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Day 11


Missing her a bit less but the thoughts of her are still there... Just been keeping myself busy and keep looking forward in tunnel vision. I'm still in a bit of denial because of how she was with me and how much we "loved" each other and then everything coming to a halt... another guy in the picture and all of that mess. Not contacting her though.

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If you wanted to talk to me, or ask me how I was doing, you would reach out. You haven't done that.


I feel meaningless. I hate feeling meaningless. How can you break up with me over something that has ZERo to do with how you and I felt about one another or treated one another?


IDK - I hate love.

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Day 37 - Really didn't think about her at all but forgot to post about it yesterday


Day 38 - She crossed my mine twice but I spent majority of the day hanging with friends and wasn't feeling sad or gloomy. A way to make no contact easier is to hang with friends. It'll get you mind off of things

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Day 12 NC. Shocked I haven't heard from him again never been this long, my sister said, wow it must really be over.... didn't feel good when she said that.


I wanted to text to tell him I missed him yesterday so bad! I didn't do it though so that is good. I'm definitely still attached to him and keep envisioning me cutting the cords between us. I need to. I wonder every day if he thinks about me or if he has already moved on. Making an appointment with a therapist today. I need someone to talk to.

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I just found this thread, after my first post ever on this forum. It was a long one,.


Without knowing it, I started going "NC" ...Day 1. Incredibly difficult.


Janut and JA0371....your posts inspire me. And I truly hope that your hearts find peace. I'm day 5 into breakup, day 1 into NC.

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Almost let a day pass by without posting. Day 16. More than half way to the 30 days. I must admit I made it through the hardest part...the first week. That was when my anxiety would begin to kick into high gear. I felt powerless, like I couldn't control my actions. I think I I'm finally starting to make progress in healing my past.

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Day 16 myself. Drove past her work tonight, cause I know she is out of state. Was trying to meet a friend who never got back to me, and was supposed to meet in the area she works in. It made me sad, and really hurt. All I could picture was her there with her new boyfriend.


By the way, is anyone keeping this thread accountable anymore?

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Day 7:


Work today off the next 2. I think it has been helpful being busy. Im posting in the morning because it keeps me mindful of sticking to it...and in case I forget to. Im definetely feeling stronger and more resolved. The first week is definetely the hardest part I think .


Not much else to post as of yet...hope everyone stays strong and resolved.

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Day 13, but is it? He broke contact yesterday to ask for something back, I did reply So do I start at Day 1? I have to say that I felt like I broke up all over again yesterday. I cried, felt sick and pretty much had an anxiety attack when I saw his text and since it wasn't about getting back together and he basically told me NO PROBLEM when I asked him not to contact me. Then I watched a movie I shouldn't of watch cause it was about a new relationship with people my age and it made me so sad because I don't have that any longer.

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Day 13


I went and deleted every social media, I changed the netflix info to her info because she's the one that pays for it and I let her know, I know I know I broke NC, but it is because I want literally NO CONTACT whatsoever with her and I didn't want her come raging at me when she couldn't log in on Netflix. Even if she replies or tries to call me I won't answer... 13 days no contact and a life time to go... This is what you wanted, me completely out of your life, thats why you broke up with me, shattered me and ran off with your retarded rebound. Hope you're happy.

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Saturday night....home with my puppy. She's soooo sweet. She's only 8 weeks, so I am with her pretty much all the time. I've just been watching movies. Proud that Ive already made it 7 days. It's not much but it's gotta start somewhere. I keep reading encouraging success stories. I really am surprised at a lot of the negativity in the Getting Back Together section....I don't even want to post some of my issues anymore so I'll just stick to this thread. My goal is NOT to get my ex back, but yes...to get me back, though yes part of me would be happy if we did.


I truly think I will surprise myself ANd my ex when I finish this challenge...

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Day 17.


It seems like such a low number, when it feels like such a long time. When I think of this, and try to rationalize it, it makes me realize that I am an addict. I am addicted to our relationship, and I need to break free of that. It takes 21-30 days to break a habit. I am well on my way now, and am thankful for that.


Everyone keep strong.

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Day 8:


Happy Fathers Day to any dads! My ex has two kids...I don't even have the desire to say it to him. Not gonna break it over something trivial.


To Seank: you are so right that this is like breaking an addiction. It really is...being in contact with them is no different than taking a sip of beer every few days when you're real goal is to get drunk. What's the damn point? It won't ever happen. Best to just get sober and stay out of the bar and keep alcohol far away. I like that analogy.


So here's to staying sober...good luck with your he/she-tox.

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All of you who post here are such an inspiration.... to stay strong and keep moving forward


Day 21 for me. Sundays always seem to be the hardest... Probably because it was our one guaranteed day off together. Waking up alone stings the most, and I find that I walk around in tears/emotional funk most of the day. I'm trying hard to get out of this mode, but so far, no good.


Like JA and Sean stated.... wish it was easier to break this sort of addiction.

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Day 14 NC Keeping busy does help. I went to my nephews Confirmation and then to lunch with my mom and brothers family after. As I sat there watching my brother and wife, and generally I watch couples a lot lately, I notice how people work together. I seem to be having a epiphany lately that it is sad when couples don't appreciate each other. Relationships are special and should be nurtured. My brother and wife work well together and laugh quite a bit, so its nice to see. I don't know why I cannot find that too. Watching couples makes me sad and I had to hold back tears a few times. I hope some day I can have a healthy relationship, at least before I kick the bucket.

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I know I'm doing well when I have to look for my most recent post to know what day I'm on. I hope the next 72 days go like this (I'm working on healing from my past, not from my break up, so plan to post to 90 days. For that time I will not even entertain the idea of dating or a relationship).


I love Sundays as I go to my ACoA meeting Sunday morning. I wish there were more, but there's only one in a 25 mile radius of my home. Plenty of OA meetings, but only one ACoA meeting.


I'm working on me. But I want to start going to OA this week. I keep putting it off as I know I use food for emotional fulfillment. I'm disgusted with my body.


I need to heal my life. I can do this.

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Day 40 - The big 4-0... now that I've made it to the 40th day of no contact, I looked back when I first started no contact. The first 2 weeks were the hardest part but I got through. Had those urges to contact her but I didn't, proud of myself for making it this far!! Throughout no contact, I've had my ups and downs but I get through.


Everybody going through no contact, keep pushing because it'll get better

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Day 18 as well. It is so weird to think of how far I have come.


I'll admit, I almost had a slip up tonight, when I checked to see if my blocking of her instagram worked. I almost saw a picture!!!


Thankfully, I managed to make it out of there in time! Whew.


Anyway, on to the next day. Sad, but stronger now then I have been in a while. Feeling good.

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Day 15


Theres really nothing to post here for yesterday other than the fact that you tried to reach out trying to give me your passwords for your accounts, why? Do you pity me now? I don't need that, you know me so well, you know how I can be prideful at times, yet, you continue to try and feel bad for me? Just begone.


Day 15 and lifetime to go.

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Day 41 - I'm going to make the decision to, not only forgive her, but forgive my self. I would constantly beat myself up because I would think of all the stuff I could did differently, said differently, handled differently... I realized that I won't begin to heal until I forgive both her and myself.


"when you forget, you move on but when you forgive, you evolve"

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