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Last movie you watched?, Part 2


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Don't Breathe.


Just don't, seriously skeeved out with the worst line in a film I've ever had the displeasure to hear. I actually laughed at the most absolutely inappropriate time, because it was just so stupid in the context of what was happening. I just...yeah I could not take the film seriously after that.


Talk about killing one's suspension of disbelief.

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Star Wars: Rogue One. Liked it better than The Force Awakens.


Less safe, less Disney-ish, and less fan-service-y.


I'll disagree on that last point, fro my point of view there were a few too many throwbacks in Rogue One. But an enjoyable movie regardless.

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I'll disagree on that last point, fro my point of view there were a few too many throwbacks in Rogue One. But an enjoyable movie regardless.


See I thought the were more subtle than in TFA. I might have to watch TFA again, but it kind of felt like South Park 'Member berries the last time I saw it haha.

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The Big Short.


Alas, I do not understand high-finance, and the movie didn't make it much clearer. I do get the housing bubble and was baffled watching it take place. I had a friend around 1990 who predicted that the financial world was in for a big collapse. I don't know what she saw, or how soon, but eventually it happened.


A note about watching the movie: it has some text on screen that I suppose adds to the story, but I could not read it on my small screen, and it would have meant getting up from my cozy spot to walk to the DVD player to decipher.

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Five stars. Hits on all fronts and would have failed in lesser skilled hands of all kinds. Writing, directing, editing, acting all required subtlety and confidence to succeed. They created an excellent film. One i would use in a film making class as well as in a study of cultural influences. Brilliant piece of work.

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13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi.


Wow, that one would be worth seeing in the theaters and it made me understand what went down there, really. Even though the CIA says certain things don't happen the book the film is based on, and the men who were there, say yes it did happen pretty much like that.


It makes me realize how silly our little problems are, they had to survive the world literally exploding around them out of nowhere. Incredible.

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