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Life in the Driver’s Seat (extended)

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I think I need a weekend away by myself. Not see anyone not have anything to do not even friends. Hubby is doing well now. Son is ok at home . Just turn my phone off and go and be alone . Tell my mom I will be away and just mute her number . I NEED DOWN TIME. I am irritated with everything. 

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My dad spelled my name wrong purposely on my birth registration to annoy my mom. 🙄🙄Sounds like him. She had picked my name and he was like I will show her and spelled it another way. He added the hyphen. I get that the hyphen was popular in the 60’s though. 

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47 minutes ago, Seraphim said:

My dad spelled my name wrong purposely on my birth registration to annoy my mom. 🙄🙄Sounds like him. She had picked my name and he was like I will show her and spelled it another way. He added the hyphen. I get that the hyphen was popular in the 60’s though. 

I may have told you this already, but one of my coworkers is named Alexis BUT her mom was zonked out on pain medication after she was born so her dad filled out the paperwork. He spelled it "Elexus". He said "What???" when her mom said something about it after the pain meds wore off. It wasn't worth the trouble to get it changed. Another coworker's dad did the same thing except he was supposed to be "Blaise" and his dad spelled it "Blaze". And my cousin named her daughter Phoebe but she spelled it "Pheoebe". She is not a good speller 😆

My great aunt named my mother and I don't think my mom ever forgave her. She strongly disliked her name because everyone got it wrong. But then she gave me a variation of that same name, so...

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34 minutes ago, boltnrun said:

I may have told you this already, but one of my coworkers is named Alexis BUT her mom was zonked out on pain medication after she was born so her dad filled out the paperwork. He spelled it "Elexus". He said "What???" when her mom said something about it after the pain meds wore off. It wasn't worth the trouble to get it changed. Another coworker's dad did the same thing except he was supposed to be "Blaise" and his dad spelled it "Blaze". And my cousin named her daughter Phoebe but she spelled it "Pheoebe". She is not a good speller 😆

My great aunt named my mother and I don't think my mom ever forgave her. She strongly disliked her name because everyone got it wrong. But then she gave me a variation of that same name, so...

Hahaha my name is 10 letters long not including the hyphen so it was hell to learn as a kid… lol. It was done to echo my mother’s . My mom’s name was spelled wrong by either her dad or the English speaking registrar. She figures the registrar because my grandparents had very thick French accents and my grandmother didn’t speak English then but my grandfather spoke some English then and spoke better English after moving to Ontario. My grandmother eventually learned but didn’t speak it as well as he did because he went to work. They both suffered a lot of discrimination and my mom as well. 

I filled out my son’s registration to make sure everything was correct . 

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And it is funny as I have no middle name because my first name is too long I gave my son two middle names. His first name is for him, his first middle name is my brother’s first name and my favourite male name , ever. His second middle name is his paternal grandfather’s first name and my husband’s middle . In the older generations in the UK, your middle name was usually your parent’s first name . And my husband’s grandparents were born under the reign of Queen Victoria so that should tell you how old his parents were… lol. 

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I am exhausted today. I had a really good weekend though. I went to visit my best friend back at our old posting . We went to lunch and then the mall. Later we watched horror movies at her place with her daughter . I slept over and then the next day I picked up 2 new dresses at her niece’s boutique and picked up items I ordered from another woman I know down there. I picked up flowers for the front of my house . 

Sunday I spent with my boys. Monday we had a picnic by the beach and then drove to another location to walk around . Came home and cleaned out the cars and went for a long walk. 

We also booked our vacation and the pet sitter and the house cleaner . Come on July !!

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I had a fabulous sleep last night . I slept almost 9 hours and I crawled into bed at 7:30 after my walk and just scrolled my phone and then nodded off . I think hubby came to bed about 9:30. 

This morning hubby threw his stuff in the truck and hopped in , welllllllll surprise surprise truck doesn’t start. It will turn over but isn’t getting gas. He thinks the fuel pump died so did the tow guy from CAA. I called CAA and they towed it to our local garage . Now we have to wait for that shyte show. Just this month, $1600 for breaks, $600 for suspension, $2200 to fix my van I can’t bring in Friday now . And another $1000 to do my AC. I think in the past 2 years we have had $10,000 in repairs on both vehicles if not more. I am DONE WITH THIS CRAP. 

On a good note Hubby is at 4 days a week starting next week and then two weeks after his surgery he will be full time again after a year .

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48 minutes ago, boltnrun said:

Does it make sense to get a newer car? Here in the US $10k is a great down payment for a brand new car. 

We need two vehicles. They also need to be bigger vehicles because of my son’s sensory issues if he feels cramped he won’t even enter the vehicle. The interest rate is also atrocious right now so I am trying to hold out . 

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Exhausted today didn’t have a good sleep, worried about dropping off my boy and the weekend. 

It is the panel that controls the fuel pump that is broken on the truck. $450. It will be fixed tomorrow and the van will have to be moved to next Friday. 

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