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Where will my road lead.

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So today I reconnected with some friends i have not seen in a long time.


Meeting up with them this friday for drinks and really looking forward to it. I do have a confession. I dont like beer, im a cocktail guy.


First driving lesson tomorrow for a few months and then going to see the greatest show man. Im a sucker for hugh jackman. He just has star quality.


A month no contact today. The thoughts of her lessen each day. It is getting easier.


Been watching a professor on youtube. Jordon Peterson. I dont agree with all his views but he talks about overcoming problems and how to achieve more in life. I would recomend.

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Im not really into it to be honest I have hidden my profile on it at the moment.

I get what you mean about it being worrying. My friend slept with a girl on there and it turned out she was 17. Age of consent where I live is 16 so he didnt break the law but you cant be to careful.

Thanks for the concern though and the interview support 😁.

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Hello Piaressssss,


This all sounds positive buddy. :)


I have to say.. I've made it to 37 without ever looking at Tinder!


Have fun with the cocktails on Friday.. it's great to keep your friends close. I like beer AND cocktails ;)


Ensure you have no way of contacting the ex and have a cracking time!


The driving lessons will be very therapeutic for you I think.


The Prestige is one of my favourite films. Jackman and Bale are mesmerising in it. I saw it last night, for the zillionth time! lol


Very proud of you on the month of NC. Keep it going!


Thanks for the tip. Will check it out.


S x

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Hey Sputnik


At this point in time I have no way of getting in touch with her which im glad about.


I do enjoy my driving lessons. My instructor is a very old Jamaican man who loves to talk. He is very interesting.


I have never seen that, ill give it a watch.


Peterson was actually in the news recently. Had an interview with Cathy Newman on channel 4. Very intersting watch.


I also have finally made plans to go to the natural history museum with one of my friends. Gonna hit up China town after as well.


Hope your doing good

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That's good buddy.


Haha, your instructor sounds funny ;)


Will update my journal tomorrow.. been a long day and gonna watch a film and catch some zzzz's!


I highly recommend The Prestige when you have a chance.. It's one of these films that the more you watch it, the more new aspects of it

come to light..


I like the history museum.. you may as well check in on the science one too, as just next door ;)


Chinatown is great too. I adore their food.


Enjoy the rest of your night mate.


S x

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The Prestige is one of my favourites too! Great film.


I watched another one called Silence recently. Much heavier, but very interesting when we think that even though heart breaks are a tough pain, there are and were people on this planet suffering much deeper and harder pain but dealing with it with class and high spirit.


Keep moving forward Piaresssss.

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Is silence the one with Andrew Garfield?


He is a lovely man. He was telling me today about the roofs in Jamacia being made of tin and the sound of the rain hitting them.


My journal entry for the day.


I feel myself getting better everyday. Chatted today with a friend I haven't spoken to in years.


Minor slip up. Went on my pc today. Was pictures of me and my ex in happier times. Was sad for about 20mins then i felt better. I have moved them to a place I cannot see them, not ready to delete just yet.


I find my need to journal everyday lesson as each day passes. Im not going to abandon it and lurk on here keeping up to date with the threads i follow. Giving in put where i can.


Remeber when I first started up on this forum I was desperate for my ex back. Now not so much. Im never gonna say never but im getting happier.


If I keep getting better at this rate i may even go on that holiday. All for it to come crashing down and me being back at square one.


Im not sure i believed that there was a way out when it first happened but now know that there is.


Peace and love everyone 😁

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hey buddy,


This all sounds so positive. Very proud of you.


I too feel the need to journal daily fading, but I also think that could still change at any minute!


Yes, I am still in the place of being unblocked and not doing anything about it.. I just can't. I guess it's abit like these pictures of you and your ex...It's understandable.


You are definitely making progress..it's clear to see. I would still consider holidays anywhere else instead though.. it's just not worth the risk.


How is the job hunt going?


S x

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P!ease don't go on the trip with your ex.


Remember how you felt after the last time you met up with her? You tried to convince yourself you could handle it and you felt awful afterward.


Please don't undo all the great progress you've made just because you want to have an excuse to see her again.

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I think you may be more upset than you let on oh 'Man of Few Words'...or perhaps you still have some denial going on...


So unless you can convince me otherwise, I too would say do not go on that trip mate....


You saw how much of a wreck I was after a 2 hour lunch! And also what contact has done to a few of your other friends here.....


Bubble Time?



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I actually agree with you all. I would like to say I was joking but reflecting I think there was some truth in me thinking about going. Im not going so I dont mess my progress up.


I do feel so much better lately though. Dont know why. Its so grate to get up ready for day.


Its alwaya bubble time Carus.

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Thanks. It feels so good to be feeling happy at the moment.


Yh left that part out. It is the girl from work.


People have said that she is reciprocating the flirting so who knows.


I went out with those friends i havent seen in ages last night and had a blast. Was a chill night and it went bye so quickly so i clearly enjoyed it.


Just happy at the moment. Gonna hit the bubbles and sleep. Im cream crackered. Next day off is Thursday but going to the museum then so should be fun.

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Thanks guys.


Yh i just had a busy week. Been filling out forms, gym, driving. Watched NFL with the bro. Was a good week.


Have a date next week but im gonna cancel that. Im just not feeling it.


As far as how Im doing. Its good. Im a bit blue at the moment but that happens every now and then. Overall im doing well. A new guy started at work and i get along with him really well. So gonna see if he wants to grab a drink after work one day.


Off to the museum tomorrow and am super excited. Got carvery with people from work on monday then cinema tuesday. Another packed week.


And if you mean my bee one Sputnik. Thank you. Its my favourite one.

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