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Life in the Driver’s Seat (extended)


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Last night I had to race one of my cats to the emergency vet. It seems he was really really full of poop and constipated. He couldn’t even bear to be touched. He was screaming and uncomfortable. They had to sedate him to even examine him. They gave him an enema and kept him until 6:00 AM when I picked him up. He just started taking a few mouthfuls of water and food. I left him at the vet at 12:30 AM and picked him up at 6 AM. I worked all day today and I am just exhausted. I have to keep giving Mr. Kitty a laxative for the next few days or so every 12 hours. He has been pooping every few hours and seems way more comfortable.

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Oh bliss him!! That must've been horrible! Have you been advised to change his food or add anything into his diet? Glad he's doing better now xx


Hey Butters,


He is doing much better this morning. He was ravenous and ate a tin of wet food. He had his laxative again this morning. His brother is no longer hissing at him like a crazy lunatic. And he went and sat on his favourite human all this morning until his favourite human went to work. So he’s comfortable and acting much more himself not totally yet but it’ll get there.


Emergency vet didn’t know whether it would be a one time issue or a chronic issue so I have to follow up with my vet. They might recommend him going to a softer more high-fiber food. Maybe once or twice a week giving him the laxative.

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I am feeling a bit depressed lately. I had a tough discussion with my mom which boiled down to her saying, “ I sometimes find you very difficult to deal with sometimes, especially the things you say. “ “ I love you but you’re difficult. I don’t treat you and your brother the same because you’re different people with different needs. And if I bytch at you in front of people it’s because of the time constraints I don’t have time to bytch at you in private. I may be a tough old bird but I am dying and I hate having these discussions with you it continually drags me down.”


To which I replied to her, “ you’re not the easiest human being in the world all the time either. You are far harder on me than you need to be. “



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It seems this chaga mushroom has given me great sleep. I have gone from sleeping at about 62% to 92%, well according to my watch if that carries any weight. I feel much more rested when I wake up. I had also started a full-blown sinus infection but after 2 cups of the tea one each day the infection was completely gone.

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Next month we will have been married 26 years. ❤️ My mom will be 74 in a few weeks.


I have been having a lot of TN flares lately. I really lucked out yesterday and everybody was gone by 3:55. I was in bed by 4:30 and there I stayed fast asleep till 615 this morning. I think the flare is mostly gone.

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