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When a women showers..?

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By my studies and confessions from local polls, girls who are more insecure or don't find their body appealing while in the shower tend to dry themselves off OUTSIDE the shower.


The reason behind this because naturally when you get naked you look at yourself and become judgmental. Generally girls look at the shower as a "sexual" place (subconsciously). Although you may not agree with me from my collection it shows that a lot of females really do look at being in the shower as if they were in front of a showing of judges. If you are comfortable with your body / find yourself to have sex appeal you are more likely to stay inside to dry off because you are satisfied with your body. However someone who isn't comfortable doesn't want any more additional time inside the "judgment box".


These are just collections, the hardest problem is peoples term of "comfortable with my body" varies from person to person.


NOW men think exactly like all the male posters have said so far. They do it to prevent the floor getting wet. However they think the exact same things as women do however they are less likely to be affected by it.

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Generally girls look at the shower as a "sexual" place (subconsciously). it shows that a lot of females really do look at being in the shower as if they were in front of a showing of judges. However someone who isn't comfortable doesn't want any more additional time inside the "judgment box".

Is this for real? I mean, who comes up with this stuff and where do they find this kind of information??


Speaking for myself, I have NEVER seen the shower as a "sexual place", nor have I ever viewed it as being in front of a whole bunch of judges who were judging my body. That's just crazy (imo).


I only dry off a little in the shower to prevent the floor/bath mat getting sopping wet and no other reason.

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In the past I have had an excess of anxiety about being physically safe when I was in the shower. All that does is make me want to get out of it sooner. I was uncomfortable when I couldn't see or hear what was going on inside the house. Fortunately this anxiety disappeared presumably to the same place it came from a few months later.

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I get out of the shower to dry off, because it's so small in there! I can't imagine why you would dry off in the shower, wouldn't everything get hot and damp? I have long hair dripping all over the place, so I step out, wrap up my hair and then dry off. I always apply loads of moisturiser whilst I'm half damp, so usually wander off to my bedroom to do that.


I don't think it's psychological for me, but practical. After all, you're soaping yourself in the shower, so how is wiping with a towel any different?

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While I highly doubt your sexually charged shower full of judges hypothesis actually has any truth, you aren't going to get the true answer by posting something like that here in the format you did. For one thing, it seemed like the "right" answer was that you dry off outside & are therefore comfortable with your body. And if you dry off inside, you are not. It leads people into saying what they think it the right answer, even if they had every intention of being honest.


You would probably want to ask some questions that are indicative of being comfortable with your body. Such as, are you happy with the size of your clothes? Would you ever consider cosmetic surgery? Are you unhappy when you look in the mirror? You could put questions like these on a scale & each person's individual number will indicate where they are at in the comfortable category compared to others.


You might also want to add more "random-seeming" questions so they don't connect their comfort-level questions with the shower question. Ask things like, do you put your shoes on in order? Do you take the bus to work? Do you wear white or black socks? along with the shower question.


Also, collecting a random sample is important (though very difficult!) If you asked these questions to a group of ladies at a sauna, you would probably get different results than if you asked them to a group of women in a nursing home.


I'm sure there's a million other things you need to do in order to ensure a sound study, these are just all I can think of. It's been a while since I've studied this in college!


It would be interesting if it actually was true that women who are more comfortable with their bodies dry off inside the shower. It could be true, but when you conduct studies, it's very important to control for every possible extraneous variable, or else your study has a major flaw and may simply indicate that extraneous variable present. For example, perhaps lets say that a much larger percentage of women who are insecure about their body have a physical issue that both keeps them from staying in the shower when it's not necessary AND also causes them to feel insecure about their body. Maybe they are obese and feel crowded in the shower, or are afraid of falling and getting hurt. Maybe they have a large, visible injury & feel pain from from standing too long so they get out so they can sit somewhere. If these variables were not controlled for, than the only thing your study has found it that women with physical issues are more likely to be both insecure and to get out of the shower for reasons unrelated to that insecurity.


Do you have any assistance from a college professor in doing these studies? Where exactly did you come up with the explanation that a shower is like a judgement box? That's the part that sounds a bit off-base. Just be careful jumping to conclusions as to why your study turned out as it did, and what the resuts REALLY mean. The only reason I went into such detail is because you said something like "the hardest problem is determining a woman's comfort with her body because it varies among individuals". Really, if you had experience in conducting studies you would probably know to use the scale method to determine each individual's comfort level would be one of the easiest parts. The hardest part is controlling for those dang extraneous variables!! And collecting a random sample. Even when you do collect a random sample, it only applies to the parameters in which the random sample was collected. So, if you for example collected a random sample from women in Cincinnatti, you can't extrapolate those results to women everywhere, or even to women in Toledo. You could take a sample of college students, but it would have to be from a random selection of colleges, or else the results will only apply to the women who go to the college in which you collected the random sample. And they will only apply to college students. The results won't apply to, for instance, high school students.


I guess the point I'm making is that conducting a study can be very complicated, and if you are not familiar with sampling techniques or the proper ways in which studies are conducted, your results are going to be flawed and meaningless.


Well, I just went back to the beginning & saw you are doing a psychology thesis so you probably pretty much already know everything I just said! But it took me so long to write it all out I'll just leave it anyway.

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Depends on the situation mostly. I'm kind of crazy to the point where if I don't have a bathroom rug near the shower, I will dry off in the shower but if there is a bathroom rug or somekind of carpet to step off of, then I dry off outside of the shower. I just don't like steping on a hard surface while my feet is wet, especially on a bathroom floor. I am also comfortable with my body.

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Hello I'm doing a psychology thesis about women when they shower and when they dry off. Please women (or guys who know their women) answer these 2 simple questions...


When you are finish showering, you dry yourself off in the shower or step out of it then dry off?


How comfortable are you with your body?


Help student please!


step out then dry. Pretty comfortable although it could be better

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