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What's annoying you today? Part 2


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What to do with these people who once upon a time did not want anything to do with me and my son, who now are so hungry to be a part of our lives. I am trying to be the better person, the bigger person, but oh my god did they make me angry today. And then I felt guilty for that, which in turn made me angry all over again.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Don't they know better? Like seriously.


Pass the peanuts.


i already ate the NicNacs but you can have the salted ones.


i mean yeah, MONDAY night?? thanks a lot, dummies. i'm totally gonna watch that until 4 hours before i have to be up. smh.


you hate noises too? i'm not so sensitive every day but darn some days everyone does everything loudly. they drop objects with a thud, drag their chairs, sigh dramatically, and everyone and their uncle has some heavy machinery they want to run in unison like some sadistic little philharmonics.

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and everyone and their uncle has some heavy machinery they want to run in unison like some sadistic little philharmonics.




So what shows are on Monday?



If I'm having a rough day, I usually just want to be alone. So if I'm out and someone starts belching loudly, or making random noises it can be irritating.


Just remember every philharmonic is a symphony, but not every symphony is a philharmonic.

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I had to change emails because the notifications I get from this site when someone replies to me keeps going to my spam box. I have Gmail and thinking about getting rid of it.


Just curious ... why would you need notifications in the first place? Can you not simply check your threads?

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they moved the big bang theory. i watch reruns. only show i watch. not much of a telly fan otherwise. it was great when it was on saturdays, i didn't feel bad for watching it for hours.


i'm annoyed with ppl who work with vulnerable ppl and are so unpleasant they put folks off from seeking more help.


new neighbours are kinda loud too, speaking of cacophonies. but at least they're not trying to kill eachother 24/7 like the previous couple.


the world needs a gong to signal half an hour of silence three times a day.

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