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Life in the Driver’s Seat (extended)


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So J has been having her daughters over to her place. We both ordered masks from this woman so I drove out half an hour to pick up these masks and then drive them half an hour to her house and her daughter who lives 10 minutes away from this woman is parked at J ‘s house. REALLY? Really??


I am done with this shyte.

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I am getting really really really really frustrated with these protesters. Whether you’re in my country or anywhere if you get the so-called “imaginary illness” please don’t go to the hospital for an illness you don’t believe in. Stay home and be sick there.


I am tired of people flaunting the stay at home orders, like J. She said she’s sick to death of not seeing family and being at home. This disease is deadly yet she wouldn’t work for me when I had stomach flu because you know what she could not take her diabetic meds if she threw up. Wth? But you’ll see your daughter who works full-time still you’ll see your son-in-law who still working full-time and then you’ll go visit your pregnant granddaughter?? Ooooookay.

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I am getting really really really really frustrated with these protesters. Whether you’re in my country or anywhere if you get the so-called “imaginary illness” please don’t go to the hospital for an illness you don’t believe in. Stay home and be sick there.


I am tired of people flaunting the stay at home orders, like J. She said she’s sick to death of not seeing family and being at home. This disease is deadly yet she wouldn’t work for me when I had stomach flu because you know what she could not take her diabetic meds if she threw up. Wth? But you’ll see your daughter who works full-time still you’ll see your son-in-law who still working full-time and then you’ll go visit your pregnant granddaughter?? Ooooookay.


Interestingly, some of the protestors are now testing positive for the virus. And they are complaining that they shouldn't have to quarantine because it violates their civil rights! How about being moral enough to not want to infect other people??


Funny, as you say, that they have become infected with something they claim doesn't exist. How does that work??

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Interestingly, some of the protestors are now testing positive for the virus. And they are complaining that they shouldn't have to quarantine because it violates their civil rights! How about being moral enough to not want to infect other people??


Funny, as you say, that they have become infected with something they claim doesn't exist. How does that work??




I have something else to say but I can’t too political but I am streaming mad about it.


J, I am just civil with but not engaging like I was.

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My SIL is a police officer, and she's been having to deal with more drink and drug drivers this week as people have gone back to normal, despite still being on lock down. It's madness. People think we'll be out of this before end of the month 🙄 not if they keep flouting the rules.


You've had a lot of issues with J over the past year or so.. I hope you don't let her get to you too much, she seems rather self absorbed..

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My SIL is a police officer, and she's been having to deal with more drink and drug drivers this week as people have gone back to normal, despite still being on lock down. It's madness. People think we'll be out of this before end of the month 🙄 not if they keep flouting the rules.


You've had a lot of issues with J over the past year or so.. I hope you don't let her get to you too much, she seems rather self absorbed..

I feel bad for your SIL.


I am starting to believe when people tell me she is out for what she can get.

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I saw a small crowd of people lined up about 2 feet apart at a couple of food trucks near my house yesterday. I am glad the food truck owners are able to make some money, but why no enforcing of social distancing? And none of the customers were wearing masks. Only about 25% of the customers at the grocery store were wearing masks and no social distancing being adhered to. And my zip code has one of the highest case counts in the county. I can see why.

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Sunday is Mother’s Day and the 40th anniversary of my grandmother’s death. It is also the 22nd anniversary of my son’s baptism. Happy and a sad day. Sad that I can’t spend it with my mother sad that my grandmother died in my arms all those years ago.



Happy to be a mother, happy to still have my mother and happy that it’s the anniversary of my son’s baptism.

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My husband’s nervous ticks are driving me around the absolute bend. Some of my father’s nervous tics are the exact same ones and because I hate almost everything about my father it drives me absolutely insane in my husband. Being together 24 seven for almost 2 months not able to go anywhere or do anything except for go for a walk or go for a drive is driving me right around the bend.


It is so bad I’ve had a twitch in my eye for a week.

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