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Where will my road lead.

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I find your openness and honesty very refreshing buddy. :)


Only way to play my friend. Ive done closed off. Not for me.



Ok, well yes, that is unusual....


Still, if she is now wanting him back that certainly goes a long way to relieving that pain of rejection....


A lot of people actually only want their ex to come back so they can say 'No thanks', and be at peace....


And finally.....Lucky him!


Keep it comin' Piaressss



Im unsure if that is what he wanted but as i say closed book is my brother.


He is very lucky yes. He is doing very well for him self.


And i will keep it coming. Lot to get out.

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Talking briefly about music earlier I brought up a song that is helping me.


Ill put the lyrics in.



"A boy of anguish now, he's a man of soul,

Traded in his misery for the lonely life of the road.

The years were cruel to him no

He won't let them go

Lays awake tryna' find the man inside

To pack his bags and escape this world


I never been so torn up in all of my life

I should have seen this coming

I've never felt so hopeless

Than I do tonight

I don't wanna do this anymore, I'm moving on


He wanted to change the world, to make it all worthwhile.

So he put his pen to paper and poured out everything inside.

He's read the scene and unpacked the man that he had became.

So leave him trailing on the fasttrack to falling into his grave


I can't believe I've come so far in such a time,

And I'm still fighting on my own.

I ed up to catch my breath I may never breathe again, so just notice


I've never been so torn up in all of my life,

I can't believe I let myself breakdown.


I've never been so torn up in all of my life,

I should of seen this coming.

I've never felt so hopeless,

Than I do tonight.

I don't wanna do this anymore


A boy of anguish now, he's a man of soul,

Traded in his misery for the lonely life of the road"


I never really knew what this song was about till i experienced heart break. Obviously like many things such as beauty, art and humour music is subjective.


But to me it sums up the emotions i went through when i got broken up with. That feeling of hopelessness.

Not wanting to feel the way i felt anymore and the ultimate decision to move on.

Turning from the inexperienced boy to a more mature well rounded man.


It may seem cliche but this song really puts things in perspective for me. I have come a long way in these past few months. Alot further than i ever thought i would or could.

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I hope so too buddy.


My legs have been hurting all morning. Turns out i did my shoes to tight. Silly me.


Om a more positive note, some one at work bought me a new game. Was really nice of him.


I am nervous about my interview but if I dont get it, it is okay. Every mistake is an opportunity to grow and learn.

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In my infinite wisdom i forgot to buy shoes. Luckily i can go and do that tomorrow.


To what i really want to talk about. I have decided to 100% cut my ex from my life. Not because she is a bad person but because it is for me. No holiday, no more meet ups, no more anything.


I would block her number but I dont have it. When it comes to the holiday. Im just gonna not show up. That makes me picture a man in a cape. Not sure why.


Might talk to her in the future but not any time soon. At least a year i think.


So plans for the future. Get this new job. Possibly start to save for a flat or house. Go on holiday to the land down under.


Meet a new lady? Not sure about that one. Only time will tell. But all in all have an amazing year. Change everything in my life i need to. Oh and start rock climbing.

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Rock climbing is a great one to work on the glamour muscles and impress women so well done


Congrats on taking that step that's when my healing definitely took a turn and i healed a lot faster. Keep focusing on you, and the new lady will definitely happen at some point it'll just be when you least expect it! And the best thing is, if it fails quickly like most do at the start ( sucks but it's true ) you'll quickly bounce back and realise that you can open yourself up again. I've had a few fails so far but I'm glad for each one


Enjoy Australia too! I'm sure you'll see Carus down there at some point x

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Thanks everyone. I know i made the right decision.


Back to me. Im actually getting sicker. Been in bed all day.


I emailed my interviewee asking to reschedule but if I cannot I will try my best to attend.


Im between a rock and a hard place. I reschedule which looks bad or I go sick and possibly make a bad impression.

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Hey Piaresssss,


Sorry to hear you are feeling worse.


My advice is to see how you feel when you wake up. Sometimes you can go to bed feeling like death and get up alot better after a good night's sleep. If you literally can't get out of bed in the morning, just call them up, apologise and re-schedule.

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Thanks guys i will keep you updated.


I did go out and get my shoes. Put the full suit on today and didn't even recognise myself in the mirror. Was quite the transformation.


Im feeling a bit better mainly because i sleept most of the day.


A side from being sick. It has been an okay day. Been a bit blue but i think thats because i haven't really been able to get out and do alot.

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Still sick but I rescheduled the interview for tomorrow.


Have plans for cinema tonight. Hopefully I can go.


Feeling blue today. Think being sick and stuck inside is starting to get to me. Haven't been able to get to the gym in a while either, so thats got me down to.


Just seems like everything is getting on top of me at once. Need somthing to make me happy again.

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