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Guys of ena, how do you feel about breast implants?


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My wife has natural C's. She wears miracle bras which bring them up do D size in public. I would not encourage her to get implants. I have not been with small breasted women so I can't really comment there. I also don't know what they feel like "in the flesh" so to speak. If they felt significantly different I don't think I'd like it. Also I've seen some really horrible boob jobs. Perfectly round bubbles aren't good. Seen lots of assymetry, misaligned nipples. Not good, and far worse than any way they could have been before. Too risky imo.

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It's your choice and I'm sure there are some modest implants that when done right will look real for your body. The thing that bothers me about about breast augmentation is it is such a drastic and risky action for what is really a frivolous superficial outcome. If you have a mastectomy or have a large size differentiation that might make sense, but already having normal healthy breasts (minor size differentiation actually being quite normal) it seem a bit silly to me. If everyone has breast implants what happens to the women who can't afford it? It bothers me that there is an advancing model of an ideal female that is becoming more unrealistic and more expensive (not just talking about monetary cost either) to achieve.

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Hi there,


This is a really popular debate at the moment!


I am actually in the exact same boat as you! My measurements are: bust 28" waist 23" hips 30" - but I do have a very curvy bum for being slender. I'm an A cup and luckily been content with that my whole life.


My fiance has dated all kinds of sized women - he appreciates big, curvy, skinny, tall, petite - you name it, but the big thing for him is that they're natural.


I actually worked as an exotic dancer for years, and I can't tell you how many women had awful breast implants there, and actually how many men commented on how nice it was to see natural, beautiful, pert boobs!


I think if you want general male opinion, I know of no men in my life who have ever asked their girlfriend to get fake boobs, or preferred them to natural ones.


On the other hand! If it's what you want and it makes you happy, I say definitely go for it - but make sure it really is for you, and not because you feel like you have to change.


Personally, a pear shape can be super sexy! Think Beyonce, Rihanna, etc. They all have much biggee hips, bums and thighs than their chests. Small boobs can also be very chic, elegant - and you look younger for longer! Super models do not have huge boobs - clothes look amazing on them. Remember you can play up and be super confident with whatever you've been born with, it's all about working it and loving what you have!


Bets of luck if you decide for the implants, and if not, I'm sure no man will ever complain!


- Lolita

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Hmm. I'll weigh in...


I am already naturally a 34C..maybe even a small D..depending on my weight, but I am lucky that I am pretty proportionate. I have a booty too..and I am forever wanting to lose it...lol. We women are never happy with what we have.

But as far as being 'artificial' I don't see what the big deal is. If its something that makes YOU happy and confident do it.


I do hair. So I love hair extensions. Not all the time..but on occasion, because they make me feel more feminine and sexy when I have them in. And people are none the wiser, unless I tell them, because they look and feel natural. It is..of course human hair..and usually just have them sewn in because its less damaging. My natural hair is just fine as it is..it is simply my preference to change it. Anyway the point to this is that there is a ton of artificial things we do in order to feel better...fake boobs, fake tans, fake nails , lip augmentation, hair extensions...fake teeth lol. Bottom line is there is always room for improvement for ourselves. But it has to be FOR ourselves or it won't matter.


Best of luck with whatever you choose!

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So I have relatively small breasts, but quite a large bum. I've always wanted to get small, tasteful implants (no larger than a small C cup) to balance it out. I'm still kinda young, so if I ever do get them it won't be for a few more years because I have heard stories of young women in there early 20's growing breasts out of nowhere. And I'm broke, lol.


Anyways, I've done all the research on it that I can. My last question would be for the men, who have had experience being with a woman with implants, what's it like? Are they noticeable? Do they feel "fake"? Love em, hate em, Ect. Any thing you can think of to tell me about them, really! Thanks.


I don't like breast implants and fake breasts. I believe silicon breast implants, to enhance the size of a woman's breasts are hazardous to a woman's health. I would not want to date a woman who disregards her good health, in the name of vanity. I also don't like dating women who are vain enough to say to themselves in the mirror, "If you got it, flaunt it!" and they show the public their (sometimes)large cleavage with a revealing top, in order to achieve a higher breast status, for the public.

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Please please please do LOTS of research on the negative side effects before you consider this... People forget that this is surgery and you are putting rather large foreign objects into your body and in the end more women end up wishing they never did it than those that did. You can get horrible scar tissue, immune system disorders, and all kinds of problems from them, and you will have to get them redone every 7-10 years, so if you're young, you're either going to have to revert to loose empty sacks of skin when they have to come out in 10 years, or you're going to have to do it at least 3-5 times during your lifetime.


Don't let vanity cause you to make a huge mistake in terms of your health and well-being. Of course they are promoted heavily in the media because doctors make a lot of money off this surgery, doing it again and again and again because there are so many people who have them put in, then get repeat surgeries trying to 'fix' them or make them look better or remove scar tissue, or scrape out leaking silicone, or replace them when they start to leak and deteriorate in 7-10 years.


It is NOT like getting hair extensions or a new pair of shoes, and the risks of negative side effects are really huge.

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Where is all these booties coming from? McDonalds? It used to be only latinas and blacks and maybe arabs that had those fine booties. There is even butt implants going around.. now thats just a bit too far.


Haha....squats,lunges and lots of protein. At least that's what I tell myself lmao!!

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As someone said before, go with a reputable surgeon. They should be board certified. Ask around about them.


I was considering getting them but one of my guy friends at the time told me not to. Like you I have a large bum for my body and an A-cup. He told me that I would look disproportionate. I wanted to get them since it was hard finding clothes that didn't drape over in that area. Thankfully I am skilled at sewing and could tailor my clothing. I still think about it from time to time but I don't want the nerves in my breasts to be damaged and not able to respond to my future husband.

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Oh la la no way. When I was 300lbs, I was a D cup (which was not that big considering my weight). Now, 13 years after my weight loss I'm a 125lbs banana and very happy with my little A cup. For nothing in the world would I want anything else but my little breasts!


Did you get loose skin from the weight loss, so that there is sag? Just wondering.


Were you an A before you gained weight? (that is, if you were not on the heavy side at some point post-puberty)

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For 2 or 3 years, I do daily massage with a blend of oils and home made bellis oil. It has considerably helped tensing the skin of my breasts and improved their appearance. Completely magical.


I don't want to derail the thread too much, but I'm just intrigued by this. Which oils are you using, and what is bellis oil?


The reason I ask is because I have always had D breasts (well, since early adulthood), even though my weight has fluctuated and I've never been overweight. I just have very little fat in my breasts, it's all dense breast tissue. All my life, I've wanted smaller breasts...A cups would have made me very happy, and anything below D. So I cringe when I see women with perfect, pert small breasts get implants.


Strong pecs have helped, but they will never have the uplift of an A cup.


Lately, I've lost a lot of weight (so I'm actually too thin) and for the first time, I'm noticing that the skin in my breasts is looser because I lost the little bit of fat I had in them. So I'm trying to improve that situation, aesthetically.


Sounds like you have some remedies, and I'm curious.


So hopefully, OP, you're seeing that the grass can often be greener....and the older you get, the sorrier you'll be to have weight on your chest as gravity works its magic.

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I'm curious too! I'm trying to get back to my pre-university weight, and I've noticed that my skin around my breasts feels looser now. My breasts got so huge when I gained weight.


OP, if I had a choice, I'd probably like to be a B cup. It's so hard to find proper fitting clothes when you're breasts are bigger than a B. I usually have to get shirts a size bigger to fit my breasts, and then of course it looks loose everywhere else. Ech.

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