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The Imsuperman Files


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Got up to a lean 193.8 lbs as of Tuesday night too!


I was thinking about how I've been doing the recomposition thing, and I think it might be that some days I eat above maintenance, and some days I eat below maintenance. But I don't really plan out which days I do what ahead of time. Not like, "Wednesdays I eat less, Saturdays I eat more." It just kind of happens on a whim.


Now I wanna gain, oh, about twenty pounds more of lean muscle. Then I can look like Captain America and then I'll be happy. Probably

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Love these stories.


Have fun playing today!


Thanks. Yeah it was funny. I'm trying to the fact that more people seem to be looking at me.


I really do constantly read labels/online nutrition facts. Earlier this week I looked at some of my sister's supllements and read the labels and she sighed. I gave them a passing grade though.


I think as you get older you kind of understand your body more. Today I shot well for having not shot in two months, but I can only run at about 75-80%. Not bad for the first day of shooting at all though, a lot better than expected. Stronger now. Will have to shoot with a little less effort. Still will sit out lunch hour ball until I can go at basically full speed though. No need to rush it.


I shot for about forty minutes and then got in a core and shoulder workout. It was a great start to the day.


Some older women at the front desk (this is the gym I used to work at) asked about work I said it was great, and they both said I looked happy.


I suppose maybe I am a little bit.

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One of the managers in my department keeps saying they should move my schedule to leave an hour earlier so I can work out with him. I don't really want to. I LOVE working out alone, and while the corporate gym at work is decently sufficient, it's small. And my gym is literally three minutes away after I get off, so it's just as easy to go there.


I'm happy it's spring. Not that I was in a bad mood during winter, but warmer weather really makes me feel better.


Life's pretty good. I just wanna keep improving. I would say I'm never satisfied, but I'm more content than I've ever been I think.

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One of the managers in my department keeps saying they should move my schedule to leave an hour earlier so I can work out with him. I don't really want to. I LOVE working out alone, and while the corporate gym at work is decently sufficient, it's small. And my gym is literally three minutes away after I get off, so it's just as easy to go there.


He roped me into doing back with him. He's just now getting into weights after doing bodyweight stuff most of his life. I'll give him some pointers, I guess haha.


Today my new role will be OFFICIALLY announced, though I've been in it about a month now. Woooo!

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So...working out with this dude was actually really fun. I showed him how to do a lot of stuff.


There was one other person finishing up when we got there, and only two more came in.


One of them was one of the hotties that works there. The guy I was working out with told her I was an "animal." I just kind of said "Yeah yeah." She was doing some crossfit thing with a skinny dude, so technically I was the strongest guy in the gym for once in my life lol. Out of four people.

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I have decided to return to lunch hour hoops this week. I bought a little ankle brace to hopefully stave off any funny business. It feels pretty good. This past Thursday I deadliften 225 for 3 sets of 8 after warming up at 185 for a set of 8 or 10. Ankle was with me until the last rep of the last set, and even then it didn't really hurt, just kind of had to rock back on my heels reset and set the bar down to do the last one.


My ankle does not like movie theater stairs. The two or three times I've left a theater, it's kind of popped.


I have to get back on the horse sometime though, it's been two months since I've played basketball with others.


We'll see how it goes. I'll play Monday I think, I have a meeting sometime that day, but I don't think it interferes. If not, then Wednesday. I might only play once a week nowo to give my body a little more time to rest.

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Went well! My first make was a LONG BOMB three that dropped straight in. 26-28 feet away. I smiled when I ran back the other way. I actually shot a pretty normal percentage today. I was a little slow on D because I was a little more nervous about lateral movement.


Didn't end up wearing the brace because I couldn't get it to fit right.


Very happy to get back into it. Felt good seeing the ball go in some

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The cutie that was at the gym Thursday with the little guy was coming in when I was leaving, eyeballing me again. The little guy was in the locker room after bball as well.


Can't help it if she has improving taste. I'm kidding. Mostly kidding.


I wanted to talk to her more on Thursday but I was out of breath and also don't know if she's dating little guy (they were working out together), so I didn't say much. And I was a little embarrassed that the manager I was lifting with said I was an "animal" in the gym when he was talking to her. image removed


Just taking it in stride. Rarely see her alone though so could be tricky. One of the most attractive women at work though, and it's a large company. She wears a skirt every day. She dresses up more than required, and I do too.

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Shot very well today. Started off bad but close, then scored all or about all of our points one game. The other guys kept saying was on fire. My main thing is getting my balance right so I don't short arm it.


Felt good. Love getting the cardio in with hoops mixed in with my days off lifting.

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Looks like we'll have enough to play on a Friday even, which is rare.


I asked a tough question to management yesterday, so we'll see how they answer it. I distribute work, and I basically asked how they were going to deal with absences in the new tiered structure were going to start using soon. I'm wondering if we can have the subject matter experts come and help out on the first level if we need them to without everybody in the office that day getting crapped on and backlogged for a week.


They probably think I'm annoying lol, but my boss said it was a good question to ask to get them thinking about it. It's a real issue within the department, because we have a lot of people who have been there between ten and twenty years and have what seems like 4 months vacation.

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I bought a nice pair of dress shoes today. It's really too bad my work is so casual. One day I wanna wear a suit every day to work, but for now just a polo and dress pants.


It's been a nice weekend weather-wise. I may read outside later.


I've been kind of lonely this weekend. I feel a little restless. I want to travel and meet new people.


That's the bad thing. Once you taste a little success, you just want more and more. You say to yourself, "Well if I just made x amount more a year, I could do cool things and fly around and I'd be a little happier."


Maybe it's ok to daydream about those days. Maybe that will help make it a reality.

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So I have a tendency to wake up with random songs in my head.


Today it was Pearl Jam's 1999 cover of "Last Kiss."


It took me several hours, but I realized today someone I went to high school with would have turned 28 on this day.


She died in a car accident almost ten years ago. I hadn't thought about her in a long time, or the song in a long time. and like I said it took me a while but I suddenly randomly wondered if today would have been her b-day (I vaguely remembered it was in April.) I checked public records online, and it would have indeed been today.


Weird y'all.


Take it real easy out there driving. And wear your seat belts.

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Thanks! Left traps were a little sore when I woke up today, so I took a couple of Aleve and feel good now.


Also did one-arm dumbbell rows for five sets of eight at eighty pounds.


My physique looks pretty decent right now. I put on some muscle and weigh around 194 pounds. I'm going to focus on minimal carbs with a lot of protein now to keep trim.

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It's been a really good weekend. Yesterday my sister took my parents and me out to a pretty nice Italian restaurant. I had grilled chicken breast topped with goat cheese, sundried tomatoes, and a basil lemon butter sauce. Grilled asparagus on the side. I kind of wanted a cannoli -for Godafther purposes- but talked myself out of it. Then I took my parents to the season opener of the local minor league baseball team. It was just beautiful out all day yesterday.


I will have to start looking into travelling in the next year or so if I can.


Random thought for the day:

I would almost get a watch just for style, but I'd worry about it because, including basketball, I basically workout five days a week, meaning I would take it off a lot. Meaning I'd probably crush it accidentally.


And now, The Black Keys.


[video=youtube;y58Nbrj7EUw] ]

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Nothing much new today. Things are very good.


Working out with the same manager at the work gym again tonight. Hope the cutie is there, because over there is literally the only chance I'll ever get to talk to her. Probably will not be. But hoping.


Mostly back with a couple of shoulder movements I'm thinking. Which will pair nicely with helping my father move my parent's old couch out to the curb tonight after my workout. They're getting a new couch tomorrow. That, and a little bit of a torque in my back from bball yesterday made me decide not to deadlift tonight.

HR has not yet met with me to finalize my raise. I figured it would be a while. We have two HR people for a company of over a thousand people, so they're always buzzing all over the place. Not worried too much though, my boss said even the minimum of what I could get was a huge salary increase.


Hung out a little with my nephew last night. He's four.


He said to me, "Where are you going?"


"I don't know, where are you going?'


"I'm going with you," he said.

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I'm kind of out of it today. Work began with a three hour training. Then I'm back to my job for one hour. Then helping my boss administer training today for the next hour. Then get caught back, lunch at around 3? I guess?


Then same thing tomorrow with an hour shorter in the morning.


The last two morning I've woke up and gone to the bathroom at 5AM and have been unable to get back to sleep. No idea why.


It's getting to me.

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Felt a lot better after my 2:30ish lunch. Got some more caffeine in me, got out of the slump, and pushed through a chest and shoulder workout after work. If I can sleep better tonight, I'm going to deadlift at noonish tomorrow, then do legs and a little arms after work to prevent me having to go to the gym on Saturday.


I wonder if my promotion and new responsibilities are subconsciously getting to me in some way and is affecting my sleep. That happened when I first got this job. I would awake with a start in the middle of the night with our product names in my head and who did what product (had to memorize this for my first role) It's not like I run around with my hair on fire during the day and chewing my nails, that's not me at all. Ever. But subconciously, I think the new trainings and new responsibilities kind of contribute to a bit of a "drinking from the fire hose" feeling.


Tonight I just need to SLEEP WELL.

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Woke up a little after 4AM yesterday morning feeling weird. Thought I was hungry so got a banana. The act of getting a banana caused me to break out into a cold sweat. I laid on the couch for a minute, not feeling too hot. Vomited once an hour for the following three hours. After that, my lower back ached badly for a good portion of the day. Yesterday's entire diet was: Drank some water, one cup of tea, some low calorie/low sugar Gatorade G2, two sugar-free jello cups, about a half a cup of chicken broth, and exactly three crackers.


While I felt better late in the day, I went to bed thinking I would likely call in today. But I woke up feeling good and so I came in. I'm a little sleepy still but I brought a little energy drink along. I had toast and crackers and turkey for breakfast with some Gatorade.


I can't even remember the last time I was sick before yesterday.

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