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For ENA moms and moms-to-be!!


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Thanks everyone!!


I just want to hold her so bad! She's gorgeous!



Ac, how's your recovery going? I can imagine you're glad she's out of your belly!


I think I'm fully recovered, I feel back to normal. It feels good to run around without a huge belly or pee every 20 seconds lol. I have about 7lbs to go & I'll be at my pre pregnancy weight My belly is getting smaller and smaller everyday!! & The best part I didn't get any stretch marks!!!! I really thought I would because she was over 8lbs and my belly was stretched to the max, but I guess I got lucky.



How are all the pregnant mommies doing??

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Thanks everyone!!




I think I'm fully recovered, I feel back to normal. It feels good to run around without a huge belly or pee every 20 seconds lol. I have about 7lbs to go & I'll be at my pre pregnancy weight My belly is getting smaller and smaller everyday!! & The best part I didn't get any stretch marks!!!! I really thought I would because she was over 8lbs and my belly was stretched to the max, but I guess I got lucky.



How are all the pregnant mommies doing??


That's awesome! I'm so happy that you and precious baby girl are doing so well. I can't wait to have this child OUT! I'm ready to hold him!

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Someone needs to have a serious talk with Hayden and get him to come out this weekend..or now..either way, lol.


lol...omg I know how you feel I was feeling ansty like that from week 36 on & had serious talks with my lil one every day but she never listened. I couldn't wait & wanted baby out asap!! The last week was the worse for me, but looking back now it all went pretty quickly.


I am doing good thanks for asking AC. I am 32 weeks....I have two more doctors appts and then I start seeing the doctor every week....


So far feeling pretty good....


Oh that's good - you are getting close!!

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lol...omg I know how you feel I was feeling ansty like that from week 36 on & had serious talks with my lil one every day but she never listened. I couldn't wait & wanted baby out asap!! The last week was the worse for me, but looking back now it all went pretty quickly.




Oh that's good - you are getting close!!


Yup getting there, the only thing that has been a bit uncomfortable is that I am starting to feel more pressure down there but I guess that is normal LOL....


I am so glad you and your little one are doing well


By the way I love her name...

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^^ She looks so grown up already. Certainly doesn't look like she is less than two weeks old.


She's just adorable.


She does I know, its probably because I'm taking close up pictures of her. Here is one of me & her...she looks so tiny

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Yup getting there, the only thing that has been a bit uncomfortable is that I am starting to feel more pressure down there but I guess that is normal LOL....


I am so glad you and your little one are doing well


By the way I love her name...


Thanks Luna! We weren't 100% on the name until we saw her, now I LOVE her name too. Yup more pressure down there is definitely normal, the worse of it is when you go pee 20 times a day instead of 10 because of the pressure lol. Towards the end too - I was getting a pinching/stabbing feeling down there, it felt like she was grabbing at my insides haha - that wasn't fun

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She still has that very grown up look. Facially, she looks like she is at least a month old.


You look fabulous by the way! Great job lady.


Thank you Metro! oh that's how you meant it....that's also what my parents & MIL said, that she looks older & very healthy

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Oh she just makes my ovaries ache! So sweet. Congratulations again!


Thanks Hope


Is it crazy that only 10 days ago I gave birth & I am thinking of number 2 already? lol I just asked my husband today when we can try again & he said in 6 weeks lol...this coming from a guy that only wanted 2 kids now he has upped it to 3 - maybe even 4

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AC, that picture of you two is just beautiful! She's absolutely darling. Can't believe you might be back on the preggo thread in 6 weeks ...


Oh no I wont be pregnant in 6 weeks lol that's wayyy to soon, but if I was ok with it & if my Dr ok'ed it I'm sure my husband would want to start right away. We are definitely going to start trying around 6 months though

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Dang - I had the same thoughts/fears towards the end of my pregnancy, there were times I couldn't sleep at night because of all the worrying. If I didn't feel her kick or move for 15mins I would freak, I thought for sure something had to go wrong since everything was going perfect. I had so many negative thoughts it drove me nuts. The last month or so I was also scared to drive because you just never know what could happen. I had many morbid thoughts! I know this wasn't directed at me, but I dont have PPD....I did have the baby blues for I think 2 days....I cried over stupid things around day 8 & 9 but now I'm back to normal and feel great. I dont think its a sign of PPD its just pregnancy hormones and being a mom! Just remember it will pass but its completely normal. Hang in there, Hayden is almost here

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