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New Car Recommendations?


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Hi all - I'm going to need to get a car for a new job. I've never had a car! (I'm such a city girl!!) What do you guys recommend? I was thinking about leasing a car. The salary comes with a monthly car allowance on top of my base pay. I have been driving in my friend's Honda SUV and I like a few of the features he has, including the rear-facing camera and it beeps when someone is in your blindspot. I also have been driving in a 4-door sedan. I do like that I can see higher in the SUV.


What safety features do you like and what would you recommend?

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Is the monthly car allowance enough to buy? You could finance a slightly used, slightly older car (decked out with features that you want) and when it is paid off, you can pocket the car expense money.


Leases come with mileage fees and when your lease is up, you don't own the car. I have some friends that lease. It seems like a waste of money to me unless you get a SUPER good price on a lease and/or you're not planning to keep that car for that long.

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Wow, $600 is a lot!


I have a Honda Civic and I love it. It's reliable, somewhat sporty, and small-ish so it's easier to drive. When I bought it my payments were about $280 a month. That plus insurance ($110 a month, ish, depending on your city) and gas (how long is your commute? I got as high as $75 for a daily 30 minute each way commute) would give you some extra cash for repairs/maintenance/tires/whatever.

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My commute will be variable. It's a traveling position, so some days I will be working from home, some days I might be driving to the suburbs, some days I might have to take a plane or train. My future manager said that it's easy to go over the maximum mileage when you have a lease. My thought is because I live in the city, I will probably not be taking a car too often unless it is for work. If I have to go to a site within the city, given how difficult parking can be, I'd rather take a Lyft or the bus.

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It's hard to say whether you would go over the maximum mileage on a lease or not since this is a new job and you didn't say how much you'd be traveling with the car. I still think that buying is best but definitely do a lot of research and go with what makes you feel comfortable.


For me, I have a Honda Fit and it fits my needs perfectly. I've had that car a long time and intend to keep it in good shape.


If you do decide to buy, find a trustworthy, good mechanic. Easier said than done but they are worth their weight in gold.

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Yeah, I have a lot to learn in a short amount of time!! I guess that the $700 is probably more like $500 after taxes. My friend was telling me I should lease so I don't have to pay for repairs, but then another friend said that isn't true. I'll probably have to go to some car dealerships.

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What are the driving conditions? Up north? Get AWD. If winters are bad and you need to see clients then it's a must have.


Also, in regards to leasing vs. buying. Eh this is tough. I mean there will be mileage allowances for the year. i.e. 12k, 15k etc. But if you're going to use it for work, then you could go with the higher "allotment" and probably never meet that.


If you think you'll want to upgrade to a new car in the future leasing must be your answer. However, if you plan on keeping it then buying it making an investment will be your way to go. I would contact some banks and talk to them for specific leasing options.


As for brands, up north you see a lot of people with Subarus since they make some of the best AWD drive systems. Honda and Toyota are also very reliable.


Hope this helps.

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Never get a lease. Buy a pre-own. If you don't need the car anymore you can always sell it. Make a profit on it.


I despise Hondas. Very cheaply made, especially if you get into a wreck. I had a friend who worked at a Honda dealership in the mechanics department and have seen many of their cars be declared totaled. I've had my mustang driven off the road and slammed into a deer... Completely fixed, not totaled AND still sells for a high value. For something with almost 150K miles, it still runs extremely well. I can take it to 250K


Stick with Ford or Dodge. Their cars are better made and parts for repairs are cheap. Stay away from imports. I've never had severe mechanical problems with them.

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Never get a lease. Buy a pre-own. If you don't need the car anymore you can always sell it. Make a profit on it.



I agree with this - My very close friends had lease cars with their business - with all the additional charges the costs were not worth it. (mind you I'm in NZ so could be completely different thing here)


I have a VW Golf Wagon, (Sadly I have had a lot of issues with it stupidly fell for an import, thank goodness for Warranty!) - it's a great size and gets me and my two 6ft+ Hefferlump teenaged boys everywhere including camping (we do a lot of km's)


I loved my last Subaru.. have had 2 in my lifetime with no issues at all - (Outbacks and XV - the new CrossTreks are verrrrry nice!, esp if you are thinking of driving in snowy icy conditions). -


I'll never buy brand new again (I'm not a big spender) I usually get them with 25,000 km's (40ish-k miles).


Good luck!

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You can leverage a little with a lease. Sometimes you can get another car manufacturer to buy you out. My boyfriend did this. The trick is the agreement that you sign. Know what your usage is, and what you are getting into. Dings and dents can add up, and the mileage limits can be unrealistic.


I avoided a lease when I bought my car in 2015, but now that I know my mileage and usage, I see that I actually would have done better to lease. Unfortunately at the time, I had just moved and wasn't comfortable with the uncertainty of my commute. I felt buying was the least risky option, and was also able to get 6K off MSRP. It was too tempting to pass up.


But my payments with a lease would still be lower.

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i can see myself getting a car that is used, but only a few years old from the dealership. I don't want to buy an unknown car off of craigslist, then just spend money on it fixing it all the time. I was just talking to a friend last night who told me he did just that and it was nothing but a headache. Or I can see myself getting a leased car, because I really have no idea what I want in a car other than I want it to be safe in a crash, have safety features, and come in a bright color, lol, so people can see me and I can find it in a crowded parking lot. I seriously know nothing about cars. I would like a hybrid car if it is within my financial range. I also like supporting the American economy and getting an American car. I don't know if any of this exists in 1 package. I need a buzzfeed quiz for "what car should you buy"?


It snows occasionally here, but not so much. It rains a lot.

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I love my Subaru. It handles so well in snow.


It does have the rear camera, which is so helpful.


I bought it new a year ago, and I have not had to do any repairs of course. I will have this car for many years to come.


My payment is $655 per month, but that is only because it is a zero interest loan.


A friend bought her Subaru the week before I did, and she has the lane change warning system.


My only regret- I wish I had bought a hybrid car. I hear Subaru has a hybrid model now.


I did my research for a year through Consumer Reports. Subaru and Toyota last a long time.

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Get a Chevrolet 2500 or 3500 HD lift it about 6" put 44's under it and a ranch hand brush guard. That way in the city of some body gets in your way you can either just run over their little car or push them out of the way. Safety features your bigger than 90% of passenger vehicles if you have a wreck unless it's with a semi you will have the least damage

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Never get a lease. Buy a pre-own. If you don't need the car anymore you can always sell it. Make a profit on it.


I despise Hondas. Very cheaply made, especially if you get into a wreck. I had a friend who worked at a Honda dealership in the mechanics department and have seen many of their cars be declared totaled. I've had my mustang driven off the road and slammed into a deer... Completely fixed, not totaled AND still sells for a high value. For something with almost 150K miles, it still runs extremely well. I can take it to 250K


Stick with Ford or Dodge. Their cars are better made and parts for repairs are cheap. Stay away from imports. I've never had severe mechanical problems with them.


That Honda comment simply isn't true. When mine was totaled, it was because it retained its value so well that the insurance company did better selling it at auction than repairing it as payout. Hondas are excellent - which is why my parents still drive my 1990 civic with 220,000 miles.


Every car has pros and cons. I personally don't like Subarus. But everyone has their opinion.


Moral of the story - research your car before you buy it.

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Get a Chevrolet 2500 or 3500 HD lift it about 6" put 44's under it and a ranch hand brush guard. That way in the city of some body gets in your way you can either just run over their little car or push them out of the way. Safety features your bigger than 90% of passenger vehicles if you have a wreck unless it's with a semi you will have the least damage


hahaha. Actually, most of my fear is hurting someone else, like a bicyclist or pedestrian. I swear, people are insane. I see moms with their strollers and young kids jaywalking in the middle of the busy street, bicyclists going the wrong way, not stopping, I even saw a segway on the road last week. I'm a really new driver and they are trusting my skill levels far too much if they think I will always be able to see them and avoid them!


I was taking a driving lesson today, I got honked at 3 times, I'm not sure what I did wrong, probably nothing except that I wasn't driving fast enough for them (mind you, we were on a street that has a stoplight at every block, a bike lane, lots of businesses and pedestrians, so it's not like racing to the stop light in this neighborhood gets you home any faster). I get honked at when I wait 4 seconds at a stop sign, because my driving instructor makes me.

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hahaha. Actually, most of my fear is hurting someone else, like a bicyclist or pedestrian. I swear, people are insane. I see moms with their strollers and young kids jaywalking in the middle of the busy street, bicyclists going the wrong way, not stopping, I even saw a segway on the road last week. I'm a really new driver and they are trusting my skill levels far too much if they think I will always be able to see them and avoid them!


I was taking a driving lesson today, I got honked at 3 times, I'm not sure what I did wrong, probably nothing except that I wasn't driving fast enough for them (mind you, we were on a street that has a stoplight at every block, a bike lane, lots of businesses and pedestrians, so it's not like racing to the stop light in this neighborhood gets you home any faster). I get honked at when I wait 4 seconds at a stop sign, because my driving instructor makes me.


In that case, I would recommend something small.


And, at least in my experience, people only honk for extra annoying/bad things. Did you ask your instructor what they thought?

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