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Where will my road lead.

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Im thinking of her still but not as much as I was which is better.


This is pretty good! :-)


Keep doing whatever you're doing cause it's working. To me, this is evidence that your last encounter with your ex ended up doing more good than harm. It removed the hope and we all need that (some way or the other) to start fully healing.


In the cases of yourself, Carus, Sputnik and I, it seems there's always an event that is the turning point. That event that made us realise there's no hope left. Let's observe how your healing changes after that... I can bet it will goes much quicker after that.

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Not yet Sputnik. First on this list when i get a new job.


Thanks Morell. Im getting there slowly, one day at a time.


Which brings me to today. Im still just okay. Still having my down moments but its not the whole day.


Im still lonely sometimes. Thats why I help my brother so much with his dog. She keeps me company and just makes me feel better when around.


Gonna keep ploding along. Job interview tomorrow at 2pm. The thursday interview confirmed today for 1pm.


Its odd. Breaking with the ex has spurred me to grow up. I always said to her i felt my life was at a standstill and never did anything about it. Well now im doing something.


Hope everyone had a great day.

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"Its odd. Breaking with the ex has spurred me to grow up. I always said to her i felt my life was at a standstill and never did anything about it. Well now im doing something".


That's it in a nutshell before. Be the best you can be..


One day she will wonder what on earth she let you go for.. the best part of which if you won't give a to55 by then


The loneliness will go, for sure. Dogs are great for company though.. and more obedient than an 8 year old boy! lol


Wishing you luck for these interviews mate!

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Wouldn't be so sure on that Sputnik. I try and play fetch and she just takes the ball and never comes back.


To todays journal.


I must say im envious. Envious of both Sputnik and Carus. They have a beautiful way of spinning there stories. I was I could articulate how feel in such a way.


I woke up this morning feeling bit down. Mornings do always suck don't they. I wonder why that is.


Well interview at 2.30. Got pushed back but leaves me with longer to prepare so thats good. Just got off the phone with the person who put me through to the face to face interview. Just some prep and it went well.


I will update with the outcome. Fingers crossed.

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Im okay today.


It went okay. Git some good feed back. I got invited to the next step but declined. You know when you just get the feeling when something is not for you.


Im going on another interview thursday. Im trying to get to as many as I can for the experience so when the dream job comes up I am well prepared.

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Congrats mate...and good on you declining that job. Shows you are getting better at taking care of No.1.


You are definitely in the right place to take the actions needed to arrive at the job you want.


"Patience is a virtue" ~ That saying had to come from somewhere*



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Thanks guys took me long enough to pass it


To today


Im feeling really run down of late. Im going gym to help myself feel better and it helps for a while.


The job search is running me down. I dont regret not taking that one the other day because i knew i wouldnt be happy in the role.


The diet is a bit bad at the moment so thats not helping things.


My two close friends are both on holiday so I am not socialising.


I want to meet new people but hours have been cut at work so I cannot do the things I want to like rock climbing to make new friends


I have too much free time of late. Im only working three days a week. Its frustating having so much free time that I could be using to do things but not having the financial freedom to do so.

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Thanks guys took me long enough to pass it


To today


Im feeling really run down of late. Im going gym to help myself feel better and it helps for a while.


The job search is running me down. I dont regret not taking that one the other day because i knew i wouldnt be happy in the role.


The diet is a bit bad at the moment so thats not helping things.


My two close friends are both on holiday so I am not socialising.


I want to meet new people but hours have been cut at work so I cannot do the things I want to like rock climbing to make new friends


I have too much free time of late. Im only working three days a week. Its frustating having so much free time that I could be using to do things but not having the financial freedom to do so.


Things like hikes and walks are free. Many museums are free or very low cost. One thing I like to do (even though I'm not that great at it lol) is gardening. I can buy some plants for under $10 US and try to keep them alive. Libraries have a lot of films that are free to rent.


Anyone else have more ideas?

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Museums are a wonderful idea, especially as you live in London...


There will also be some lovely walks and runs in your area (I run as don't want to pay gym fees.. lol).


Even a couple of hours spent in a coffee house, or library can be bliss.


I often used to get talking to people in these sorts of places too.


There are so many classes and groups you could join, relatively cheap and great places to meet people.


I hope you have a good day buddy.


S x

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Thanks both of you.


I didnt even think of going to museums. I can get to central and back on the bus for £3 so think i'll certainly do that on my day off.


When the weather improves ill take my brothers dog to greenwich park. So many people come up to me when i walk her. She is so fluffy and playful everyone just cannot come over to me


You have given me a lot to think about.


I woke up today feeling better. Best sleep in a while. Think its because I revamped my job search a bit. Have started apllying for graduate schemes as you only need a degree not an experience and I have two so that cant really work against me.

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Ah Piaressss....You're a man of few words but yes, I'm glad to hear you're doin' ok....


Agree with Brother Sputnik...Good to just chat to girls even just to brush up the skills...So long as you're not 'Desperately Seeking Susan' then have fun!


Even over the last couple of months I've been going up to random women and just chatting to them knowing full well nothing would come of it, but just to start getting that confidence back ya know?....Also just to try and bring a little sunshine into their day...Most people are not as happy as they put out to be*


Any news on the job front...?


If you enjoyed yesterdays update on my thread, I'm sure you'll love todays....and hopefully tomorrows lol :)



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