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Am I being unrealistic


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My boyfriend loves to wake me up by honking and grabbing at my boobs and I find this very irritating and it often hurts. I've told him I don't like him waking me up that way and that it hurts and he says too bad he likes to do it. I've tried to compromise with him and have said he can do it whenever but please just don't wake me up that way. Still he says too bad, he likes it and he will do whatever he wants. This can put me in a bad mood when I wake up but even though he knows how I feel about it and the reaction that he will get he still does it and gets mad at me for being grouchy about it.

What do you think about this situation? Is it normal? Is he being selfish or is it me? Any suggestions to fix this?

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I agree with the above. Find something he doesn't like and start doing that and see how he likes it when he asks you to stop and you continue to do that. It's a respect thing. As a guy, you should never stop treating her as if she is very special. Never stop being a gentleman. Never stop dating her.


IS he 5? Do you want to continue to put up with this ?? I wouldn't. Not at all

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A man who hurts you is being physically abusive. It's unacceptable, and you're showing him that you're okay with it because you continue to stick around. I wouldn't stay with someone who doesn't care that he's hurting me. No, it's not normal and I would assume if he doesn't care what you think about this subject, that he doesn't care about your opinion in other areas as well. Is your self esteem really that bad, that you think this is all you deserve?


If he was wonderful in every other way, you could get him to stop by giving him an ultimatum. "Grab my boobs one more time when I'm asleep and it'll be the last time, because it will be over between us." And mean it. You teach people how to treat you. When you don't stop something, you are accepting it.

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Some people can't just help themselves, can they? Getting upset didn't work. Well, then tell him the next time he HURTS you like that, you will not be spending the night with him until he learns he has to be more mature around you. See what happens afterwards and if he starts again, then make do on your word. We have to teach people how to treat us.

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My boyfriend loves to wake me up by honking and grabbing at my boobs and I find this very irritating and it often hurts. I've told him I don't like him waking me up that way and that it hurts and he says too bad he likes to do it. I've tried to compromise with him and have said he can do it whenever but please just don't wake me up that way. Still he says too bad, he likes it and he will do whatever he wants. This can put me in a bad mood when I wake up but even though he knows how I feel about it and the reaction that he will get he still does it and gets mad at me for being grouchy about it.

What do you think about this situation? Is it normal? Is he being selfish or is it me? Any suggestions to fix this?



It's time for a new boyfriend. This one is abusive.


Move out so you don't have to sleep near such a selfish cretin. He doesn't respect you.'


I see no way to fix this if his response to you is that he will do whatever he wants--um, no, not with your body he won't. Your body isn't his to maul for his amusement.


If you stay with someone who isn't treating you well, you cease being a victim and become a volunteer. You've been volunteering for this after he told you "too bad I like to do it".


It really doesn't matter how he is at other times of the day--you've asked him to stop doing something that causes you pain and his answer was pretty much "eff you".

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