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And Pigs Might Fly


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I think I'm going to have to get something to help... I may even have to resort back to the horrible tasing nail varnish (and overlap onto the surrounding skin)


But hey, if I can tackle this before december 31st... I'll consider 2011 quite a significant year.


Fallen in love,

Fallen out of love

Stopped smoking (apart from the odd one.... I working on it)

Cut down dramatically on my drinking (Friday night and I'm drinking tea)

Started Building bridges with family

Eating heathly

Getting more excercise

Made friends from all over the world on eNA lol


Maybe this year is a turning point, maybe it was meant to be a little bit erratic with enormous highs and massive lows, maybe it was the storm before the calm lol... Roll on 2012

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Ah you know me so well lol... Yup, its wine alright!


That photo of Bruno was taken last spring I think, Getting him to pose involved one of us holding the camera and waving a stick about while I very firmly told him to wait while shoving a bluebell up his nose.... lol....Happy days


He's not a poser by nature... Normally he runs away when you point a camera at him. Most photo's have involved bribery of some sort haha. Bless him

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Yeah it has, and I should be proud

Though I'm ashamed to admit I'm failing on the smoking at the minute, the odd one is become a little more regular. I'm a little bit mad with myself over that but I'm not sure I'm mad enough to stop lol. I keep telling myself "I'll stop altogether after Christmas"

It seems funny that I managed to stay stopped through what was probably one of the worst summers I can remember only to start slipping as things start getting back to normal... Makes no sense really!


Look at that... How do I always find something negative? Do I do that a lot? I never really noticed before but it feels kinda familiar!

Ah well, I'm not going to focus on the negative, not today, I don't feel like it


Going on another long walk this aft... Looking forward to the fresh air! But if I'm not back on later, it means I've been blown away with all this wind

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Hehe, it's a beautiful day today, the wind and rain were raging last night but has dropped now.


Hmm, you do tend to talk yourself down sometimes. Try turning it around, consider the negative aspects first, then end on a postive note with some kind of action Like 'damn, I haven't done too well on the non-smoking front today, ah well, tomorrow I shall get back on track' and start a fresh in the morning.

I think we all need reminders to practise what we preach sometimes (or I do at least ) because you advise others well.

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Well I survived the walk... It was windy but dry so wasn't too bad. Two and three quater hours we were out, up hill and down dale lol... There is some fantastic countryside right on my door step, I'm sooo lucky!


Maybe now I'm starting to realise I talk myself down sometimes, I'll be able to stop it! Half the battle is recognising it right? I'm on the right track, that much I think is clear to see!


Definitely the practice what we preach thing... Why is it that its so much easier to give advice, if I was giving myself advice it would be.... GET OVER YOURSELF ALREADY GIRL!!! Lol.


Ah well... Ever onwards and upwards!

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^A compliment is a compliment, right! hehe, what did he want?


Well I survived the walk... It was windy but dry so wasn't too bad. Two and three quater hours we were out, up hill and down dale lol... There is some fantastic countryside right on my door step, I'm sooo lucky!


Maybe now I'm starting to realise I talk myself down sometimes, I'll be able to stop it! Half the battle is recognising it right? I'm on the right track, that much I think is clear to see!


Definitely the practice what we preach thing... Why is it that its so much easier to give advice, if I was giving myself advice it would be.... GET OVER YOURSELF ALREADY GIRL!!! Lol.


Ah well... Ever onwards and upwards!


'Up hill and down dale', you sound like Postman Pat! The British countryside is a thing of beauty isn't it.


Yeah, how are we more forgiving of others than ourselves. Bad, bad habit!

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'Up hill and down dale', you sound like Postman Pat!


Haha, I knew I'd heard that saying somewhere before!

I was chief navigatior so I was just impressed that we didn't get lost. We did go slightly off track a little bit once but not lost! lol

I do love our coutryside. Sometimes I think I take it for granted, but then I guess everybody does at some point to some extent


Got that Monday feeling today though... Gloomy!

I really want to piss and moan and rant and rave about something but havent' got anything that would justify it lol

One of those days that I'm sure I've mentioned before where I'm just going to flat out refuse to let myself be happy!

But it'll pass I know, At the mo, I'm sat at work, munching on my finger ends (Stopped now I've realised and really wanting a cig! Worse thing is, I know so many people that would give me one if I asked! But its okay, I'm going to stay strong lol... Might go buy some fruit gums after work, they were my substitute last time so they might work again! Maybe!


And I still don't know what brother was after.... Hmmm, maybe he was just being nice! I have my doubts lol

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^A compliment is a compliment, right! hehe, what did he want?




'Up hill and down dale', you sound like Postman Pat! The British countryside is a thing of beauty isn't it.


Yeah, how are we more forgiving of others than ourselves. Bad, bad habit!


Hahaha my husband's aunt brought some books for my son from the UK when my son was a baby and one of them was Postman Pat, I was like "uhh who and what is a Postman Pat?" And then I saw the TV show....


My mother-in-law always talks about the English countryside. ( my in-laws are from England)

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Get some gums.

Haven't had wine gum s in a while.

Or maybe some Fruit Bursts.


Either way it will never take long for the bag to be empty and me feeling sickly but content.

I think I'll get them tomorrow.

I'm pretty low on snack foods besides non-chocolate biscuits.


I bought a pack of Ginger nuts......and I don't like ginger nuts.

But then if I bought something I like, they will be gone within a day.


I often wonder how different the English countryside differs from the New Zealand country side.....green....hilly......don't think there is really.


As for Postman Pat, when I was a kid I would change the channel or turn it off whenever I heard the Jingle.

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We certainly do have some beautiful coutryside. And there's so much of it I haven't even seen myself.

The fact that I've barely been anywhere outside the UK doesn't give me much scope for comparison but I'd probably be a little biased anyway!


I've got into the habit of meeting up with some dog walking buddies and going for these long walks on sunday afternoons, the two times before this there has been some fantastic photo opportunities and I haven't had my camera. So this time I took it with me, and just couldn't find anything really worth capturing! lol.. Typical I guess!


Postman Pat is definitely an old favourite over here... Well, I can only speak for myself You just can't help but sing along to the opening theme!

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Get some gums.

Haven't had wine gum s in a while.

Or maybe some Fruit Bursts.


Either way it will never take long for the bag to be empty and me feeling sickly but content.

I think I'll get them tomorrow.

I'm pretty low on snack foods besides non-chocolate biscuits.


I bought a pack of Ginger nuts......and I don't like ginger nuts.

But then if I bought something I like, they will be gone within a day.


I often wonder how different the English countryside differs from the New Zealand country side.....green....hilly......don't think there is really.


As for Postman Pat, when I was a kid I would change the channel or turn it off whenever I heard the Jingle.


I love the jingle.....


Buying biscuits you don't like.... lol, wouldn't you be better just not buying any?

I stopped buying snack foods for the same reason, I would just eat them instead of getting something healthy, or at least proper!

But I will call for fruit gums, I'll be sure to get my favourites


I don't know what it is about the English countryside makes people consider it particularly special, but I like it! As mentioned though, I've not really been anywhere else so it's pretty much all I know!

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The thing about buying biscuits I don't like is that I will eat them eventually and sparingly.

I have a habit of buying little when I go grocery shopping.

If the contents fill my basket, then I will leave the rest of another day.


Do you have Pascall Fruit Bursts over there?

They're my favorite.


I can't figure out the marvel of the English Country side.

Seeing Green landscapes which stretch for many k's to me is like taking a deep breath without breathing.

Hard to explain, but it becomes more obvious the more I stay away from it.

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I'm not sure if we have Pascall fruit bursts over here... I don't recall seeing them. My favourites are Rowntrees Fruit Gums. Love em, especially the green ones!


I guess every counrtyside has its good and bad points, I wouldn't want to look at just massive stretches of green but then I don't think many would.


It's the patchwork fields, trees, scenery and winding country paths etc that I find more interesting.

The photo I most wanted to take the other day would have been brilliant if (a) I had a camera and (b) I knew what I was doing lol. We had a really low, thick but quite patchy fog and we were quite high up at the time! I can't explain but it just looked odd.

Each to their own anyway, I love my countryside


Nearly forgot to ask ItD, how the sleeping/waking up since you cut back on the junk food?

Hope you're doing better!

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Good to hear you're waking up better... The dreams are unfortunately out of personal control I guess... If only we could turn our subconscious off hey?


I just wish I could stop waking up every other hour... It's not a massive wake up, just a check the time and go back to sleep most times but I never feel like I've had a decent sleep. Don't have a clue why I do that!

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