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A day in the life of Mama Metro (metrogirl)


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Well, the sleeper sofa was supposed to cost much more than that but someone had mispriced it and they sold it to me for the marked price, minus the sale discount they were having that day. It was marked $89. and instead of taking 40% off, they took 60%. So, I got a $189 sofa marked down to $89 and then had the wrong discount applied. Sometimes you score.

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Today was my first day at the new job location. My supervisor is someone that I know rather well, actually worked for him at another location so he was most thrilled to have me there.


The assistant manager, I found out is someone that I worked for previously and absolutely adore and he is extremely happy to have me on board and the manager is also someone that I worked with previously when he was a supervisor and then briefly when he became an assistant manager. Now he is a manager and I am working with three people that I have history with so it should be a good run there.


It appears there will be a huge opportunity for OT. There is a cargo trailer of boxes with bus inspections and records that were never sent off site. Actually 4 years worth of boxes and since it appears that no one knows how to properly label the records and prepare the paperwork and I do, I can probably make some really good money taking on this huge project. I have to meet with my managers tomorrow and hooray for me, they know my work ethic I should have no problem getting the okay.

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I worked my fanny off today but accomplished a lot. Haven't touched the boxes yet, still need to meet with the managers and see how they want to handle it. So far so good, I am liking the location and the people I have met.


Now I just need to get back into a normal sleeping pattern. LOL

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I miss being here. I can't get on ENA from the new worksite as my office is situated with leaders and supervisors not to mention the manager comes and goes quite often. It's not a big deal I guess, I have plenty of work to keep me busy. It would just be nice to be able to pop in and say hi while I was on a break or something. So I guess for now, I will just stop in when I get a free moment at home, which isn't often these days.


Hope you all are doing well.

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Missed you Mama Met.


How are you liking the new place?


No complaints, everyone has been very nice to me. I have recieved a lot of positive feedback from the leaders and supervisors regarding my work. I work really well with the inspection leader, he said that it was nice to have someone on his team that knows what she is doing. Tomorrow I need to venture out into the bus yard and familiarize myself with how everything is set up so I can start working some overtime. Currently, I have been sticking to my desk and working with the records but I would really like to be comfortable working with the yard again too.


I'm off today, so i am going to hit Sears and get the babies some school uniforms and then it's off to lunch and Target shopping with the best friends today. We have to do our girls night out super early today because I go into work at 6am tomorrow and you guys know I need my beauty sleep. lol

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I am glad you are a little happier Mama!!


I saw a while back in your journal about how loving you are to your grand babies. You are such an awesome grandmother! It makes me miss my Nana so much. She has been gone a long time now. My avi is her picture when she was 40 so that picture is 65 years old now.

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I am glad you are a little happier Mama!!


I saw a while back in your journal about how loving you are to your grand babies. You are such an awesome grandmother! It makes me miss my Nana so much. She has been gone a long time now. My avi is her picture when she was 40 so that picture is 65 years old now.


What a great picture. I thought it was just a stock picture that you found, it looks like something taken from a movie!


I won't lie Victoria, there are some huge things going on in my life that are causing me turmoil but I am working at handling things differently now, at least responding differently if that makes sense. My grandbabies, what can I say they are my happiness. Not a day goes by that I don't think about them and when I am feeling at my lowest, I think about how much I love them and how much they adore me.


I did get their uniforms and some dvd's and I called my daughter today and told her to bring them over for a little visit. I had my 5 grandbabies and 3 step grandbabies here. We ordered some pizza, watched cartoons and played Legos.


I guess I better start getting ready for bed, I have to be up at 4:30am and after work I have an appointment with the DMV to renew my license. I think I have to take the written test again because I had two moving violations in the last 5 years. Booooo I took the practice tests online and passed without any problems so I should be ok.


Have a great night everyone.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi everyone!


Just wanted to pop in and say hi since I don't get to hang out here like I used to. Things are okay, the new job site is busy busy and I have been working a lot of overtime lately. I have an unexpected bill that arrived in the mail last week and need to take care of it within the next month or so, so I have decided to work as much OT as I can get. I will pay off that bill and then start my Christmas shopping.


I did manage to lose 8lbs somewhere without trying. I think it has to do with my going to sleep earlier now, I don't have a desire to eat dinner like I did. I try to get in bed by 9 or 930 the latest. I get up at 4am sometimes 415 and start getting ready for work. I have been doing the makeup thing again and honestly that has helped me feel better tremendously. It's true what they say, a little color goes a long way. I remember when I walked into the office one day with my makeup on and the girl that works in my office said " omg, you look so pretty and I hope I don't offend you but you don't look as tired with your makeup on".


I'm not sure how much longer I will be on the morning shift at the new site, the girl that I am covering for is rumored to be coming back this month. The good thing is should she decide to come back, I can bump the girl that works swing shift. It feels good to have the 2nd highest senority there. It will keep me off that relief shift that I hated so much and it allows me first choice on the OT opportunities.


I miss all of you.

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Greetings and Happy Labor to all.


It feels good to be in the office on a Sunday morning, no management today so I get to doodle around on the net a bit.


Nothing much going on here, working 16 hours today. Doing my regular shift and then I am going to work swing shift at my former location. Luckily for me, I don't have to work tomorrow so I am definitely sleeping in.


Yesterday I went to meet the parents of the girl my son has been dating for almost a year. They invited us a few times this year to visit with them but it was always bad timing with Jesse being sick. Now that he is much more stable we decided to join them for their Labor Day bbq. I'm actually really glad I went, her parents are wonderful people and such good hosts. They welcomed us and introduced us as Nick's parents and the entire family even down to the cousins seemed very glad we were there. The theme of their bbq yesterday was a sausage fest, links of all kinds were being grilled. I brought a pasta salad that was devoured within minutes. LOL


Her dad sat down with us and kept us company for a bit, he told me that I raised a great boy and he is very happy that his daughter finally found a good boyfriend. That made me feel really great as a parent, then he told me that my son was an excellent mechanic.


Her dad is really such a funny guy. He asked me if I wanted a shot of Patron and I politely declined and he called to his wife and asked her to bring two shots. His family was shocked and started cheering as I found out he doesn't do shots, so we had a shot together. Everyone was rooting us on and clapping, it was really a good time had by all. I truly felt at ease.


I left the party early because I had to be at work at 6am but they have been invited to join us in Vegas in two weeks for my birthday.


Hope you all are having a wonderful and safe holiday weekend.

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