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Still sick but I rescheduled the interview for tomorrow.


Have plans for cinema tonight. Hopefully I can go.


Feeling blue today. Think being sick and stuck inside is starting to get to me. Haven't been able to get to the gym in a while either, so thats got me down to.


Just seems like everything is getting on top of me at once. Need somthing to make me happy again.


Best of luck tomorrow, and it's good you're getting out tonight.

Have fun, hoping you feel better soon :)

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Im about to get dressed and go out. I find myself feeling sad. Its been 4 months since my break but not even 2 weeks since hope was crushed. Maybe thats why Im sad.


Im just having random thoughts and feelings. One being that i think of her at least once a day and she doesnt give me a second thought and is just moving on with her life. Im not even sure if i miss the relationship or just miss her as a person. What ever it is i gotta let it go.


A few things that are positive. I designed myself a new tattoo today. The three stages of a butterfly life cycle to represent and remind me that change is a natural part of life.


I got a call from the guy interviewing me tomorrow to make sure I was well enough to attend and if I had any questions. Gonna take it as a good sign.

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I've had a pathetic last couple of days.. literally from nowhere it's attacked me.


One thing I do know though is get out and about, spend time with people who care about you. I promise you will feel better for it.


99% of people here are feeling sad I guess, it goes with the territory. This will pass for all, but at different timescales.


Another thing I have learned it is not to try and second guess people or what they are thinking or feeling..If she isn't thinking of you, then she isn't worth your time anyway.


The tattoo sounds really cool.. I may come with you and get my FIRST!


You will nail the interview my man..

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Its does seem to come out of nowhere.


I myself have been hit by anger today. The guy i went to the cinema with told me some things my ex told him.


She had been planning on leaving me for months. Then strung me along for months. Then even had the nerve to ask to be friends.


I am so pissed of right now

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More fool her buddy.. more fool her..


Try and keep any talk of her off limits.. what you don't know, can't annoy you


Did you enjoy the flick?


I booked the wrong cinema 😄


Me and my friend have unlimited cards so dosent really matter. We just grabed some dinner instead.


Im gonna try and stop talking about her as well. It does me no good.


Im just angry and feel like a fool for wasting a part of these last few months on thoughts of reconciliation

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Its does seem to come out of nowhere.


I myself have been hit by anger today. The guy i went to the cinema with told me some things my ex told him.


She had been planning on leaving me for months. Then strung me along for months. Then even had the nerve to ask to be friends.


I am so pissed of right now


Aww :( If I knew that, I would never have told you.

That's like pouring salt in an open wound.


Try not to be so upset. Easier said than done, I know, but let the past be in the past now.

I hope you sleep well tonight and ace the interview tomorrow. #newbeginnings

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Off to my interview soon.


Im really not in a good mood today. Im both angry and sad at the same time. I really want to confront her about it but am not going to. It will achieve nothing.


I just wanna crawl back to bed and lay there all day, nice and warn and maybe have a nap. That sounds like a really nice day. Guess ill just do it when i get home.

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Anger is a phase of grieving a loss... It is good that you're feeling some.


A) Because it shows you are moving through the process.


And B) It's easier to handle than the damn sadness!


I've found when the anger comes, the pain lifts a bit.


Perhaps you could channel a little of that anger into nailing that interview!


eg: "Screw her. I'm getting this job!".....



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My interview went well. Time will tell i guess.


Been wrappee up in bed for a few hours and had a little nap. Been thinking about just random stuff.


Had a brief cry earlier. Was nice just to let some of the feelings out. I have also been taking some tests on the nhs just to make sure im not becoming depressed. That would suck. Been there before and don't want to go there again.


Im not really angry anymore. Just sad that my ex didnt have the respect to tell me the truth. I am a big fan of honesty and to be disrespected like that is going to take alot for me to get over and trust someome like that again.


Other than that im feeling okay. Im still holding firm in the not going on holiday camp. But who knows, i might be a shinning beckon of recovery in a month and be ready but right now it will be a no.

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Well done buddy. Very proud of you. Everything crossed now!


If you need to cry, letting it all out is the best thing.


What did the tests involve?


From painful experience buddy, once someone's mind is made up (even before they end it) the lies can come in copious amount!


I still think your best bet is to take the hit on that holiday and book something completely different and it will also be something to look forward to :)

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I agree with Sputnik(dammit seven tries and that "s" still capitalizes itself!)


Don't focus on what was said, it could have just been hearsay. And people do lie and say

things they don't really mean. Sometimes things are felt yet unsaid to nothurt the other person.

And being a female, I can assure youthat we can be fickle and change our minds 50 times during the day, just like we change our outfits, lol.


Crying is good, it releases the pain. I'm really sorry you're feeling down, but better days are ahead.

Hoping you hear good news regarding your interview :)

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Im gonna try and not talk to anyone about her anymore its just keeping me stuck. The exception being my mum. I talk to her about everything.


Im gonna list a few things i want to do this year. Then in a few months come back to the list and see how i have done.


Learn to drive- I have been learning to drive for years. I can drive i have just never bothered with my test. Well this year im gonna do it.


New job- this is already in motion. Fongers crossed


Start saving to move out or buy my own place- This depends on if i get the job and how well i perform in the role. There is uncapped commission so if im good i can make a lot of money.


Start rock climbing- again this is dependent on my new job


Keep up the gym - jusy need to lose another 3 stone. Ive done 5 so far whats another 3


Go on holiday to Oz- was looking at this today and i can get flight witj everything included for £1002.91. Gonna cut back on some stuff and work more to earn the money so i can do this.


Meet new people- not a new romantic partner but just new people in general. Been a hermit to long. Gotta get out there.


Be happy- This is the most important one to me on this list. Just be happier in my life.

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Great list my man!


I reckon you can definitely get the whole lot done in the next 12 months.. (Oz with *Carus sounds fantastic!)


The job, driving, climbing, gymming (?lol ), new people are all well within your grasp in the next few months.


Yes, the most important one you left 'til last

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Great you're making that list mate. Goals are important and it helps to write them out so you can visualize them*

Go on holiday to Oz- was looking at this today and i can get flight witj everything included for £1002.91. Gonna cut back on some stuff and work more to earn the money so i can do this.

Yep, sounds about right....And don't forget you get free accommodation whilst you're on my side of the island :)

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It got to half 7 and I realised I haven't journaled toady.


All in all, it was an okay day. I got more angry than anything. But didnt really think about the ex for a lot of the day which made me happy.


The girl im developing a crush on was in so thats probably why 😁.


Other than that, still ill. Have plans to go clubbing in camden tomorrow but im probally gonna bail. The flu combined with work just runs me down.


When i got in it was straight into a bubble bath for me and im so relaxed.


Ill chill in the tub for a bit longer then catch up on everyone elses journals.



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Really bad sleep. Feel really ill today.


Work is dragging. Just a bad day for me. Gonna get to the gym tomorrow hoping that will make me feel better.


Im just wanna go home, get in another bubbke bath. They make me feel really relaxed then catch up on some sleep. I woke up about 3 times last night.

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