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HELP! Very short but Shocking situation


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Ok, I did something really really stupid and I have no idea how to tell my ex husband about this. Here it goes:


Because my husband was stalling on signing the divorce papers I stupidly whilst angry I Signed his papers myself. The court hearing is in a few weeks and he has no idea. I feel soooo stupid and sad and angry at myself because now there's no turning point and I have no idea how to tell him what I did. We're still friends, I always act friendly with him ask him how he's doing etc... and I think he may think there's hope because he doesn't know the evil thing I did...


Please Tell me what to do... How can I fix such a huge mistake ... Don't call the authorihies on me lol

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Well you'll probably need to get those papers cancelled and get your ex-husband to actually sign them. Maybe don't tell him what you did just yet but see if you can get them cancelled first and then pretend you're just asking him to sign rhem again. I think he could potentially be pretty angry that you did this so maybe just wait until you speak with your lawyer to do anything further.

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Ok, I emailed and rang the courts and I may be able to fix this hopefully... I'm so very stressed!!! If I can't adjourn it indefinitely I might have to withdraw the entire divorce and restart preceedings all over again and pay the costs from scratch!


i don't have a lawyer cos I can't afford one but if I can adjourn or discontinue the divorce claim before the court hearing date which is in 2 weeks I'll do things right from scratch! I sent my ex the papers to sign immediately and if he does then NO ONE will know what I did and I'll just say they've stated the hearing on this date end of story. But I spoke with my ex today and he seemed very upset and NOT ready to deal with divorce So I don't know why I was in such a hurry since obviously I am still in contact with him and care for him so even as a friend I should allow him the right to sign his own papers and the time he needs... I do blame myself for doing this but I mostly blame the system... Please God let this just work out in my favour otherwise


My heart is aching so much and to make things worse it's my birthday! I really need help cos I am VERY VERY confused about my situation. It's like I don't want the marriage but I want him in my life somehow still, WHY? There wasn't much of a marriage anyway so why am I feeling this way? And I'm the one who left him but it breaks my heart every time I think how much I've hurt him by my leaving... I left because there's no future that I can see with him and perhaps we grew apart... Anyway, I pray I can still save the mistake I did


No he didn't have to have a notary

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I don't have attorneys and I don't have time to see an attorney as I have to fix this in a couple of weeks MAX! So stop it! I am able to discontinue with parts or all proceedings or adjourn and use that time to withdraw parts of the proceedings but it's not over until it's over and I 'm locked up! So don't stress me out more than I already am... I have a job interview tomorrow afternoon and I think I'm gonna suck cos my mind is all over the place and you're all not helping the situation!

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Neither the system nor the posters here caused this problem. You did. Get to the corr house today.


You blame the system? Divorce without a lawyer only works when both parties agree to it. The syst is working correctly. Hence...fraud and forgery laws attach when someone forges someone else's name.

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I don't have attorneys and I don't have time to see an attorney as I have to fix this in a couple of weeks MAX! So stop it! I am able to discontinue with parts or all proceedings or adjourn and use that time to withdraw parts of the proceedings but it's not over until it's over and I 'm locked up! So don't stress me out more than I already am... I have a job interview tomorrow afternoon and I think I'm gonna suck cos my mind is all over the place and you're all not helping the situation!

Nothing like taking responsibility for your own actions. Then asking for advise and then asking us not to stress you out with the truth.


Yes... stop the proceedings and perhaps you should wait to re-file them since you seem to not even want a divorce to begin with. Why did you break up with this man that you can't leave out of your life?

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Wow. First off you should come clean to your stbx. No idea what you were thinking, but if anything this should send a clear message to him that you want that divorce finalized...obviously. You will need a lawyer to fix this. Get one. Stop freaking out because it helps nothing.


Maybe after coming clean to your stbx he will just say screw it and keep the forgery in place? Idk.... but you definitely messed up big time if he doesn't work with you, and you will need to fix this or face possible jail time or at least a hefty fine which may very well be more than what you would pay to a lawyer to fix it for you. Divorce is not a game. And when you treat it like one, you get screwed.


True story: My ex-wife was almost held in contempt and thrown in a holding cell for reading a Glamour magazine in court while we were waiting for our turn (it still makes me smile when I think about her face when she got scolded in front of the court and all the people in there by the bailiff lol). So that should give you a bit of perspective regarding what would be done with you if you forged a legal divorce document, filed it, and had the judge and all of the court employees and lawyers show up under false illegal pretenses. No Bueno. Fix that or be foooked in the bung holeyo by the long dong of the law.

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I don't have attorneys and I don't have time to see an attorney as I have to fix this in a couple of weeks MAX! So stop it! I am able to discontinue with parts or all proceedings or adjourn and use that time to withdraw parts of the proceedings but it's not over until it's over and I 'm locked up! So don't stress me out more than I already am... I have a job interview tomorrow afternoon and I think I'm gonna suck cos my mind is all over the place and you're all not helping the situation!


Stop what? You did a crazy stupid thing and people are only trying to help you see how serious it is! You got yourself into this mess. Don't blame anyone else!!!!

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If you are not able to get it cancelled, then it would be wise of you to discotinue the whole thing and start again. You're complaining about the cost of it, well, it's a HECK of a lot better than you ending up with a CRIMINAL RECORD.


Yes, you did a dumb thing. And yeah, sometimes dumb things cost you to fix them. Live and learn. If you don't have a lawyer and don't have time to see one, cancel the whole thing and then start over from scratch and chalk it up to a lesson learned. Don't do dumb things when you're upset.

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Ok Everyone! I've had the worst day in hell though it is my Birthday!


I cancelled the whole thing! I feel sick about it! sick sick sick! However, I would have definitely gotten away with it cos my ex can't even attend court since he lives in a different state but that's not why I cancelled it! I withdrew my application today because It's very low and dirty for me to do what I did- apart from it being illegal and criminal. My ex married me the honorable way I should end it honorably. I takes less than 6 weeks to apply and divorce so why did I rush and why the courts were rushing me I have no idea! the downside to this is that all the months I spent worrying and filling out papers are gone to waste and now I have to do all of it again. But worse, my ex husband has hope even bigger hope than before and all I ever want is to be friends only. Why do we have to label ourselves in life? Why is it we have to be 'something' to someone to see them, speak with them, love them, hang out, spend time with them? Why all the labels whether friends, married, engaged, divorced, separated what does it matter? I was married for years and never consummated it so what does that mean? what's the label for that? There are two events that happen in life that mean something and EVERYTHING in between is a big fat lie, just a waste of time. Those events are: Being Born and Death... Everything in between never matters at the end of the day, no one is escaping from these events cos one has happened the other will no matter what so what's the rush? And the system for adding pressure...

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