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The Imsuperman Files


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It sounds like you are doing amazing. At building on the vision you have had for your life.


It gets better and better. You've got this great job. And you have pushed yourself athletically to a place where you are enjoying awesome fitness. And it sounds like you are enjoying yourself. ?


I hope that attractive woman does end up at the next desk. lol.

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It sounds like you are doing amazing. At building on the vision you have had for your life.


It gets better and better. You've got this great job. And you have pushed yourself athletically to a place where you are enjoying awesome fitness. And it sounds like you are enjoying yourself. ?


I hope that attractive woman does end up at the next desk. lol.


Life is good overall. I still get a little lonely, especially on the weekends. I only have two people that I ever hang out with, so if they aren't available, that's that. I'm really going to press hard for this west coast trip next spring with my friend. We've talked about it before, but before I didn't have th finances to make it happen. Growing up, I took exactly one vacation with my family. Then two in high school for marching band. That's it.


And I do like my job. And I like the confidence having a good job gives me. "Can I buy a tee shirt today? Wellllllll, I don't make nine dollars an hour anymore, so YES."


Fitness-wise, I mean I'm never gonna be big. However just this past Friday I was alone in the back of the gym and looked at myself in the mirror and, for the first time I can remember, I thought, "OK I don't look too bad." It took me eight and a half years of going to the gym to look like I occasionaly go to the gym The biggest price is that I'm constantly hungry, and in a way that's hard to describe to anyone that hasn't experienced it first hand. Last night I got up at 3:30 am and made some cheese and crackers (like half a sleeve of crackers) because I had woke up and my stomach began eating itself before I could fall back asleep.


She'll be taken I bet (not pessimistic, just realistic) and I don't wanna work right next to someone I'm going out with but STILL. Who knows what can happen? I may end up moving to another deprtment sometime in the future, etc.

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Where on the west coast do you want to visit? Yay, go for it!!


I think you are pretty hard on yourself as far as how you look. Your body type isn't bulky...and that's ok. It's attractive in its own right. A lot of people would kill to have that lean, long look. And it's not just the muscles...your dedication to it is admirable and attractive.


I haven't know that feeling like my stomach was eating itself for years. There was a time I was pretty hard core. I mean, I pushed my fitness to a crazy level. It tires me thinking of it now! But I know enough about staying in shape that I can appreciate the sacrifices it takes to get the kind of gains you are getting. Are you still pushing to go further?? Or maintaining now?


Who knows what can happen....exactly. Seems to me you are right on a precipice of anything being possible to coming into your life at any time. And that's exciting.

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The idea is for a baseball trip in around May. Fly to Phoenix, then rent a car and drive in to LA, SD, SF.


Yeah it's like the BroScience videos on Youtube, "The day you stared lifting is the day you (started to think of yourself) as forever small," haha.


The funny thing about the eating business is people with normal/slow metabloism think I must be in heaven because I can eat so much, but it's really difficult and not exactly fun. On weekends especially, it seems like eating is the main thing I get done. I was sick two weekends ago and ate very little for a few days. Just a few. And I lost eight to ten pounds despite keeping hydrated. By the time I went to the doctor I had gained a little back (maybe), but he commented on the fact that I weighed in at 177 that day and was 212 when I last visited the doctor in 2012. "Just diet and exercise I assume?" "Yeah." Just yesterday I ordered some chicken wings (like 18-20 total) and ate half of them and saved half for later. Turns out "later" was barely an hour later. I feel like I could probably eat a large pepperoni pizza any time I haven't eaten in about three hours. I would really like to get up to a lean 200lbs. I got up to 194 in March-ish but I psychologically couldn't keep up with the eating. I'm always afraid I'll turn into a chubby guy again, even though it was good weight. It's always in the back of my mind when I gain even a little bit of weight. I weighed in at 180.566 at the gym today. I'm thinking of buying a high calorie mass gainer.


Well I hope you're right. I tell myself I'll be ok whatever happens.

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Took the BodPod this evening for the first time in one year and eighteen days.


The change in results since my last BodPod test on 8/2/14:


Overall weight: Down 5.6 pounds


Body fat: Down 5.9% and 12 pounds


Lean body mass: Up 5.9% and 6.4 pounds


Very cool. I'm happy with this.

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Had lunch with my friend on Friday. I've been told not to mention specifics, but things his wife were into have come to light and he's currently dealing with those as well. It's such a rough situation for him. But I'm glad he's keeping busy. He's went out of state the week before last and then this weekend too. He's also moving to a condo soon. I told him I'd help him with that. I've helped him move like eight times.


I had a good and productive one on one with my boss on Friday too. We meet every other Friday, but hadn't met in four weeks because I had taken a vacation day that day. He's really cool about bringing up things to management that I think can help me/us out. I may take a vacation week on the fourteenth. It would be nice to have no responsibilities for a week.

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Did pretty well in basketball today. My defense has been really great. I blocked the best player's shot once. Had some steals. Took a hard fall right at the end today but I'm fine. Twisted my right ankle and came down on my knees, but it's not bad. Nothing a little Scooby Doo ice pack can't solve lol. And after I ripped a rebound down I heard him tell a teammate, "He's too strong." I made a no-look layup with one hand while that hand was being held, and a game winner from way deep.


It's so gorgeous outside. 73 F, a blue sky over puffy clouds and a cool breeze.


And to think last night was so hot even with the window open I thought I might not sleep.


The work suggestion I made had been okayed by the director. That's so cool. Even thought it while take a while to get in place, I'm super happy they listened to me on it.


I randomly realized this morning that my boss had scheduled my 1 year for Labor Day. I messaged him and he said "Awesome" and sent me an invite for the 9th instead.

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My ankle and foot are still swollen. Not really much in the way of pain, but the first few steps after I stand up are a little weird. After that I can walk fairly normally. No more basketball until the swelling goes down, and no lifting legs or doing deadlifts. I iced it Monday night and last night. My whole foot is still fat.


image removed

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Walking pretty much completely normally today, but my foot is still swollen.


My first full vacation week will be the week of the 14th. I'm not going anywhere, and I'll be bored by like Tuesday but I'm excited for it.


Fall is coming. My favorite time of year. But I am a fall baby.

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I had a good weekend. I bought a polo for work, two pairs of gym shorts, and a good, subtle cologne.


I've been trying to slowly put some finances towards my appearance, buying two or three new items each weekend following a paycheck.


There's a massage place for men in the city I work, I might hit that sometime.


My gym is closed due to their annual maintenance this week. I was gonna hit the office gym but I'm a little banged up, so no lifting this week. My right triceps muscle has been complaining since Thursday night's workout, and it's still sore. I think it's just a strain. I tweaked my quad sometime overnight Friday night, it's mostly good now. I opted not to play basketball today for a little extra rest, but I might play Wednesday.


My sister got picked up for OVI Friday night. She just bought a new SUV that same day. Hopefully she learns something. My personal opinion is that she's twenty six and has a four year old so she should stop acting like a college kid, but that's just my opinion. Her payments on the car are high, I don't think she can afford it, and I'm afraid she will ask me for money often. And I'm afraid it will be difficult for me to say no because I feel sorry for her and she has a kid. But if I don't, how will she ever learn anything? I also feel sorry for my parents having to pay to bail her out, and having to pay for the court costs. My mom told me yesterday that dad is really beating himself up about her buying the SUV, because he went with her to get it, and thinks he should have tried harder to get her to take another day before getting it.


So other than the usual, life is good.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's been nearly two weeks since I've worked out, due to both my injury and my gym being closed for annual maintenance. Tonight I should get it in. Of course I thought I would last night, but we lost our whole network at work for two hours, so I ended up staying two hours late. I may be able to get comp time and leave two hours early on Friday, but that would just create more work for who's replacing me while I take a week off next week, so I don't know.


It will feel good to work out again, even though I'll be very sore.

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I saw a copy of my review a day early today since my boss wanted me to look it over before it was official. It was very good. I'm above target in my performance, which qualifies me for the maximum raise. I was pleased. I've been working my butt off.


This evening's workout wasn't bad. I avoided any pushes for chest due to my right triceps still feeling a little cringey. Probably another two weeks or so before I get back on those. Not working out for thirteen days kind of sucks. You get back and have to do lighter-than normal weights the first week, like your body forgot how to do anything heavier. It wasn't awful. Probably ten to twenty pounds lighter on the bigger compound lifts. My pull-ups (randomly) improved. I was able to get a solid ten the first two sets, and might have been able to squeeze out twelve on the first one if I'd tried. I was usually at eight apiece the first two sets.


Next week I'm taking a vacation week. I will for sure be bored by like Tuesday. I was wicked bored this past weekend. Doesn't matter. I need it.


Now where do we have reservations at?

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Last day before I have to go back to work. I enjoyed the time off.


My sister's situation got more interesting. Turns out she wasn't drunk according to the breathalizer, and my parents got her a lawyer. They plan to take it to a jury if it's not dismissed.


I am thinking about holding off on the possible vacation with my buddy in April. Ultimately, saving for an apartment or condo closer to my work is ore important. 2500 to 3000 for a trip is a big chunk. I told him earlier this week that I can financially do it, which is still true, but after sleeping on it I don't think it's best right now. On a related note, I am not good at making big decisions.

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First day playing basketball in a month. Nailed it. Hit the game winner in the very first game. Played really well. Made a handful of threes. Some very deep. Around twenty seven feet out. No ankle pain. My team won all four games. I was told it was good to have me back playing.


I am hungry. I could eat a large pizza right now.

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Not the greatest weekend. It's getting to the point where I actually like the work week better than the weekend. Just because I basically sit alone all weekend.


I reluctanltly agreed to cover a gym shift at my old job yesterday, mainly for that reason. The manager had plans and was going to have to work it if no one came in. He has a wife and toddler. I am single and have nothing to do. I didn't want to work it, but agreed. I worked alone. Said maybe five sentences the whole six hours.


Today I tried reading on a couple of occasions but it made me tired. Tried to take a nap, but that is the "knock at the door" summoner. It was my sister. About something that could have waited. In and out in like two minutes. Perfect timing to wake me up though.


Being at the office makes me forget how lonely my existence outside of it is. Weekends usually end up feeling like gazing into the abyss.

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Have a couple meetings with my boss coming up. I've somehow become some sort of psuedo business consultant in my spare time. It's cool. The director is on board with a little scheme of mine. I'm helping out with new staff training. All good things.


The university I attended emailed me asking me about the possibility doing a testimonial on the recommendation of my program's department chair (forgot I was connected with her on Linkedin.) To be honest it's probably not a good idea because it was two and a half years ago and, while I enjoyed the university very much, I have difficulty rememebring specifics. It's funny though that someone thinks I'm some kind of success story.

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Have a couple meetings with my boss coming up. I've somehow become some sort of psuedo business consultant in my spare time. It's cool. The director is on board with a little scheme of mine. I'm helping out with new staff training. All good things.


The university I attended emailed me asking me about the possibility doing a testimonial on the recommendation of my program's department chair (forgot I was connected with her on Linkedin.) To be honest it's probably not a good idea because it was two and a half years ago and, while I enjoyed the university very much, I have difficulty rememebring specifics. It's funny though that someone thinks I'm some kind of success story.


Nice to be acknowledged in these ways.

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Nice to be acknowledged in these ways.


It is. Credit for any good thing that happens really goes to my parents and a couple good friends. My mother pushed me very hard in academics. My dad is a great model of how to interact with people and be assertive and lead. My two best friends offered me great advice when I was in my formative college years, even if it was basically telling me when I was wrong when I was being stubborn about something.

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Life goes on. Not much new to report.


The weeks are flying by. I will be 29 later this month. I finally bought a new winter coat after having my old one for nine years. It's a Carhartt with fur lining. The place I bought it had exactly one in my size.


I might have lunch with a friend of mine tomorrow. Since his wife passed, he has done a lot of travelling around the country. It will be good to see him again if he can make it. His schedule is the one that's up in the air, I can pretty much take lunch whenever. I saw The Walk in IMAX 3-D this past Monday evening with my cousin. I liked it. And hanging out with people makes me feel less socially inept for two or three hours.


There is a sense of sameness in my life that I feel is frustrating me. It does go hand in hand with my own personality. I think I'm a pretty confident guy, but my lifestyle has never really been conducive to "going out" or having a bunch of friends. And I realize that's me. But I also realize that it is and has been my choice. Do I want to change? I think yes. And not only for the sake of falling in love or whatever, but as bad as it sounds, I want to have a life that is more like other people's. And the main reason for that is others, especially females in my age group can smell it on me. People just know when you don't get out much, even if they don't know you personally. There have been such a number of situations where I just wish I could fool someone into thinking I was a "cool guy." Too many to count. But people know I'm a phony. And once they find out, they don't waste effort in trying to speak to me or know me better. And it repeats and repeats and the results are the same. I don't want to be viewed as basically a very ahrd-working and efficient robot who is ok to be around but has no other distinguishable traits, but that's as good of an analogy as I can give you as to how I am viewed by others.

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I'm part of a Meet Up group that meets every week (I don't go every week though) for dinner and a movie. Why can't you do something like that? think of some hobbies you'd like to do, but requires more than one person, and join a group that's open to anyone. Then you can meet new people; and if you don't like them, at least you're doing something you enjoy.

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^Yeah that's not a bad idea. If it's like once a week that's something I can maybe do. I was thinking last night how I would really like to know a woman that had similar interests. I'm (obviously) very career-focused and health-oriented, so someone that shares those interests would be cool.

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