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Online Dating for the 2nd Time - A Journal


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I deliberately didn't contact WOOJIN today, just to see if she'd reach out first. Nope. I may text her tomorrow though.




Dinner with NAOMI tonight was fun. She has a pleasant, enthusiastic demeanor, quick to laugh, conversation was easy, and we seemed to click despite not having much in common. Plus she has a very pretty face, really nice body, and dresses stylishly and tastefully - as soon as I saw her I knew I'd hit the lottery! Really sexy woman. I'll text her tomorrow about going out again. Dunno if she'll accept but one night was fine if she doesn't.




Lunch with NAKANA tomorrow at 1pm.

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Was going to text WOOJIN today about maybe hiking tomorrow... but as I think about it, as much as we clicked, I don't think she's looking for a romantic situation, at least not with me. I forgot to mention she had told me she prefers darker-skinned guys (I'm very pale) and last time she said something about wanting to move overseas for a year. If she reaches out, I'll respond, but I'm not feeling like making the first move at the moment.




Lunch with NAKANA was a waste today. Despite her generally being polite, from her body language, facial expressions and tone of voice she seemed like she was eating with me under duress. She only really perked up when it was time to go. She wasn't even anywhere near as attractive as WOOJIN or NAOMI, in fact I wasn't attracted to her in the slightest. But I made good conversation and a good effort to be friendly, so my conscience is clear. Next.




I texted NAOMI about hiking or a movie tomorrow, and she replied that she was going to take a motorcycle roadtrip (which she mentioned last night but I forgot), but that she had fun too and would be up for meeting next week. Looking forward to seeing her; she's very pleasant company and very easy on the eyes!

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WOOJIN hasn't gotten in touch, and neither have I.

NAKANA is out, from both sides.


But I texted NAOMI last night to see how her motorbike excursion went, and she said due to weather, she only went on a short ride to charge the battery. She asked how my day was, and several happy emojis were exchanged. I didn't re-ask what night was good for her this week, and I won't do so until tomorrow morning. Hopefully she'll volunteer that info today of her own accord. Fingers crossed.

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Just sent out about 10 messages to new women on OKC.


Oddly enough, one particularly attractive one had the stipulation on her profile that the guy has to be at least 6'1" and above-average looking. I'm only 5'11" so I was hesitant to send a note, but I hit "like" anyway since you have to do that in order to send a message on OKC. And lo and behold, she was the ONLY woman out of the bunch who had already "liked" me. Hm...

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No word from NAOMI. Darn. :(




So I texted WOOJIN about going hiking this weekend. The conversation started with her saying “great idea!” and suggesting we meet at 6am. I countered with 10am, and after some back and forth she concluded “See you next time I need to paint from 11am to 5pm Its my To Do schedule. I am very early bird. My date start 5 to sleep 10. We have different time zone. It seems not Working smoothly between us. So… have a nice week and weekend (drooling smile emoji)”


Um, ok.




Got a cute match on CMB but at 5’1” she’s too short for me.


Got a stylish caucasian hipster match on Tinder who’s really into 70s TV but looks kinda nuts. I’ll contact anyway.


Got a first message on OKC from a blonde white hippie type who said she sees my profile all the time so she feels she knows me. Seem attractive, nice and creative, but she lives like 3 hours away, so no.


Got one reply out of the messages I sent on OKC last night. Dance instructor from Japan with two kids who’s lived in the states for 25 years or so. Got her number, and I asked to talk on the phone tonight.


In my experience, men self-report their height inaccurately. If she says she wants a man who is 6'1", then I think her actual standard is 5'10" and above.


Maybe so. But she didn't get back to me :)

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"Got a stylish caucasian hipster match on Tinder who’s really into 70s TV but looks kinda nuts. I’ll contact anyway."


This should be the line in a novel or a great TV show, 70s or otherwise. Classic. Best description ever.


COLUMBO, KOLCHAK: THE NIGHT STALKER or ROCKFORD FILES reboot producers, I'm available!


BTW I got a reply from her, but not one worth pursuing.




However I talked to the dance instructor AIKO (42, 5’4”, 95% match) last night and it was fun. She's lived in the USA since she was 18, has two sons (5 & 8), teaches dance both in public and private school, and her dedication to her kids & students seemed genuine, which endeared her to me to no end. She did make some comments that made me think she's slightly more conservative in her social views than I am, but I'll hold off judgment for now.


We talked for 35 minutes but it only seemed like five, she laughed heartily at my jokes, plus she lives right between my work and home, which couldn't be more convenient.


We agreed on dinner next Tuesday, and I just sent her some options. She seems attractive in her photos, so I'm hoping this one goes well...

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COLUMBO, KOLCHAK: THE NIGHT STALKER or ROCKFORD FILES reboot producers, I'm available!


BTW I got a reply from her, but not one worth pursuing.




However I talked to the dance instructor AIKO (42, 5’4”, 95% match) last night and it was fun. She's lived in the USA since she was 18, has two sons (5 & 8), teaches dance both in public and private school, and her dedication to her kids & students seemed genuine, which endeared her to me to no end. She did make some comments that made me think she's slightly more conservative in her social views than I am, but I'll hold off judgment for now.


We talked for 35 minutes but it only seemed like five, she laughed heartily at my jokes, plus she lives right between my work and home, which couldn't be more convenient.


We agreed on dinner next Tuesday, and I just sent her some options. She seems attractive in her photos, so I'm hoping this one goes well...


LOL my husband is a huge Columbo fan and I like it too! I mean keep your band going but consider the writing angle. Anyway the new person sounds interesting!

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LOL my husband is a huge Columbo fan and I like it too! I mean keep your band going but consider the writing angle. Anyway the new person sounds interesting!


My band has now lost its drummer, the guitarist is willing to stay but doesn't want to be part of the drummer audition process, and the bassplayer seems to be as all-in as ever. I talked to the two labels this week about our future deals with them, and I've talked to a couple of music lawyers to research legal representation before we sign anything. So the situation is both solid and shaky, in a weird way.


And AIKO just texted back and chose the restaurant where I first met SHAY, and which she loved.

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My band has now lost its drummer, the guitarist is willing to stay but doesn't want to be part of the drummer audition process, and the bassplayer seems to be as all-in as ever. I talked to the two labels this week about our future deals with them, and I've talked to a couple of music lawyers to research legal representation before we sign anything. So the situation is both solid and shaky, in a weird way.


And AIKO just texted back and chose the restaurant where I first met SHAY, and which she loved.


I think some cities have pro bono representation for artists- my friend used to do that kind of thing -if that's something you might need.

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As often happens once I get a new woman's number in my phone, AIKO just came up in FB's "people you may know." Which got me her last name, made her Googleable, and yielded a video interview from this year where she's shown teaching her students and talking.


And she looks shorter, less feminine, and stockier than her OKC photos. In fact, based on the video alone I probably wouldn't be attracted to her at all. Another banner week for online dating. Oh well, maybe she'll be more attractive IRL on Tuesday. In any case the food will be great :)

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ORRRR....you could enjoy a heartwarming conversation with a wonderful woman...and fall madly in love....even tho her measurement aren't up to your specifications! sheesh. TV and video's add weight....haven't you heard!!!


I have known VERY many beautiful woman, that turned NOT too pretty after I knew them. And I have dated many a guy, who was NOT attractive, who then became handsome in my eyes, once I fell in love!


Try it sometime!!!

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And she looks shorter, less feminine, and stockier than her OKC photos. In fact, based on the video alone I probably wouldn't be attracted to her at all


Actually I was talking about this one. lol. You caught me on a bad night. I was feeling fat, old and undesirable. lol And was a little crabby!!!

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Sending out a few new messages on OKC today, I "liked" one woman who particularly caught my attention, as her profile had a hilarious sense of humor, she's as liberal as I am, concerned about politics/environment, attractive and nerdy. Luckily, she had already "liked" me already!


I sent her a note and she replied a couple hours later with an equally witty & fun several sentences. Let's call her NEERA (45, 5'7", 92% match) 'cos I hope to be writing about her more.


Except for the "open to non-monogamy" part of her data sidebar, that is.

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AIKO (OKC, 42, 5’4”, 95% match)

We had a nice dinner the other night. She told me a lot about her ex-husband and her ex-boyfriend, both of whom she still hangs out with. Also heard about both of her hip replacements. She was stylish, in-shape, fun to talk to and seemed to have a good heart, but her face was rather unattractive, she had a masculine energy that’s not really my preference, and I don’t think we have much in common. Talking so much about her exes and her asking about my dating experiences was a turnoff too… I didn’t call her afterwards, nor did she call me. That’s ok.


HELENE - (CMB, 48, 5’1”)

This is the woman who was too short for me and I wasn’t planning on contacting. But when CMB gave us the 24-hour warning that the line was going to expire, she sent me a message. So I reluctantly gave her my number, and she texted me. I scheduled a call for last night, but I wasn’t feeling it; I think we’d get along but she looks like a midget in her photos. Regardless, she texted to remind me to call her, but I didn’t. Lame on my part, I know, but no use going further here.


NEERA (OKC 45, 5'7", 92% match)

After a long delay, Ms. Open To Non-Monogamy messaged me back on OKC with a really witty message. We’ve now exchanged numbers and today I asked to talk sometime tomorrow. Hoping she works out.


SAKE (OKC, 47, 5’5”, 79% match)

She’s the woman with a kid who required the guy to be 6’. She messaged me back “But you look cute” and “Handsome” to my message on that subject, so I gave her my number. She waited several days to reply "I will call you soon, too busy but I love music and would be interested to know more about you” this past Monday. So I just texted now: "Great - just text me when you're free. Have a great holiday!” I fully expect things to go nowhere even if she does get back to me.


KIKI (Bumble, 44, 5’1”)

Cute slim girl who looks almost like a teenager, which means her photos are probably old. She messaged Happy Thanksgiving today, and I messaged back asking how her holiday is going. Even if she’s as sexy in person as her photos (which I doubt), I don’t think she’s really my type.

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NEERA and I just talked for an hour on the phone. She seems very similar to me... and likes to talk about herself even more. Luckily she'a also a good listener with a great sense of humor. She's a former grad student, involved in the behind-the-scenes of bigtime music/event planning, cares about the environment... and we plan to meet on Sunday.

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