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This dream was so...disturbing!


More on that later. I have to go do a phone interview for an article. Worked from 6-2:30 today, then I’ve got to do that, deliver the papers, do research at the library, and make my way out to the mall to get my diamond back. I think the library isn’t going to happen today, but Alex’s mom will be at the airport at 10 am, just after I get off work...so I probably shouldn’t spend the day researching..

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So already my wrist is really hurting. By the time I left the deli last year, I thought I was developing carpal tunnel. Well, it’s really sore and constantly cracking, and the right feels way weaker than the left. I guess I’ll have to rest it up a bit this weekend. That’s right, a LONG WEEKEND OFF!! Starting tomorrow at 1 pm, vacation is on! Alex’s grandparents showed up last night and parked their camper outside. I had no clue they were coming-- wish I had because the house was a pigsty and they were all wanting to see everything. Ick. Alex has gone to pick up his mom from the airport, and then we’re picking up his brother tomorrow on our way up island. This is going to be one big birthday/reunion!

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Oh what a WONDERFUL vacation. Everything was just perfect. I did a ton of socializing and bonding with everyone yet Alex and I still made time to get away and “honeymoon” a bit. It was really nice to go back to the place where he planned a whole anniversary weekend away for our third anniversary, and spend the weekend with all of the people who will be my in-laws.


I always feel so relaxed with that family because they’re all fun and close-knit. Alex’s brother will be heading off to China for a year or more, so it was really good that he could make it out too, because the brothers and their mom got lots of bonding time in, and I finally bonded with him a bit too. We had nice weather, tons of great food, swims in the ocean (yes, cold!) endless hot-tubbing and swimming in the pool, and we all slept in every day which was so needed.


Oh, and through the power of awesome family, Alex and I are getting a brand new Ford Focus!!

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MIL is gone home now. Her flight isn’t for another half hour, but we said our goodbyes this morning before I headed up to campus to do some assignments. Just got home and the house has been cleaned lol. I think she got bored being in the house all day long.


My friend just texted me. “I miss you.” That made my day because I have been missing her lots too. It’s only been a week, but I guess that’s the limit.


On facebook today I saw photos of my ex-- the one I was going to marry and have kids with-- He has two sons now, toddlers. I admit, I got a bit weirded out seeing photos of him and his girlfriend and their kids. It felt...uncomfortable. That was supposed to be my life, before things got all weird. But, on the other hand, we were just kids and I SO upgraded with Alex. He’s my superhero and I am starting to believe in the concept of soulmates because of him.

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Ugh. I have been eating way too much. Fatty fat fat LOL.


Oh! I found a venue that equals out to be $100 per person, but that’s ceremony and set up, fully set up reception, antipasti appetizers, full dinner with choice of two proteins and a vegetarian dish, midnight snack, 3 nights’ accom. for the honeymooners, discount on guest accom, access to all recreational activities, plus a guided outdoor activity for guests... an event planner, just tons of perks. That would eliminate a winter wedding, but it’s on a lake surrounded by mountains, there’s basketball, canoeing, kayaking, swimming, hiking, a sauna, rustic cabins, and a super adorable “barn” for the reception all decorated with white lights, tablecloths, etc...

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Dunno LOL. Whatever we can manage to save up will be our budget. My brain is too drained to try and figure out how much that venue would equal out to be without food and the other perks. Google Strathcona Park Lodge to see the whole thing if you’re interested


Long day. Looking forward to some feta and spinach perogies and butternut squash soup, then a bath. Oh yes, a bubble bath. Maybe I’ll get some more work done tonight before bed, but if not, I have all day tomorrow. Love not working!!

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