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And Pigs Might Fly


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All morning...? If I go for the all day breakfast surely that would take all day to eat


Saturday night is my night out with the girl... We do pretty much the same every year but we always enjoy it...


Meal at the local indian restaurant, then a few drinks in the local pub then....... We go down to a friends and play games and drinkl copius amouts of wine lol

Normally pictionary or rapidough I feel like a right old fart now haha. But it is really good fun Honestly!!!!


Haha no need to convince me, I'm a lover of board games myself. I discovered a huge love for Monopoly last year, how old-school is that!!


Sounds great, have fun! I hope the icy conditions don't put paid to your plans, or it could be a case of shoes-in-a-bag while you wear your moonboots to the restaurant or is it just me who does that..

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OOhhhh monopoly, I haven't played that in years. My mum has all those old games somewhere. Might dig them out for a more tame night


Hey don't joke about the moonboots, I've had some of my best nights out in my wellies lol. And I'm not kidding!

I'll be amongst friends and we're all the same so I won;t be looking foolish on my own lol

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I wrote on a thread the other day and said I would only go back on FB when I no longer cared what he was up to.. Shortly after, I realised I really don't care anymore That said, I still don't want to look on his wall in case it sets me back and I'm not sure I could stop myself. I think I will get a friend to be there when I log back on and they can block him and his GF for me so then there is no fear of me seeing what they're getting up to.

I don't know how this will pan out, but when I first deactivated FB I though I would be tempted to log back on. I haven't so I hope the same applies for when I block someone... That I don't get tempted to just unblock them!


Ugh, I think I'm ready. I hope I'm ready!!!

And I so want to start dating again, But I just don't seem to get along with dating sites for some reason

I got a 'dating rule book' for my birthday so I should probably read that first! Then I just need to hunt down some eligible bachelors! Hmmmm, where to begin

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HI.... I am in the land of the living.... just about Finished myself off with a 2 hour walk this afternoon.

It will be nice to sleep in my own bed tonight (and that isn't nearly as exciting as it sounds lol)

It's been a whirlwind of activity and I've enjoyed every minute of it. But I have cancelled plans for tonight as I just can't take anymore haha, I'm happy just to sit here, with my green tea and my pup and rubbish on TV.


The meal was fab, the wine was flowing and the company was outstanding as always! I'm pooped

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Great to hear you had a great time Piggy.


I've been feeling strangely good considering the current events.


I miss playing board games, but unfortunately it's something that has to be done with people who also enjoy them.

Which is 0 from who I know.


The last time I played a board game was a LONG time ago.

I was playing Scrabble, I was winning, so my ex put down something which wasn't a word.

She's quite competitive and became really mad with me gloating a little.

Unfortunately she was the one who was holding the score pad which I ended up being hit with.

From this the game ended and since we were on the bed, we ended up playing something else.


I get cranky in Monopoly when I am losing from what I remember.

Which was also a very long time ago.

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Haha, sounds like an interesting game of scrabble. I'm not very imaginative with words and have to have dictionary constantly glued to my side if I intend to play it.

I think there are probably more closet board game players than we realise. I find some people take some convincing at first but once we start, they soon start to enjoy it!

Every year after my birthday games we always say we should get together more often and do something similar.. But it never seems to happen! I might suggest a monopoly night for New Year lol.


Didn't get off to a very good start this morning, all ready to set off to work and my car wouldn't start. Luckily managed to get a lift off one of the guys that lives near me but still... I'm super annoyed. I think the old beast might be coming to the end of its life. Now I've just got to decide if it's worth trying to get it going (hopefully just a new battery or even just a loose connection) But the tax is due this month which is over £100, then the MOT in April which I'm pretty sure it will fail. I've spent a fortune keeping the damn thing going the last 18 months or so... Maybe its time to cut my losses rather than keep on chasing my tail but I will only end up buying another old banger as I can't afford a newer one and its highly likely that it will come with similar if not the same problems! Maybe I should get myself in shed loads of debt and get something newer with a lower tax bracket...? Could work out cheaper in the long run

Oh I don't know, I'm just having a stress at the minute... Might be a quick fix. Who knows!


And then, all the heating had been turned off in the office as someone has been doing maintainance work... Was bloody freezing in here this morn.


Rant rant rant *sigh*


I'm off to depress myself now and search auto trader. See what I can't afford

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Oh, and I forgot to mention that my roof is leaking... The attic bedroom (that I am trying to rent out) has damp patches on the chimney breasts. It's been like this for a while but January last year I had a new roof on as I was fed up of patching it up and never actually solving the problem. They made a right pigs ear of it anyway and had to come back out twice as they had put the lead flashing on upside down (DOH) and then the split the back gutter, or whatever its called, so that needed replacing. I decorating it all and even though there were dark patches where it had been damp I though it was just an after effect, that the plaster had got stained or something... Well anyway, £3000 later and a few stormy, windy, rainy days and TA DA the damp is back!!! I now have a big brown stain on the chimney breast and the damp patches look worse than ever!

I don't know if I have a cowl on my chimney... But I don't fancy climbing on the roof to find out. Guess I will have to phone the roofer again and get him back out... I'm never going to be able to rent the room at this rate!


I really thought that having a new roof on would solve my damp problems... Nothings that simple it would seem


I'm having a right strop today. I'm soooo pissed off with all the money worries, car worries, house worries. At least I haven't got time to worry about being single

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Ha haha I have the same problem when window shopping.

Ohhhh I like the looks of that or those.....ah....I see why.....$$$$!

I have unintentionally expensive taste in everything.


Chimney breasts?

Is this an English saying?


It's unbelievable the amount of 'qualified' cowboy tradesmen there are out there.

They fork out the big bucks and pass the academic side of things, have the $ to get themselves up and running but when it come to the practical, they really suck.


My boss is kind of like that.

He can muck up on a clients computer but is able to lie his way into getting the client to buy a new computer.

Yes when the problem only became major after he broke it.


So after going off on a tangent there, what I was going to say is, it can be rally hard to find a qualified tradesman who will resolve the job 100% yet charge you the Earth the first time round then do it again a second time when it was their fault.


As for your car....it is pretty old and what you really seem to need is an off road vehicle where you live.

I don't know what the petrol prices are like over there but with the way the petrol prices are over here, diesel is the way I'd go if I can.

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Bloody hell fp, I hope you mean to get a different roofer in and not the cowboy who 'fixed' it previously! (It actually sounds like you need Nick Knowles in, do you want me to nominate you I have actually experienced a leaking roof, damp chimney breast problem too. Fortunately for me, it was my ex landlord's problem and not mine but the house is still yet to be re-roofed, so at least you're attempting to rectify it and are not a dodgy landlady, hey!


Hope your tomorrow is better than today!

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Well managed to get the car started last night and it started okay this morning, though it doesn't sound very healthy... Only a matter of time before it goes again I would think. It's definitely time to start looking about and seeing about getting a little loan to get me something else. I wish a could afford a 4x4 vehicle, even if I could afford to buy one, I couldn't afford the running costs with tax and fuel the way it is at the minute. Not to mention the pay freeze and redundancy situation going on all over the UK (Or probably everywhere, I don't know)

I'll end up with another old heap but if I can find something to last me a year at least, I will have paid the loan off for the 'new roof' haha... Then I could probably look at getting something a little better. My current car is a diesel, but I'm not sure whether I'm better off or not as I don't really do enough miles to justify the extra 8p a litre. But then, if I could afford to fuel up, I would love to do more mileage! sooo, ha, I can't win really! Ah come on ItD, you know how I like to complicate matters! lol


Chimney breasts?

Is this an English saying?

I'm not sure how best to explain... Hmm, maybe you call it a chimney stack? The bit of wall where the fire's are mounted that sticks out?


I have one in my living room and one in the kitchen which means I have like, half of each in the attic bedroom with the rest being under the eaves

Am I making any sense...? I'll send you a picture if not lol


I could certainly do with a Nick Knowles. I would love for somebody to just come in and fix my house up. I've been there 11 years almost and it's been a never ending money pit... I'm sure I'm not alone in that! People always say, once you own a house and car you'll never have any money (well, until the mortgage is payed off anyway


The roofer I got in initially actually came highly recommended, and I had seen his work as he'd done my neighbours roof. Up to now, he's been out every time I've called him and done what he could to rectify my problems. I actually think he subcontracted the work out as I rarely saw him when my roof was getting done, just lots of young lads jumping about on my roof lol. And one time when he came back to see the damp patches, he actually brought another guy with him (Who I took an instant dislike to). And the roof was done in two days, that was a complete strip back, new lats and everything, where as the neighbours roof took him and his brother a week to do!!!


If he did subcontract, I bet he's learnt his lesson now... I am going to try and get a fluevent for the chimneys and then I'm going to get him back out to check the roof. He hasn't charged an extra penny yet and I'm pretty sure he wont. I get nasty if people don't do something that I pay for lol. I will threaten him with trading standards and the lot!

(once got 3/4 of monies paid for a used car after the head gasket went by doing that)


I just hate all the messing about!


But on the whole, today is going OK up to now!!!

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Wouldn't it be a nice feeling to have someone fighting your corner, I'm not overly needy, just sometimes it would feel good ya know, someone pulling in the same direction! Maybe I'm always wrong and thats the problem. *sigh*


Anyway, going shopping for food for mother surprise party this afternoon. I have everything crossed that nothing comes along to spoil this weekend.

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I think it was mostly bragging and being heard.. But this brother of mine has one of those voives that cannot be ignored. He's so loud and never shuts up lol.


Bruno had had a full weekend camping out at a horse show when this was taken. Poor little love was fed up of having the camera poined at him I think haha. He looks shattered. bless him. Not his cutest photo but it does make him look funny

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Aw thanks carrie... You should see him at the minute, head to toe in mud after a ramble round the fields with my brother two dogs. I've given up trying to keep the house tidy lol.


Well ItD, I'm glad you didn't get to the lake if you were going to throw 'beds' at the ducks haha.

Do you have like a rainy season over there is is it just as and when? Every season is a rainy season in the UK! Although today at least it's relatively dry, for now!

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Over here we don't have a rainy season.

It just happens when it happens.


Recently though we have been having earthquake weather.

Most of the time when there is high humidity, warmth and rain, we get some earthquakes.


As for the bed, some how I missed out the r and a in the word to form bread.

I'm pretty good with making typos.

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The bed typo made me laugh, I have to admit I hope you don't encouter any bad earthquakes. That dosen't sound like fun!!


Been preparing for the big surprise party today, I never want to blow another balloon up for as long as I live! Just the buffet to sort tomorrow then we're all done! My 13 year old brother has found out whats going on and he has been sworn to secrecy. I swear I will really fall out with him if he lets this slip after keeping it quiet for all these months.

We've told mum we're taking her out for a meal at a relatively posh place near us, she really looking forward to it and getting quite excited. I hope she's not dissapointed when she discovers its sausages on sticks and open sandwhiches for dinner instead!


Just got to add... For some reason I've got a really a really bad feeling about something. I don't even know what or why... I am looking forward to tomorrow but wont pretend that I won't be glad when its over. Maybe I'm just worrying over nothing, I hope so!

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