rather than the cautionary exception.


Strange times, no doubt. Inhale, exhale. My personal micro rule is to offset the news feed by reaching out to friends and old friends just to say hi, let them know I'm thinking about them, ask a question about their lives.

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My local grocery store is now having designated hours for seniors to shop and only allowing so many in at a time so we can keep a safe distance. Last week I couldn't even get a parkings spot, once I did i couldn't get a cart so just left.

Here as well, same measures.

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Wow. Looks the same here. Yep, just a week ago food toilet paper etc were things no one thought about.

My local grocery store is now having designated hours for seniors to shop and only allowing so many in at a time so we can keep a safe distance. Last week I couldn't even get a parkings spot, once I did i couldn't get a cart so just left.
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I'm really struggling right now emotionally. I work in healthcare with a very vulnerable population so I am isolating myself for the time being. I have gotten a few "contactless" deliveries and of course, wiping everything down. I may get dragged into the ICU to work with COVID patients. I don't know yet. The uncertainty is absolutely killing me and of course, the isolation isn't helping either.


Thankfully, I am good on TP and such because I shop at Costco and I was well stocked before all of this stuff happened because that's just how I roll. (get it?? roll?! hahaha ahh)


The one thing I am out of is hand sanitizer. I wash my hands at home. I need a bottle for the car. These damn people stockpiling them all - I just need one freaking bottle and I can't find one anywhere and I don't necessarily want to put myself at risk by going store to store looking for one.

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I'm really struggling right now emotionally. I work in healthcare with a very vulnerable population so I am isolating myself for the time being. I have gotten a few "contactless" deliveries and of course, wiping everything down. I may get dragged into the ICU to work with COVID patients. I don't know yet. The uncertainty is absolutely killing me and of course, the isolation isn't helping either.


Thankfully, I am good on TP and such because I shop at Costco and I was well stocked before all of this stuff happened because that's just how I roll. (get it?? roll?! hahaha ahh)


The one thing I am out of is hand sanitizer. I wash my hands at home. I need a bottle for the car. These damn people stockpiling them all - I just need one freaking bottle and I can't find one anywhere and I don't necessarily want to put myself at risk by going store to store looking for one.

I can’t imagine how terrified you must be. Keep posting. We are all here for each other. ❤️

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Though we've sent staff home, they have the option to come in. I used the analogy to my boss: "if you tell everyone the restaurant is open for business then you need to staff the cooks and servers" Seeing you can't possibly count on who out of 200 will show up, a handful of us rotate throughout the offices to see things are taken care of.


It's a slippery slope as we ask our department to volunteer to a rotations, because in my experience millennial's have no problem saying no!! So here I am, second oldest in our department, with an autoimmune disorder and running from office to office making sure things are taken care of. . .super frustrating.


You get in a bind where you can't really tell them to come to work. We'd be liable if they got sick. It's often the old school ,team mentality that escapes this generation. So, they (20 somethings) work remotely, which is a privilege. Hard to babysit them remotely and text them about something they've neglected to respond to for 3 hours.


We've rerouted the switchboard to ring to my teams cell phones. I can monitor the software and see what they are doing. After most of the day yesterday I text someone and asked if she was having phone problems. `No' from that moment on she started taking calls. I don't think she realized that I could see what she was doing.. . .


One of our offices, further up north got a `shelter in place' notification yesterday. It just got really real.


Needless to say this is taking it's toll on me. . in a few different ways.

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I'm really struggling right now emotionally. I work in healthcare with a very vulnerable population so I am isolating myself for the time being


I'm sorry Fudgie. It must be really difficult. (hugs)


If you remember, my son's a fire/medic. He's getting absolutely worked right now. His area is full of nursing homes. They respond and nurses won't let them in without taking their temperature. They come at the paramedics with a thermometer and it turns into a battle of `don't come near me with that and how about I take your temp?' `You called us after all'


That and everyone dialing 911 because they think they have a fever.


It's just looney

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I can’t imagine how terrified you must be. Keep posting. We are all here for each other. ❤️


Thanks I am here for you too. We will all pull through, although I'm not exactly sure when I don't know what it will look like when we are done. I had a moment last week where I just wanted to quit my job and get the hell out to the countryside and just sit and isolate myself and my family and be fine. But I would be leaving my patients high and dry and they are already very sick and at risk and I just can't do that. I also have my own education to consider. I can't just f off and leave.


Got word today of the first death in my city from COVID. I think there will be more to follow. We do not have enough tests and masks are running low in some facilities. We don't have enough ICU beds/life support machines. I fear a lot of people are going to die.

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I'm sorry Fudgie. It must be really difficult. (hugs)


If you remember, my son's a fire/medic. He's getting absolutely worked right now. His area is full of nursing homes. They respond and nurses won't let them in without taking their temperature. They come at the paramedics with a thermometer and it turns into a battle of `don't come near me with that and how about I take your temp?' `You called us after all'


That and everyone dialing 911 because they think they have a fever.


It's just looney


If people call 911 or try to show up to the hospital with mild symptoms, they are told to go back home. Only severe (i.e. breathing difficulty) symptomatic people are being let into the hospital and that's how it should be. But the symptomatic people? We don't have enough tests to test them to see if they are positive and need to be quarantined. So We don't actually know how many cases there are.


I get temp scanned for work now. I'm sorry your son is dealing with that. I would not let a nurse scan my temp unless I see that she/he has alcohol'd that little probe before touching my head with it. He should demand the same.

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Thanks I am here for you too. We will all pull through, although I'm not exactly sure when I don't know what it will look like when we are done. I had a moment last week where I just wanted to quit my job and get the hell out to the countryside and just sit and isolate myself and my family and be fine. But I would be leaving my patients high and dry and they are already very sick and at risk and I just can't do that. I also have my own education to consider. I can't just f off and leave.


Got word today of the first death in my city from COVID. I think there will be more to follow. We do not have enough tests and masks are running low in some facilities. We don't have enough ICU beds/life support machines. I fear a lot of people are going to die.

I am terrified too because I am the high risk population, so is the entire older generation of my families. I closed my daycare.

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Yesterday I went to the hospital for a specialist appointment. I debated going or not, but it was important and so I did go. My anxiety was up there, and I'm relieved to have it done with.

I had talked to my brother about it, he advised to be assertive and insist on certain measures. Sure as anything, they weren't doing it and I did have to insist. Good thing I don't have trouble being assertive, but for those who do or don't know what they need to be doing and just trust others to guide them, they are risking exposure needlessly. And spreading to others.

There was this woman with a newborn infant walking around posing for selfies in front of signs and things. I don't know dudes, that irritated me something fierce.

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Yesterday I went to the hospital for a specialist appointment. I debated going or not, but it was important and so I did go. My anxiety was up there, and I'm relieved to have it done with.

I had talked to my brother about it, he advised to be assertive and insist on certain measures. Sure as anything, they weren't doing it and I did have to insist. Good thing I don't have trouble being assertive, but for those who do or don't know what they need to be doing and just trust others to guide them, they are risking exposure needlessly. And spreading to others.

There was this woman with a newborn infant walking around posing for selfies in front of signs and things. I don't know dudes, that irritated me something fierce.

I am so glad you insisted on safety. The attitude of some young people about this is really irritating me as well. I mean good god what is she doing there with a newborn infant. And posing for selfies I would’ve told her off. Thank God you have more restraint than I do.

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