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How to tell a guy hes not that great at kissing?


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Tell him, and show him how you like to be kissed...


Some women like "terrible kissing". Some women encourage it. Some guys honestly just don't know what they're doing. Blah blah why don't guys read minds!?


Every woman is different, and no guy intentionally sucks at being close with you.


Truth is I had to tell my girlfriend that making out with her was awkward... Turned out she felt the same and thought about leaving me because of it... Essentially we were just following each other...


We laugh about it now.


But seriously, communicate.

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I wouldn't tell him he's "terrible" at it. I would simply tell and show him what I like. If there's anything specific that he's doing, I would also say I don't really like that (show him if you have to, if he doesn't know what you're talking about). My boyfriend wasn't terrible at kissing when we first started dating but wasn't great either, there was one thing in particular that I didn't like. So I told him what I preferred, showed /demonstrated to him what exactly was the things I didn't like (he asked me to, so we kissed as we would and I stopped him right when he was doing that thing to say that is what I was referring to) and he changed it. So now he's an awesome kisser.


Communicate in a respectful, sensitive manner. His reaction will also tell you a lot about him.

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I kissed a guy many years ago that I could only describe as the worst kiss of my life.

It was a one off and with a friend and we both knew it was just a silly drunken act.

Fast forward 15 years, still friends with him and his wife. I'm sure she enjoys his kissing lol

I think there are people that are naturally compatible when it comes to kissing and others need to develop some compatibility.

But kissing is important and very intimate.

He isn't a terrible kisser , it just isn't your style or to your liking.

As everyone said, communicate. But be nice about it. Down the line it will be important when intimacy develops so start the communication now.

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Ewe... personally I wouldn't date a guy who was an awful kisser. I dumped a guy who was a really bad kisser in the past because his lips were as soft as a baby's butt. I know that sounds really terrible, but I my standards are high.


Either you teach him or it's a bust. This is a communication issue.

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Give it a shot, but I've never had luck with adjusting my own kissing style or that of another. There were two guys I dated somewhat seriously and it never got any better with either of them, unfortunately.


But I do agree with those saying it's not necessarily terrible. Just not what you like.

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If you feel it's indicative of chemistry or sexuality and this is off-putting all you can do is mention it, avoid it or stop seeing him.

I've recently been on a couple dates with a really nice guy, we've hit it off pretty good but...Yesterday he kissed me, and we continued to kiss for a bit. But hes a horrible kisser?
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I have been in your shoes a few times with women. You kiss and the whole time you are thinking "what is she doing" "what am I supposed to do with this"


He may think he is a good kisser and if you can bring yourself to tell him "I like to be kissed this way" and then show him.


I have been told many many times that I am a great kisser and it is my favorite thing in fact but if a woman I really liked told me she would like it if I did this a little differently and we both enjoyed it I would follow her lead. Just like giving oral you have to be open to direction because everyone likes it differently.


Kissing to me is a very intimate thing and is definitely a deal breaker if it just isn't working between us.


Be brave, be bold and guide him to what you want. He will appreciate it.



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Tell him you read an article about kissing in Cosmopolitan magazine and want to try it with him. Give him directions. How I miss the kissing of my first true love (when we were teens). He wouldn't have made a good lifetime partner which is why I dumped him, but nobody has topped him in that dept. since.

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I love kissing. My ex that is. And here I thought he'd be a terrible kisser! lol I went MANY months before kissing, because of it.


Now my ex fiancé....he kissed gentle. Never passionately. So one time, I said, "Why don't you kiss me like this?"...and I kissed him, what I thought was passionately, and he said..."Owwww...you hurt my lip!" lol


Now this last ex...wow...I've been left with bruises on my lips.


I sure will miss it!

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