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For ENA moms and moms-to-be!!


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Hey all.


I'm so busy all the time with Hayman and right now we have no internet at home..so that's why i'm pretty much nonexistant.


Hayden is 5 weeks old now..[OMG already


I love him so much it's absolutely ridiculous..he is my whole world..is it sad that I could care less if anyone else was around me? I want to freeze frame time..now I know why my parents were so protective. The world is so dangerous and big..and I hear about horrible things happening all the time..I just want to keep him in my arms 24/7.


We're both doing great. I started running again two weeks ago..I feel awesome and can't wait to get back to my prebaby body..I hope all you mamas are doing great!

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Hey all.


I'm so busy all the time with Hayman and right now we have no internet at home..so that's why i'm pretty much nonexistant.


Hayden is 5 weeks old now..[OMG already


I love him so much it's absolutely ridiculous..he is my whole world..is it sad that I could care less if anyone else was around me? I want to freeze frame time..now I know why my parents were so protective. The world is so dangerous and big..and I hear about horrible things happening all the time..I just want to keep him in my arms 24/7.


We're both doing great. I started running again two weeks ago..I feel awesome and can't wait to get back to my prebaby body..I hope all you mamas are doing great!


He is so cute...!


Time flies huh! I totally relate to your feeling of being protective. I think that's part of the reason why I carry my baby and still nurse her (I am sort of into 'attachment parenting')- I have her in a sling on mommy days and take her for long walks.


Yay for taking up sports again! I have to admit that I can't make time for it anymore. Somehow Renske was easier around 2/3 months, with a single night feeding... she likes the breast multiple times a night as she can wake up from dreams, is moving a lot, etc. In addition I work 40 hours a week

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  • 2 weeks later...

Did you ladies write a birthing plan? Think Im going to so I don't have to think/worry about certain details. I'll just give it to hubby and let him take charge. Of coarse I'll remain open to changes, but I think it will help me relax. I hear being able to relax is so incredibly in the whole process. Better get on it if Im going to do it....

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Did you ladies write a birthing plan? Think Im going to so I don't have to think/worry about certain details. I'll just give it to hubby and let him take charge. Of coarse I'll remain open to changes, but I think it will help me relax. I hear being able to relax is so incredibly in the whole process. Better get on it if Im going to do it....


Not really, except for the following things:


1. I wanted pain medication if I asked for it (reasoning that I really didn't want it unless it would become unbearable, which it did).

2. I wanted to nurse her directly/asap. To help that, I didn't want my baby to be washed and dressed, but to simply be dried off a bit, and put naked on my naked chest- that way the baby can come to rest and try to find the breast itself. Often in hospitals, they make it very medical and clinical and wash and cloth the baby out of habit - but this is not good to get lactation started!


I had no further details included.


A birthing plan seems something typical for this time and age- as if we can control how it happens. And you really can't. Nature has its way. I wouldn't get too attached to a plan, it will just be a frustration. You can't control the details/timing and even not how your baby comes out. I mean you can choose for a natural birth but nature may decide otherwise in the sense that you could end up in a risque situation here you need a C-section to simply save your life and that of your baby. I was almost in that situation - and NEVER thought I'd be. That I ended up delivering her naturally was a small miracle in my case, because she was positioned in the wrong way and I couldn't dilate because of that. When they said: 'if she doesn't turn within the 2 coming hours, you'll have an emergency c-section' I was utterly shocked, simply because it never entered my mind that I would need surgery to get her out

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What's a birthing plan?


You might of gotten the idea with Arwens post, but it's just a way to communicate certain preferences to the nurses, your doc or family. That way you can just concentrate on giving birth and the rest is taken care of, hopefully.


Arwen, the second thing you mentioned was something I hadn't thought of. Interesting. I think mine will be pretty simple as well. Like who I want in the room, who the pediatrician is that I chose to do the circumcision, that I want to use the natural light (lots of windows there) or dim the lights if it's night(Hate those bright lights!) and of coarse certain meds I want to try to avoid and ones Im open to.


Im definitely going to remain open, but I want to at least be able to voice certain preferences.

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Those are definitely the right things that need to be in a birth plan. And tell your partner to speak on your behalf. I instructed my husband in detail about the breastfeeding- it's best when you start nursing within an hour and you wouldn't believe how that hour can fly by once you've delivered. !

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Hey ladies, I just wanted to check in and see how everyone is doing?? Alicia is 3 months today, she is getting so big! Its flying by boooo She is such a different baby then she was just a few weeks ago, she is so happy all the time and "talking" all day long. Its adorable, I'm really enjoying being a mom!


Hope all is well with you guys and your lil ones!

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We called the bump 'krieltje' (meaning 'tiny potato' in Dutch). She is, however, far from a tiny potato. But like a good Dutch girl, she loves potatoes and brown bread


Yeah AC, time flies. Renske is 7,5 months!!!


She is attempting to crawl (but goes backwards and can't lift her belly from the ground, but she IS moving), she rolls, 'talks' (da da daiii ooe eee aaa!), tries to sit... where is my little baby? *sigh*

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Well, our little dude arrived! On the 14th Wesely Bear was born. It was the most amazing experience. Labor lasted 21 hours but it was strangely peaceful... even before the epidural .

I am so in love with him and feel so overwhelmed with joy. Im dreading having to go back to work and leave him, but I know I will have to eventually.


My back sure does hurt though. Guessing from the epidural. I sure hope it goes away soon

Other than that recovering pretty well.


Here are some pics~

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Something I just found concerning back pain and epidurals. Thought I'd share in case anyone was curious....




Objective: To determine whether epidural anaesthesia during labour and delivery is a risk factor for postpartum back pain.


Design: Prospective cohort study with follow up at one day, seven days, and six weeks after delivery.


Setting: Teaching hospital in Montreal.


Subjects: 329 women who delivered a live infant(s) during the study period. Exclusion criteria were back pain before pregnancy and delivery by elective caesarean section.


Intervention: Epidural anaesthesia during labour and delivery.


Main outcome measures and results: The primary outcome variable was development of postpartum low back pain. Back pain was quantified with self reports (yes/no), a pain score (numeric rating scale), and degree of interference with daily activities. Of the 329 women, 164 received epidural anaesthesia during labour and 165 did not. The incidence of low back pain in epidural v non-epidural group was 53% v 43% on day one; 21% v 23% on day seven; and 14% v 7% at six weeks. The relative risk for low back pain (epidural v non-epidural) adjusted for parity, delivery, ethnicity, and weight was 1.76 (95% confidence interval 1.06 to 2.92) on day one; 1.00 (0.54 to 1.86) on day seven; and 2.22 (0.89 to 5.53) at six weeks. There were no differences between the two groups in pain scores or the frequency of interference with daily activities. Similar results were obtained in the subgroup of women with low back pain of new onset--that is, those women with no back pain during their pregnancy.

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Congrats Anggrace!!!! I am happy that you experienced the birth as peaceful. (wow, that is not the word I had in mind, but I think that I know what you mean. Somehow I knew what I was doing, and that it was going to be ok. But men, did that hurt


You look wonderful and your baby boy is very cute.

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