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For ENA moms and moms-to-be!!


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Alicia's first bf He is so adorable, his picture made me smile - I love his chubby cheeks!!!


hahaha.....I didn't even know about the pic, I found it on my cell phone. I guess my daughter took it for me and didn't tell me. I was trying like crazy to get a picture of him with his eyes open and he wasn't cooperating with me. Everytime I thought I was going to get him with his peepers open, the little turkey would yawn and his eyes would close. I swear he stretches and yawns as much as a cat does. LOL

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hahaha.....I didn't even know about the pic, I found it on my cell phone. I guess my daughter took it for me and didn't tell me. I was trying like crazy to get a picture of him with his eyes open and he wasn't cooperating with me. Everytime I thought I was going to get him with his peepers open, the little turkey would yawn and his eyes would close. I swear he stretches and yawns as much as a cat does. LOL


He has beautiful big eyes!! Its hard to get a picture of Alicia with her eyes open too, she is alert & awake a few hours a day but yet when I go to snap a picture she closes them lol.

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Yup lol shy lil monkeys they are


Metro - how is the lil guy doing? How is your daughter?


He's doing well. You wouldn't know that my daughter just gave birth 17 days ago. She' up and around, doing this and that.


He had his first appointment the other day, gained 2lbs and he got his first little shot. She said he didn't seem phased by it though.



Is Alicia still feeding well? My daughter was trying to nurse him but I guess it wasn't going well for either of them. So he's getting formula now.

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He's doing well. You wouldn't know that my daughter just gave birth 17 days ago. She' up and around, doing this and that.


He had his first appointment the other day, gained 2lbs and he got his first little shot. She said he didn't seem phased by it though.



Is Alicia still feeding well? My daughter was trying to nurse him but I guess it wasn't going well for either of them. So he's getting formula now.


Alicia is feeding really well, she loves to eat...I swear its the best part of her day lol.


Glad to hear both of your babies are doing well!

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Alicia is feeding really well, she loves to eat...I swear its the best part of her day lol.


Glad to hear both of your babies are doing well!


I showed my baby, your baby. She is in love with her. She agrees with me, she said that Alicia looks so much older than she really is. I guess it's all that good eating.

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Awww!! Shortpants and I have already prearranged the wedding between her daughter Littlepants and Landon. Their first date was a trip to McDonalds for french fries and to play in the play area, then they had a nice nap on the way home, holding hands in there side by side ar seats followed by a drool filled smooch. lol


Now, we've got another one!!! Little Alicia and Nate. What will their first date be like?? I predict boobs, spit up, and the occasional burp. Aww....sweet love!!!

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Thanks ladies......


It was so cute, I was holding him yesterday. All was good, I was talking to him and telling him that his mommy should have just left him at the hospital because he's not really as cute as everyone makes him out to be. No response.....


Told him I wasn't ever going to be his grandma........No response


I then told him that I would never feed him and likely let him go hungry and he let out the biggest scream......hahah It was way too cute for words. Ok little dude, you can stay. hahahahah

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I had my doc appt friday. I am almost 3cm dilated and lost my mucus plug already, but this lil guy is being stubborn and doesnt wanna come out.



OMG.... well just think, by the time you finally go into labor you will be at an 8 and only be in labor for one hour and push for 10 minutes.




Ok, we can hope right?

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My wife and I were having that discussion, like the Duggers who have 19 children, if the mother gives birth so many times it becomes easier?


Metro & AC the babies are so cute I was honestly scared to hold one of my wife's friend's second baby at a party few weekends ago. To think just three years ago I was holding my daughter...they feel so soft but fragile!

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My wife and I were having that discussion, like the Duggers who have 19 children, if the mother gives birth so many times it becomes easier?


Metro & AC the babies are so cute I was honestly scared to hold one of my wife's friend's second baby at a party few weekends ago. To think just three years ago I was holding my daughter...they feel so soft but fragile!



We have a family member that won't hold the baby. He winces everytime we pick up the baby. Here hold the baby...... No No, he's too little, he's fragile, I don't want to hurt him. LOL

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