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His excuse does not make any sense to me lol! The slope is created by the mud, which should be applied so that it slopes toward the drain. Whether the tile is 3/8” or 1/4” is irrelevant. No matter what the thickness of the tile is, the top of the tile will be parallel to whatever slope he created with the mud. But it’s not worth arguing over if he fixes it!


Things kinda went sideways yesterday. I am not sure I want to relive it all here in writing, but he basically told me he was done.

Mind you he's patched walls by having to center the vanity lighting and removing the old medicine cabinets, per my request. The initial conversation he said it would involve `patch and texture'. I agreed and I understood it was billable.


Now he thinks he's done but both bathrooms have random skim patch from both of the above mentioned and the tiling. Him stating in text that he felt `he did me a favor because my walls weren't straight' Uhhm. . Walls are rarely ever straight or plumb, so this one doesn't get past me either.


When purchasing the vanities he asked with handles I preferred. In the text he now states I need to go the supply where house to retrieve them along with the mirrors he offered to pick up himself. Mind you, he offered. He added that this all `time consuming' Ok. . I totally get that, but don't offer and don't blow it off it the end.


When he quoted the job would take approx 20 days and he says he's now done on day 14? I did originally agree to paint the bathrooms myself after he told me `he doesn't paint' But both bathrooms are now a hot mess of skim patch and old orange peel texture and not in any condition to paint. So I am hire someone else to come and straighten that out??


(I guess I am telling the entire story here anyway . .grrrr)

We are having this convo over text while I am driving home.

In addition I told him I noticed the grout was not sealed and would he be returning to do that? He replies - it is not in the scope of work.

I google the manufacturers grout he used and it needs to be sealed.


So basically, when I hired someone to remodel my bathroom I took it for granted that I need to state `I need someone to remodel my bathroom to completion'


The text exchange was almost comical. My 2 texts of a couple questions compared to his 8 responses. At one point he writes, "I deliver everything I put in writing" That leaves some obvious things open to interpretation that serves his purpose at this point. Too bad for him I still have half of the money due :)


My non responses to his last 6 texts must have made him nervous. I didn't respond because I was too angry and thought better of it. Not to mention I was driving. Add in I found him on Yelp (social media) and it's a pretty powerful resource that he gets most of his biz from. He knows I could hurt him a couple different ways at the moment. ADD IN that his next job is around the corner from me. If I was that crazy kinda person I could go have a chat with my new neighbors :) but I won't because I am not that person. (sometimes I wish I was)


Late last night after I hadn't responded to has last 6 texts, he volunteers he'll return on Monday to install the mirrors, handles, fix the skim patch and seal the grout, as a `favor to me' I still didn't respond. What he doesn't know is I am considering being there Monday morning when he shows up.


I thought of all the snarky responses I could have sent. The best one (or one of many that rattled thru my head) `Well then, can you recommend a contractor who'd be willing to come in finish the job that you don't feel like honoring?"


I know . . a boring read for most but it felt good to vent.

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So basically, when I hired someone to remodel my bathroom I took it for granted that I need to state `I need someone to remodel my bathroom to completion'




I'm glad that you didn't pay for everything up front!


Late last night after I hadn't responded to has last 6 texts, he volunteers he'll return on Monday to install the mirrors, handles, fix the skim patch and seal the grout, as a `favor to me' I still didn't respond. What he doesn't know is I am considering being there Monday morning when he shows up.




I thought of all the snarky responses I could have sent. The best one (or one of many that rattled thru my head) `Well then, can you recommend a contractor who'd be willing to come in finish the job that you don't feel like honoring?"


Yeah, probably best to hold off on the snark until after he completes the work lol!

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what's the saying? Everything comes in threes? My washing machine just froze up ;(


Oh no!! Hate when things seem to be crumbling all around me. I hope you can get it fixed soon. Last time that happened we did a wash and fold service. With the wet clothes we rescued from the broken washer.

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I am resisting word vomit here but the saga continues. Short and sweet.

Contractor returns and skim coats both bathrooms and seals the grout `as a favor'

I called in sick that day and he was had a surprise greeting when he arrived by myself and my bf.


We came and went a few times only to be stopped with yet another problem. A hairline crack through the tiles 5 feet across and 6 feet from the floor. The contractor blames it on `the tile I chose' (that I bought while shopping with him, mind you) I pull out my phone to show him the pictures of cement back boards he installed prior to tiling. Just so happens the seam is exactly where the crack is. My heads about to explode. That's twice now he's deflected blame for his poor work. He fixes it. We leave and don't return. In the meantime I put a call into a large tile contractor for advise. He say my contractor is full of sh**


After a few days (for me to cool off) the contractor is coming by tonight to sign off and collect his money. I still have standing water on the shower floor and not confident that another seam won't crack. It's silly and pointless to ask him to guarantee his work seeing he deflects any responsibility while in the middle of it.


Two hours and counting and I am not sure how this will play out, but at the very least. . I am paying half of what I owe him and the other at the end of the month. At least that's what I am proposing seeing that nothing else goes sideways between now and then.


The issue of the shower pan and standing water is still an unknown to me and I guess I'll know in the moment while talking to him. I do know - I do not want him in my house again. Him repairing it again means I have to deal with him one or two more days and I would have to be there. I am going to show him pictures of the water found this morning from turning on the shower later night. Ridiculous that 14k later and I'm not comfortable showering in my master bathroom and go down the hall. (I place paper towels over the puddles and take the picture) I will ask him what it would cost to rip it out and repair it. In turn I'll suggest I'll take the amount off the balance I owe him to hire someone else to do it.


All in all a miserable experience and part of me just wants to pay him the entire amount just to make it go away.


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In turn I'll suggest I'll take the amount off the balance I owe him to hire someone else to do it.


I think that's the way to go. Hire an expert. Keep the photos and time stamp them if possible, in case this guy takes you to court. Watch out for a mechanic's lien on your deed.

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I hashed it out with him last night. Paid him half of the amount due and told him I need to think about what course to take.

He's offered to redo it a third time but I really don't want him in my home again. I told him I would consider getting an estimate from someone else to have it done right and taking it out of the difference I owe him.

He seemed resigned to the idea.

Right now I just need a couple days to not even think about it.

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I can't lie.

I am that person that goes back onto the website where I met SS and he's been gone since last Dec? and recently has returned with vigor. I get some weird, petty satisfaction out of it and not ashamed to admit it. Apparently he hasn't found his unicorn yet or his last conquest refused to be his Stepford wife as well.

Call me petty, I can take it (:


On another note, the person in custody for the bombing of the med spa in CA where the ex gf/owner died, happens to be someone I knew well in high school. Freaky that this guys first wifes death was suspicious. He was actually a really good friend of my hs bf.

I text my brother and he responds `The world is going bat shyt crazy"

Ha ha. .sad but true


I am leaving for a desert get away for my best friends birthday this weekend. I am personally joining the girls on Sunday and taking Monday off. Much needed.


SL has been out of town visiting his parents all week and I'll see him tonight and tomorrow.


My bathroom drama is not resolved. I took the week off to not think about it and the contractor apparently hasn't forgotten. Not sure why I am surprised. I guess there was a part of me that thought he'd be relieved to be done with me, because he either has to return for two consecutive days to rip it out and repair it or he's paying for someone else to do it. I would think the later of the two would make us both happy. Apparently not because he text me for an update. I guess I better get busy with other appraisals. It is a little ridiculous that I spent 13k and I won't shower in my own shower.

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I can't lie.


I am that person that goes back onto the website where I met SS and he's been gone since last Dec? and recently has returned with vigor. I get some weird, petty satisfaction out of it and not ashamed to admit it. Apparently he hasn't found his unicorn yet or his last conquest refused to be his Stepford wife as well.


Call me petty, I can take it (:



I'm not gonna call you petty (you're not!) but confused about the weird petty satisfaction you're getting from seeing him back on the website?


Because he's been gone from site for six months, just returned and not dating anyone seriously right now?


I am not familiar with your history with SS so am sure I must have missed a few things!

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I'm not gonna call you petty (you're not!) but confused about the weird petty satisfaction you're getting from seeing him back on the website?


Because he's been gone from site for six months, just returned and not dating anyone seriously right now?


I am not familiar with your history with SS so am sure I must have missed a few things!


Too long of a story and not willing to relive it. . at least not today.

It's all documented here.

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Too long of a story and not willing to relive it. . at least not today.

It's all documented here.


Have you 100% moved on from it?


I get it's human nature to be curious about an ex, but to feel some sort of weird satisfaction knowing he hasn't found anyone?


I dunno, I would think if you were 100% moved on from it, you wouldn't care either way.


I am not judging; I am still kinda stuck on someone myself (not saying you are, just asking if you've completely moved on), and I'm dating someone new, and very happy with him.


Some people are just difficult to mentally extricate yourself from, and remain in our consciousness at least on some level, there is nothing wrong with that.


He and I are friends now though (sort of), both dating others, and I am very happy for him! And he for me as well (or so he claims lol).

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Have you 100% moved on from it?




That's an interesting question. Have I moved on from it? Yes.


People, whether gone or present impact our lives sometimes.

I don't know that the total 100% exists.


I think it's normal to reflect back on your most recent relationship, even while in a better, healthier one.


and I allow myself a petty moment here and there too :)

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That's an interesting question. Have I moved on from it? Yes.


People, whether gone or present impact our lives sometimes.


Agree, which is what I had alluded to as well. I do think the 100% does exist though, eventually. Not in every case; some people will always remain in our consciousness on some level for the rest of our lives which again I think is OK. As long as it doesn't negatively impact our current or future relationships.


and I allow myself a petty moment here and there too :)


Fair enough!

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Me, I would like to know what happened with the bathroom? 13K and still not finished...Have you already paid him the whole amount?


Aww what's the problem dias; all this "heavy" discussion about reflecting back on feelings and consciousness/awareness got you uncomfortable? lol :p

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Aww what's the problem dias; all this "heavy" discussion about reflecting back on feelings and consciousness got you uncomfortable? lol :p

Lol no, just curious about the refurbishment of the bathroom indeed and how reinvent handled the bargaining part. I have some personal experience and I would like to see how things work in the US.

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I owed him the balance of 6k, withheld 3. Hoping the repair is less than 3k, I'll pay him the difference. I'm holding onto to it for the repair and insurance, sort of. As of Saturday I found another crack.


Honestly, it was so disruptive and inconvenient I needed a few days to recover. Not to mention it took 2 full days of cleaning (as well as cleaning my carpets) to move back in. I cringe at the thought of having another stranger in my home ripping things up.

I am finally feeling up to getting it done. But can I put a price on my inconvenience. . That isn't over??


In the meantime I bought a new washer and dryer and dealt w having the overhead cabinets in my laundry ripped out to accommodate them.

There's only so much I can handle at a time :/

Thx for asking

Now that you answer to questions reinvent, I would like to know what happened with the bathroom? 13K and still not finished...Have you already paid him the whole amount?
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Hoping the repair is less than 3k, I'll pay him the difference. I'm holding onto to it for the repair and insurance, sort of. As of Saturday I found another crack.


Arrghh! Fingers crossed for you, reinvent!


But can I put a price on my inconvenience. . That isn't over??


I could be wrong, but I don't think you would be able to sue for that, if it came to a small claims court case.


I have some personal experience and I would like to see how things work in the US.


What was your experience, dias?

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I am resisting word vomit here but the saga continues. Short and sweet.

Contractor returns and skim coats both bathrooms and seals the grout `as a favor'

I called in sick that day and he was had a surprise greeting when he arrived by myself and my bf.


We came and went a few times only to be stopped with yet another problem. A hairline crack through the tiles 5 feet across and 6 feet from the floor. The contractor blames it on `the tile I chose' (that I bought while shopping with him, mind you) I pull out my phone to show him the pictures of cement back boards he installed prior to tiling. Just so happens the seam is exactly where the crack is. My heads about to explode. That's twice now he's deflected blame for his poor work. He fixes it. We leave and don't return. In the meantime I put a call into a large tile contractor for advise. He say my contractor is full of sh**


After a few days (for me to cool off) the contractor is coming by tonight to sign off and collect his money. I still have standing water on the shower floor and not confident that another seam won't crack. It's silly and pointless to ask him to guarantee his work seeing he deflects any responsibility while in the middle of it.


Two hours and counting and I am not sure how this will play out, but at the very least. . I am paying half of what I owe him and the other at the end of the month. At least that's what I am proposing seeing that nothing else goes sideways between now and then.


The issue of the shower pan and standing water is still an unknown to me and I guess I'll know in the moment while talking to him. I do know - I do not want him in my house again. Him repairing it again means I have to deal with him one or two more days and I would have to be there. I am going to show him pictures of the water found this morning from turning on the shower later night. Ridiculous that 14k later and I'm not comfortable showering in my master bathroom and go down the hall. (I place paper towels over the puddles and take the picture) I will ask him what it would cost to rip it out and repair it. In turn I'll suggest I'll take the amount off the balance I owe him to hire someone else to do it.


All in all a miserable experience and part of me just wants to pay him the entire amount just to make it go away.



Wow...that’s bad.


I’m glad you kept $3000 to get it repaired....I’m sorry that this has not ended as expected. All reno’s are unpleasant, but the payout is that you love the space at the end...to not love it makes the inconvenience and stress not worth it...and that really sucks.

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