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For ENA moms and moms-to-be!!


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It always seems like time/pregnancy flies when other women are pregnant.


What's going to happen once all the ENA moms-to-be have their babies? This thread will be far too quiet and there will be in dire need of more "belly photos". Some other ENA women need to get preggers ASAP so it can live on. lol


(P.S. Don't look at me- my uterus is on lockdown with Mirena for several more years. lol 8-[)


Well you killed my mental image of you. I was full on expecting you to volunteer and take one for the team. LOL


But since your uterus is locked down, I guess we'll have to look elsewhere. Don't look at mine, it has dust bunnies and lots of lint. LOL

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It always seems like time/pregnancy flies when other women are pregnant.


What's going to happen once all the ENA moms-to-be have their babies? This thread will be far too quiet and in dire need of more "belly photos". Some other ENA women need to get preggers ASAP so it can live on. lol


(P.S. Don't look at me- my uterus is on lockdown with Mirena for several more years. lol 8-[)


To be honest I feel like my pregnancy has flown by...in fact I am starting to get a little anxious now that I am only a month away from my due date...

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To be honest I feel like my pregnancy has flown by...in fact I am starting to get a little anxious now that I am only a month away from my due date...


Your's has just whizzed by......I can't believe Gabriel is almost here.


Imagine if all the little babies could get together and have a play date. They are all so close in age.


Alicia, Nathan, Hayden, Aaron, Gabriel. Renske would have her hands full trying to keep the smaller ones in line. Awwww.......

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Haha, aww..that would be awesome.


Well, i'm making more progress..slowly but surely..I developed a ridiculously annoying rash on my lower belly called 'PUPPP' [look up what it stands for, it's a mouthful.] and had to go see my doctor yesterday..i'm dilated to 2cm, 80% effaced and very soft..he said it could be at any time, my estimated due date is tomorrow [the 21st]. If I make it to my appointment next Monday, he will schedule my induction for next week. Like i've said a million times, here's to hoping I go into labor on my own before intervention is required!


Today is my last day at work and i'm really not on the internet much at all at home..so hopefully one of the ladies i'm friends with on facebook will update you on the delivery of my Hayden James if I don't get a chance to, which I hopefully will.


My pregnancy has gone by so fast and i'm so thankful for all of the advice and caring words i've gotten here on ENA. I was so terrifed when I first found out about the pregnancy, i'm still terrified..but i'm so excited about becoming a mother. I already love my little one more than anything, I know it will do nothing but intensify the minute I see/hold him.


Lunar [i'm still gonna call you that] - you're almost there..can't wait to see baby Gabriel!


Good luck to the rest of you ladies, i'll be back regularly in a few months!

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PUPPS is terrible, sorry you have to deal with it! My best friend had it for like the last month of her pregnancy and she was miserable! BUT its almost the end so you wont have to deal with it for long


Hope baby comes out soon and on his own!! I keep thinking about ya, any day you will be a new mommy. You're going to love it!!!!

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I am 35 weeks and I had a docs appt this morning. Gabriel is doing fine. He is closing in on 6 pounds ( yikes )


I had the exam that tests for Strep B today....


I have an ultrasound on Wed to check his position and on Thurs I get checked for the firt time to see if I have dilated at all.


I am really hoping I start dilating soon....

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Sorry, ladies..this is the first chance i've had to update everyone! Thank you to everyone else who updated the status of Hayden and I as well.


Wednesday, July 21st...[my estimated due date] at around 8:50pm - I was reading a book in bed when I felt and heard a pop..I remember my friend telling me she felt/heard a pop when her water broke in May..so I got kind of scared and rose out of bed to see if anything happened..sure enough my water broke and amniotic fluid was gushing everywhere. OMG - worst feeling ever! You can't control it and it isn't just one gush of fluid like I had imagined..it just keeps coming and coming and COMING. Like you're peeing yourself and you have no control over it. I yelled for Trey and that's when chaos in my house started. My mom/dad/niece/trey are running around the house like idiots while i'm standing there with a towel between my legs telling everyone to calm down..I went to the bathroom - put my hair up..and the shallow part of me decided to put some make up on so i'd look halfway decent, haha.


Slowly, on the way to the hospital, I started to get light contractions..by the time I was checked into the hospital about an hour after my water broke..I was having pretty intense contractions 3 to 5 minutes apart. The labor and delivery center were SUPER freakin' busy so I had to deal with horrible back contractions for 2 and a half hours..I finally got an epidural and that's when we got the news from the nurse that Hayden's heart rate was dropping considerably everytime I would have a contraction no matter which way I laid. I dialted from a 2 to an 8 in two hours, on my own..by the time the doctor got in there he determined that the cord was wrapped around Hayden somehow and there was pretty significant amounts of meconium in my amniotic fluid so he decided an emergent c section was the only option.


At 1:39am on July 22nd [my mom's birthday!] Hayden James was brought into this world via c section. Turns out the cord was wrapped around the top of his head..so I wouldn't be able to push him out anyway - he even had an indention on the top of his head where the cord was - and it was wrapped tightly around his neck as well. The doctor said it's good we got him out then because the meconium was a rather significant amount and he had to be evaluated by the NICU to make sure he was okay. He weighed 8lbs 2oz and was 21 inches long. He has RIDICULOUSLY big feet, like..abnormally..haha..he'll grow into them eventually..i'm so proud of him. He's the most amazing thing i've ever 'made'. He's five days old now and he's changed so much already..being a mom is the most amazing feeling ever, I just swell up with pride and love when I look at him.


I'm breast feeding, which is going pretty well..my milk finally came in Sunday and we've had some 'latching' issues but i'm working with him..we're both learning! My nipples are SOOOOO sore and I'm almost in tears sometimes during a feeding but it's getting better..it's worth it! I'm healing pretty well from my c section..it wasn't how I planned it at all but at least I went into labor on my own and didn't need pitocin at all!


Also, just wanted to mention..all day wednesday [the day I went into labor] I had a weird 'restless' feeling..at 5:45pm I took two tablespoons of castor oil blended with icecream and rootbeer..never got any cramps, contractions or anything..exactly 3 hours later my water broke. I doubt it had anything to do with it..i'm sure it was just a coincidence..weird timing! LOL! Wouldn't reccomend the castor oil because a nurse said that could've been why there was meconium in my fluid - it affects people differently..I really wish I wouldn't have done it..even if it was only two tablespoons..I feel like I put his life in danger. Some women have drank the entire bottle, my nurse said!


Here he is, sorry about the picture quality!





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I am glad that you and Hayden are ok. He is an adorable little peanut and looks a lot like you.


Take it easy after your c-section don't try to do too much- accept help whenever it is offered. Don't try to vacuum your whole house one week after like I did (crazy,dumb me...hindsight is 20/20)


I have to say I LOVED this:



and the shallow part of me decided to put some make up on so i'd look halfway decent, haha.



Awesome!!!! lol


Congrats Dang!!!!!

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