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And Pigs Might Fly


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Hahaha my husband's aunt brought some books for my son from the UK when my son was a baby and one of them was Postman Pat, I was like "uhh who and what is a Postman Pat?" And then I saw the TV show....


My mother-in-law always talks about the English countryside. ( my in-laws are from England)


Heh, oldschool Postman Pat was the best. He's received investment from somewhere because he went from being the local posty, to being the sole postman at a large sorting office! He now has a blackberry, a gyrocopter and a motorbike with sidecar lol.


Did she buy him Fireman Sam too? My son was a Fireman Sam fan.

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I've seen the recession here being exploited by business owners to cut down staff and transfer the workload to the left over employees for a pitence of a pay rise.


It doesn't make sense that there are so much more American gas guzzling cars in town driven by business owners after the recession started.

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I've just gone and got myself all worked up because I can't find words for what I wanted to type here lol... It wasn't even anything important, just something about work, but now I've got annoyed with myself!

I can't even begin to explain how agitated and anxious it makes me feel when that happens... Honestly, daft as it sounds!


Going out for afternoon tea anyway, a groupon treat bought for me by a friend so I better go get ready!

Sounds posh doesn't it... Tea & scones at the countess tea rooms lol... Must remember to stick my little finger out while sipping my tea!

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Lovely afternoon tea... Then a swift half in the pub next door before coming home!

Next door neighbours came round to tell me that the cat needs to go to the vets... It's more their cat than mine but they alway come to me when he needs the vets.. I got him as a kitten, but he chose to live with them when we both had cat flaps, since they had a new door fitted without a cat flap, so he has been forced to spend time in my house (though only usually when I'm not in or at night if they have kicked him out).


Anyway, he had this awful thing sticking out of his eye, phoned vets, got appointment, just got back... His third eye lid has ripped and prolapsed...

First they said £120, he saw the look on my face then said he would give me some eye drops while I decided what I wanted to do, then he managed to push it back under, I was talking to the receptionist afterwards, in tears nearly because I don't know what to do. Vet popped out of his room and said that if the swelling goes down, and I keep it moist with the drops it might be okay. Now I don't know whether I'm coming or going. If he needs the op or if they're just after my money!


I've spoke to the neighbours and told them, I've asked if they would consider putting some towards if I need to have the operation done. You'd think I'd just asked them to chop their arms off and feed them to damn cat!!! I'm sorry but the cat has spent at least 8 years out of 10 living with them and the last year he's only come back into mine because he can't get into theirs. They could help me out a little here... I'm hopping the eye drops will make it okay... not sure what I'll do otherwise, I'm sure I'll find the money from somewhere if I have to but....... Oh cripes, here come the tears!

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The cat's eye must have been nasty to look at!


The cheek of some people huh?

Basically their cat and your house is it's refuge when it can not get in to theirs and they expect you to foot some of the bill.


I know vet fees are indeed very expensive.

Infact more expensive than the fee for the exact same problem in a human.


A couple of cats, in my area had their legs operated on.

Both over $500NZD.

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I don't generally mind especially if the option is to not have him looked at when he needs it... I've spent the odd £40 or £50 here and there.

£120 in one go though is a bit steep, especially for me at the minute! Just done a google convert and £120 is about $250 NZD

His eye did look nasty, I can't even describe, but it didn't seem to be bothering him one bit, still eating and grooming etc!

Was going to try and keep him in to prevent him doing more damage but he will not settle in my house, he was going to end up injuring himself more by scratching aggresively at the door and meowing his head of... He never has been one for staying in! Haven't got a clue how I'm going to get the eye drops in on my own, he hates being fussed over at the best of times!

I will find the money from somewhere if I have to... Don't really have an option

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They've been round and said they'll stump up £40 if I have to have him operated on... Better than nothing.

Think they saw I was upset, and believe it or not I actually get on with them very well most of the time!


Now I could just do with knowing if the vet is trying to rip me off or not. Will give it a few days and see if it stays where its meant to. *sigh*

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If you are taking on a lot of stressful thing in life more than you usually do, over a certain amount of time you can become tired regardless of how much sleep you have.

Mental drain from constantly thinking about those stressful, somewhat upsetting things.


BTW how are you able to type and slip over at the same time?

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BTW how are you able to type and slip over at the same time?


Haha, that made me chuckle


Just feeling all tense, edgy and ready to snap today for no real reason.

Probably cos just tired and the fact I've had a headache all day.

One of those 10 steps backwards days that we all have them I'm sure!


I'm super annoyed with myself now though because I went and begged a cigarette of somebody, I've let myself down big style. I blame the shop for having no fruit gums


Ah well. Whats done is done

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I'm all out of fruit gums.

Two bags in one and a half days.


Today I went and bought fresh fruit and standard stuff.

I don't know how people shop without a shopping list yet I'm the only one with a shopping list.

It takes me ages to do my supermarket shopping otherwise.


Are you sure you're tense and edgy for no real reason?


The scenario with the third eye lid popping cat and the lack of a housemate upon past events which have not completely been resolved in your head can cause a pile up of over thinking and stress possibly.

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I have a real bad habit of writing a shopping list and leaving it at home. I generally wander about, get all the usual fresh fruit/veg/salad etc and then wander about picking up anything that looks tasty or is on offer. Luckily for me though, the supermarket is 10 minutes walk from my house and I pass it while driving to/from work so I can always call back if I need something. Probably not the best way to shop on a budget though.


Glad to hear you're keeping up with the healthy eating though. Hope it's doing you good?!


To be honest, I don't really know what goes on in my head these days. I like to think that I am over my recent angst but I'm not sure I've completely let the feelings subside. Maybe a little left over anger at how the situation unfolded and still does with regards to some people. But I almost feel sorry for him as he, albeit unknowingly, takes the blame every time I have a bad day now lol. I need something to focus my negetive energy on!


The cat, finances, housemate, possible redundancies, family blah blah blah all lend themsleves a little I suppose... Who know's what else is swimming around in that tiny little mind of mine!

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Just got home from work to be told that my 14 year old foster brother is in hospital... Collapsed in the local supermarket. Sounds like he's been taking drugs! I could happily throttle the little sod.

Mum has already got a foster baby in hospital with Bronchitis since Saturday morning, my eldest brother and his GF have been looking after the 20 month old, I've been helping out with the 14 year old. As well as having 17 year old brother stay with me for a while because mum couldn't cope with him at home (and I needed the money)


Don't know why I'm letting it stress me, it's mother I feel sorry for really. But, awful as it sounds, She doesn't help herself.

She is brilliant with babies but not so good with teenagers. I feel awful saying it but she allows them to take advantage, there has never been a real punishment, just the other day he stole £40 from her purse (drug money it seems) but apart from halving his spending money to pay it back.... Nada. When they have her completely washed out to the point were she's in tears, and she doesn't cry often, she phones me for support... I can't help her!


It was the same with the 17 year old a couple of years back, drugs, staying out, threatening to kill himself, stealing... Had to actually call the police on him and nearly got him arrested! Only dropped the charges as he wanted to go in the army. And we thought that would kill or cure him.... But they wouldn't take him.

I think mum thinks that because she let one get away with it, she has to let the other get to the same level!


The one thing that will always linger in my mind with my mum, when a friend killed himself (quite a few years ago) the one time I went and asked for her support and I got. 'Oh, its not like you were married to him or anything' and off she trotted to do something else. Is it wrong that I can't forget about that? We've never had a strong/tactile relationship. Infact, I don't know what I wanted from her as I would feel imensely uncomfortable if she tried to hug me! I can't normally even talk to her about anything remotely personal. But that one time I reached out..... Ha, well I never have since. I guess thats relevant as its why I can't be emotionally supprtive when she needs it from me!?


Got to rally round though, Will find out whats happening and call to the hospital on the way to see dad if thats what I need to do! Christ I'm fed up today!


Don't know if I feel better, worse or indifferent after that rant!

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I'm sorry to hear about that Piglet. I can kind of understand that relationship in a way - not personally - but it's similar in a way to my husband's relationship with his mom. He doesn't really reach out to her because she's just never there - but when she needs something she's there. That was awful what she said to you... I'll never understand parents that act that way.

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Thanks OG, that was probably one of the worst moments in our mother/daughter relationship... But the one that sticks in my memory unfortunately! I do love her, and I know she loves her kids, but I will never again turn to her for support and I find that a bit sad. Her relationship with her mother is pretty much the same so I can't really blame her for not knowing how to relate. It's only recently that I've discovered that I am actually quite a tactile person after a lifetime of being told we're just not a tactile family and taken it as normal! lol.

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I guess its to be expected in most families hey?! I've always envied those that have the mother/daughter relationship where they go shopping and go out for lunch and enjoy spending time together etc etc. I would love to have a close relationship with her but I always feel i have something to prove... Probably more me than her but its a difficult hurdle to get over for me

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Maybe I read too much lol... I do actually know a couple of people who love spending time with there mothers, but, you're right, it's not that norm People tell me I'm like my mother in some ways but it just makes me cringe... Much as I love her, I don't like her sometimes and I don't want to be like that her. Eek, that makes me sound horrid

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Maybe I read too much lol... I do actually know a couple of people who love spending time with there mothers, but, you're right, it's not that norm People tell me I'm like my mother in some ways but it just makes me cringe... Much as I love her, I don't like her sometimes and I don't want to be like that her. Eek, that makes me sound horrid


my mom used to drive me bonkers. but i'm growing to see her as a pretty fascinating person. i feel like i've taken all the best bits of her and integrated them into my own life. parental units...gotta love 'em.



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