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Where will my road lead.

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Hey Piaresssss,


Good to hear from you buddy.


That all sounds great! Loving the "self improvement".


Don't worry about the down times. We are all getting them and it's just part of the journey. Proud of you!


Have a great day at the museum tomorrow. Wrap up and take plenty of pics too! I love a good carvery (so i don't have to cook a full roast! lol)


Yep, the bee one ;)


Keep going my man.

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Been thinking of my ex alot today.


Its okay though. It is the first time i have thought about her properly in around two weeks. I get random moments in the day i think of her but im okay with them.


A bit if good news. My holiday to Japan that i was not going to go on. The other girl im going with messaged me and has arranged it so I wont have to see my ex at all. My seat has been changed and there are extra rooms in the hotel.


So because of that I'm 100% going and am gonna have my own Japanese adventure. Im super excited for it. I know im gonna get lost but thats part if the fun.


Hope everyone has had a good day what ever they have got up to.

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Going at the end of march for 2 weeks. A week in tokyo then a week in kyoto.


Works okay but been so busy doing stuff the job hunt has lost some steam. Gotta get back on it.


My museum visit didnt happen. My friend hurt his leg so we just had lunch instead. We are gonna go some time next week.


Im going to greenwich park on friday. Just me and my brothers dog. Gonna have a nice strole round and just enjoy a bit of nature.


Ive been reading yours and Carus' threads. Alot to catch up on. I am sad. Sad that I am doing so good and you two are both still hurting. Why do i deserve to be happier. Just a little thought.

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Hey Piaressssss,


Never be sad! I'm very happy that you are healing so well!


I will get there.. a few bad days won't undo everything I have got through so far ;)


Keep us updated on the job front.. if it progresses.


It's great that you are busy, seeing people and places.. that is definitely helping add fresh perspective!


I have a few social events coming up, so lots to look forward to :)


Mate, I highly recommend Coco! It's a fantastic film!

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Just a thought....If you're as happy and healed as you say you are, then going on that trip with your ex and seeing her shouldn't matter at all ....right..?




Well, yes and no. Sometimes, it is still like holding oneself close to the flame, even if it doesn't feel emotional. Women and men travel together for business, and generally maintain certain boundaries to avoid getting

too personal.


One can be over one's ex, but still feel attracted. Those boundaries don't exist.


I will never forget seeing an ex, after 30 years. I saw into his soul same as I always did, despite having no attraction or intention. I appreciate how important it is to avoid close association.

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People have commented on it now. Im still happy to just flirt. It brightens my day.


Thanks Sweets. Im super excited for it now. My only problem is every one of my pictures will not have me in or be a selfie and I hate taking them. But all things considered not a bad problem to have.


Im off to greenwich park in a bit. Really gonna enjoy it.

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No doll, you talk to other people around you and ask them to take pics of you, for you!

Problem solved, no selfie lol. I hate taking them too.

Maybe you can arrange certain times/places to meet up with others from the group without your ex and not spend

all the time alone. At any rate, I do hope you have fun. It's a great opportunity.

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I had a really fun day at the park. Was there for hours.


Went to a friends birthday party and had a blast at that too.


Today however I am feeling quite blue. For no real reason. Maybe because I have been feeling so good lately that a down day was inevitable.


Hopefully it does not last to long and I bounce back.

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Today however I am feeling quite blue. For no real reason. Maybe because I have been feeling so good lately that a down day was inevitable.

You answered your own question there buddy....Yes it comes and goes....we all wish it went in a straight line but it doesn't....


And 'no real reason'....? Wow! You really have moved on fast...! ;-)

Hopefully it does not last to long and I bounce back.

Judging by your journey so far I would say one good bubble bath should sort it... :)


Carus must sleep now.......zzzz

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Hey Piaresssss,


Really great you had fun at the park.. You picked a good day too, as apparently the cold snap returns tomorrow?


Anything interesting happen at the party? ;)


There is just no pattern to the moods post heartbreak.. some days are bizarrely just much worse than others! Just need to ride it out and keep busy and the happier thoughts coming! It will work out and you will bounce back, for sure


Very proud of your journey!


..and dear *Carus wins the internet today with his bubble bath comment! ;))

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Haha thanks everyone


I would of had one but to my horror I have run out and forgot to restock. Ill grab some tomorrow.


I wouldnt say I have moved on I just see things a bit more clear than the beginning.


The party was to be blunt a sausage fest. One lady there who had a boyfriend.


I only had downtime today because my friend was ill so my plans went in the bin.


I am still following all the threads as well but so much happens i just read to stay in the loop.

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