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Would you marry someone who proposed with no ring?

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There are so many different styles too. You can get bezel set, or even just a lower setting. I had a classic style blue topaz solitaire and I grew to dislike it because it snagged on things. I'm not allowed to give input on the ring, so I can only hope that my SO chooses something with a lower setting.


I Had a solitare my ex gave me that when I wore it snagged EVERYTHING. That it dang well hurt when it would dig into my skin. My e ring isn't bad about catching on things. It does but rarely.

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My engagement ring snagged on everything! It was pretty obnoxious. I'm glad I have it locked away now...my wedding band is so much more comfortable and of course never snags. I went with a band that has diamonds set in a channel around the entire band. It's thin and it is exactly what I wanted. I find it interesting that it is traditional to wear the engagement ring after marriage...isn't it supposed to signify engagement, not marriage? I know that's just how it's done but I would have chosen to just wear a band after marriage, heirloom engagement ring or not.

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My wedding band also has diamonds embedded in the band, about 10 of them I think, it matches my engagement ring. Both were custom made to match one another. I do plan on wearing both together just because I love my engagement ring and my wedding band and look spectacular together. Traditional or not, to each his own.

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I proposed so there was no ring, LOL. Later he bought me an e-ring despite my protestation, but it was a silver claddaugh ring with my birthstone. After we married, he saved money to buy me a "proper" ring. I am not really into this kind of stuff and often fussed about the cost, but he was DETERMINED. He saved for years to buy me my current ring. He knew I liked the design and the ring is hand-made by an artisan. He bought the center stone separately and had the e-ring and band made together. I stopped making an issue about it (I hate spending money on stupid stuff like jewelry) because I realized it was important to HIM. He needed to get me this ring for himself, if that makes sense. I decided to just be gracious about it.


Anyway, that's that story. Pics only available by request!

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My sister and her now husband talked about marriage and he had asked her to marry him and she had said yes. He didn't actually make the proposal valid for another some odd years after that, then he gave her the ring and asked her again. It was cute and there was never any doubt in their minds about marriage..she said yes without the ring and then again with the ring. I honestly don't think I'm ever getting married so I'm glad she at least is.

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  • 1 year later...

I would accept it still but at the same time (depending on what was the reason) would start to wonder if it's going to happen and when. The reason is because long ago, on the 3th month with my now ex bf he asked the ''Will you marry me'' question out of nowhere and at the time I wasn't even in love with him yet. I was only 19 and I think my answered was sort of like an Ummm I don't know, ok I guess.


But needless to say, it took me a while to find out he really didn't mean it. He was only saying it just to say it but no action took place after that. Though later on, we both had some talks about it... it didn't happened ever and I never got changed into fiancee status (hence he only referring to as gf to his friends).


So yeah present-day I would preferred the proposal with a ring (it doesn't matter if it's cheap or old, don't care but at least make it more serious and official not just talk). Without the proposal, no I will not turn him down but within a couple months from now mentioned about it and set a date when to buy it.


Now if he was a man of words and there was a date and hour set up (but without a ring) then ok.

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I would be so thrilled to have the love of my life propose to me that it wouldn't matter one iota that there was no ring. But I don't think I'll ever be that lucky so I'm not expecting either


Vic, I think your husbands spur of the moment proposal sounds very romantic and to be honest, I'm quite jealous.

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Yeah some of us don't even a proposal nor an honest, decent one. I'm wondering why some women get proposed at a faster pace yet others like me have to wait for years for it to happened. For some reason there are very few marriage-minded, mature men out there while the rest of them are the typical ''play the fields and living my life to the fullest'' types (if those mature it's usually in their late 30's or early 40's... ugh). Why does the players override the decent, mature men??

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Yeah some of us don't even a proposal nor an honest, decent one. I'm wondering why some women get proposed at a faster pace yet others like me have to wait for years for it to happened.


Yeah, when you want to marry the one you love but they never ask (for whatever reason) the ideas you had in your head start to fade and you tell yourself, ok I don't care about the ring, then it becomes, I don't care about a big wedding (I never did anyways), then you think, a small registry office ceremony with a few friends and family would be fine. You stop wanting all the decoration and just focus on the most important part. The actual marriage.


I don't care about the ring, the dress, the ceremony or anything like that anymore. I'd just like to be married to the man I love. However I don't want to marry someone who was cajoled into it and he wouldn't allow that to happen anyways so I have to give it up. It's a sacriafice and a painful one but I'll make it. I think it's sad that some women out there moan about not getting the ring they wanted or it not being expensive enough. If you've got someone you adore who's asking you to spend your life with them, what more could you want?

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To be honest, I never really cared about a ring (and don't even like dresses) before but just the marriage itself and I'm an atheist so the day it happens it's not going to be at a church. It will be a civil marriage for me.


Now it does have to be a ring (any cheap one) to at least make sure he's not lying this time. But yes you're right about the invitation list. I'm not going to invite too many people (just my family and a couple friends). Actually I think when it happens I'll get very drunk (totally hammered) out of happiness.

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I don't agree with the three month's salary thing - I think that's a marketing ploy more than anything.


The three months salary thing really isn't relevant in this day and age but it was recommended in the past as a sort of insurance policy for women. If a man broke off his engagement, the ring would serve as a sort of compensation, which in all honesty was fair and just because a broken engagement would undoubtedly hurt the womans prospects of ever marrying! It could be assumed that she'd engagaed in sexual activity with the man and therefore wouldn't be sought out by other suitors. It was financial security for a woman at a time when they otherwise had very little.


Of course a ring's also traditional, and a lovely tradition at that! Just not the be all and end all.

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I would be so thrilled to have the love of my life propose to me that it wouldn't matter one iota that there was no ring. But I don't think I'll ever be that lucky so I'm not expecting either


Vic, I think your husbands spur of the moment proposal sounds very romantic and to be honest, I'm quite jealous.


Aww you never know, your love might you know!

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Yeah some of us don't even a proposal nor an honest, decent one. I'm wondering why some women get proposed at a faster pace yet others like me have to wait for years for it to happened. For some reason there are very few marriage-minded, mature men out there while the rest of them are the typical ''play the fields and living my life to the fullest'' types (if those mature it's usually in their late 30's or early 40's... ugh). Why does the players override the decent, mature men??


Well my husband was not older when he proposed to me. He was only 21. So younger men do propose.

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Yeah some of us don't even a proposal nor an honest, decent one. I'm wondering why some women get proposed at a faster pace yet others like me have to wait for years for it to happened. For some reason there are very few marriage-minded, mature men out there while the rest of them are the typical ''play the fields and living my life to the fullest'' types (if those mature it's usually in their late 30's or early 40's... ugh). Why does the players override the decent, mature men??


I think it's a mistake to assume that only commitment-minded men are the ones who want to get married young and RIGHT AWAY and that if a man doesn't want that, he's a "player".


There are many, many men out there who do want marriage in the future and are happy to be in a LTR with the right girl and then marry when they are older. Just because a guy isn't eager to rush off to the alter in his early or even mid 20s doesn't mean that he's a "player". My boyfriend is very committed to me, is respectful of our relationship, and wants to marry in the future, but doesn't want to marry unless he's established in his career and has some money. I am the same and don't want to marry until at least my late 20s, maybe later.

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I’m similar to fudgie. I’m engaged now, but it only happened because my fiance felt completely ready to support a family. He had goals to achieve before getting engaged to me, and once he did those things (college, job, house) he was ready. I think it’s silly because we have been living like a married couple for years now (how many, I forget... almost 5?) To him, marriage equals having a family, so the old fashioned notion of supporting a family factors in too.

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Yeah some of us don't even a proposal nor an honest, decent one. I'm wondering why some women get proposed at a faster pace yet others like me have to wait for years for it to happened. For some reason there are very few marriage-minded, mature men out there while the rest of them are the typical ''play the fields and living my life to the fullest'' types (if those mature it's usually in their late 30's or early 40's... ugh). Why does the players override the decent, mature men??


The answer to that is the man you are with and whether you have the same minded goals in life and out look on marriage. My ex and I had complete opposite views on marriage - I was okay getting married in my early 20's, he didn't see marriage before 27-28 tbh. So obviously with his belief of when marriage should happen, he never would have been an 'early' proposer'. So if you want to get married within x years if everything else slides into place, then it's best to look for a person with that same mindset. As well it also depends on how long you have been together, were you are financially, what you are going through, etc.


My husband was 25 when we met and he proposed to me. Marriage was always the end game for him and he never 'played the field' so to speak. In fact he had actually been previously engaged before (many years ago) in his late teens/early 20's. So it's all about the kind of man you look for and what you as a couple are.

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