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I sent him a message and he replies with an emoji


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I'm beginning to think I should just give up and move on. I recently started liking this guy at work and while we're at work he flirts, makes eye contact, says my name a lot. So I added him on fb a couple of months ago. He never initiates conversation outside of work and I've only messaged him twice before. Nothing major. So Friday night, we get off work at the same time, which is rare and I'm waiting for my ride and he suddenly comes over and sits across the table from me. It's a small table meant for two people so I didn't expect to have company while I waited to be picked up. So we talk for a while before he says he has to leave because he needs to get some sleep. He asks me if I'm working tomorrow and then he heads off. Saturday I left early and tonight he got off before me and he left. So I sent him this message I was hoping to talk to you after work like we did Friday, but you were gone before I could clock out. Maybe some other time…" and he sent me a thumbs up. I guess he was tired but idk. It doesn't bode well. He seems disinterested. I'm beginning to think its a waste of my time. I know relationships take time to build but conversation is important. And so is effort...

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Agree he sounds more friendly than interested in more. One click emoji is ok as far as friendly coworkers but would be lame if he were interested I sent him this message I was hoping to talk to you after work like we did Friday, but you were gone before I could clock out. Maybe some other time…" and he sent me a thumbs up.

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That's why texting is kinda lame for contact.

Actually dialing a number and talking is much more personal, and shows more interest.

Or actually talking in person! Seems that goes by the wayside too sometimes

Social media, texting, email.....it all leads to mixed feelings and communication.


Anyway it sounds like he's just a co-worker/ friendly, not interested in pursuing anything.

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That might be the case but he's also shown signs of interest. *This is going to be a bit long, so bear with me.* We work at a restaurant and he works back of the house most of the time and I'm a server. I never initiate conversation with him because I'm usually busy and focused on work by the time he gets in. When things slow down at work, if he sees me in the window or when he comes to the front he'll greet me and then proceed to say my name a million times during our shift. Whether I'm in the window or out on the floor serving food, he's saying my name or talking about me. He teases me often and he makes sexual jokes. He's made jokes like that with other girls too but he does it most often to me. It got to a point where I told him via FB that he shouldn't joke like that if he isn't interested. And I guess he misunderstood what I meant because he brought it up at work and said it would be hard not to joke with me. So I told him he could joke just not that way. I had recently gotten out of a 6 yr relationship and I didn't want to read too much into his flirting but I never explained this to him. He brought up the subject a couple more times and I told him he misunderstood what I meant but I still didn't elaborate. During one conversation on the subject, he said something I don't quite understand. He said that I should let things develop naturally. I don't get what he meant. I asked him what he meant by that and I never really got an answer. He looks at me a lot and he watches me while I work. He's made physical contact a few times and he stays pretty close to me. If I'm talking to another guy, he comes over and starts a conversation or jokes about me leaving him for the other guy. One day in particular he was working up front with me and we had a busy lunch service so he ran food with me. After things slowed down a bit, I went outside to clear a table and he follows me outside and sits down at the table and tells me he's there to provide moral support and motivation. Then I'm at waiting on an order and he stands next to me. I look at him and we lock eyes and then he stares at me with an intense expression on his face. I'm not sure what to do so I laugh and ask why he's looking at me like that. He smiles and turns away. Maybe he does just see me as a work buddy but I'm not sure. I'm not very experienced in these matters. He and I are a year apart. I'm 26 and he's 25.

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This sounds like my working relationships with some of the ladies here at my job, just without the sexual joking side, as I don't go there. I guess some could think I might be flirting with them, but in reality I am just trying to make my days somewhat fun and making them laugh. I can be a bit of the clown.


This guy sounds the same, perhaps with the added sexual jokes as well. The fact that he does not do it outside of work would suggest that it is just relating to work.

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People flirt and banter at work all the time. Unless he is asking you for a date, it means nothing. Since he has direct access and plenty of opportunity to ask and hasn't, I'd write him off as a potential date and just treat him as the funny, raunchy, flirty co-worker that he is. Makes the shift go by faster and that's all.

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Flirting is fun for him in general. If he were interested he would ask you out, not make sexual jokes. This tells you he's open to hooking up with you and other women at work, but not interested in you for dating.

He teases me often and he makes sexual jokes. He's made jokes like that with other girls too but he does it most often to me.
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It sounds like he just considers you a nice coworker and you put so much weight and emphasis on your conversation because you are crushing on him. He asked you if you working saturday to assess who he was working with, not because he wanted a date. Take him off your radar and take him at face value. If you want a boyfriend try meeting guys outside of work

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I have never once in my entire life been out with a group of guy friends where one was sad and upset because a girl only wrote him an emoji....


Guys think a LOT differently than women....We communicate differently.....


Just relax a bit....you could always suggest you both meet up sometime and see what he says.....

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Well thank you all for the advice. I do appreciate it. I will take a step back and just go to work like I did before. I do tend to over analyze things so i'll try not to do that any more. Maybe we'll develop something or maybe not. But I'm hopeful that after six wasted years in one relationship I can find something better.

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