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Life in the Driver’s Seat (extended)

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So our community is coming apart at the seams . Some of the spouses are public servants and of course a lot are not. There is a complete battle going on online and elsewhere. If I didn’t need the online presence for clients seriously I would just not be in that group. And so the strike continues . And lots of jackassery on both sides and shyte disturbers on both sides, inciting hatred in private chat, which I left that group. Unbelievable crap. 

( and auto correct needs to stop making me look like an idiot)

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My mom needs help . She really does. She texts me for EVERYTHING I mean EVERYTHING. Walmart move something in their store in ,Costco moved something in their store. My can opener doesn’t work today. Other than text and looking things up she is very techo illiterate but wants to do everything online. She contacts me hourly about it . It can be her favourite channel went off cable she texts me. ANYTHING , any smallest issue. I am ready to cry I am so overwhelmed. She was like this and I told her she can’t do this so I think she glammed onto her friend but now her friend moved three hours away closer to her own children. It is literally endless. I don’t want to snap on her but she is overwhelming me. I can’t look after kids and have her text me every hour. Plus we’ve had so many issues in our own family. I just can’t handle this.

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I have the worst headache. Baby was dying to fall asleep 1 HOUR after she got here at 8:30 she wanted to fall asleep NOPE. When you did that yesterday you wouldn’t sleep at nap time. Then nap time today she wouldn’t sleep for ANYTHING. It took TWO HOURS to get her to nap. She falls asleep 1/2 hour before nap is over . I have the worst tension headache and now she is SCREAMING, happy screaming while playing. Come get your kid . 

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Can we go back to reporting facts and not the BS social chitchat. Report the facts and let me make up my own mind. THANK YOU. I could have done the entire reporting with more facts and less mistakes than any of those morons on TV. WHAT an eye roll. 

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It is not often I let the past bother me too much anymore . I have made massive strides. However, when I see parents trying to wiggle out of parental responsibility for whatever reason I remember my dad doing the same shizzle and how much it hurt me and my brother . And for what???? So they can chase hiney. 🙄

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