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Everything posted by TarioJC

  1. Day 42 - Forgot to post about it but nothing really happen other than the occasional thought about her Day 43 - I recently started a journal. It helps me out so much!!! I can vent to it when I need to and write down my emotions. This break up has hurt me so much but I get through and every time I get upset, I go to my journal, happy moments go in my journal. In my feelings?? straight to my journal I go. It's not easy especially when you think about your ex often but I know with time I'll get through and thanks to my journal, I can deal with no contact easier. DAY 43 AND GOING STRONG!!!!
  2. Day 41 - I'm going to make the decision to, not only forgive her, but forgive my self. I would constantly beat myself up because I would think of all the stuff I could did differently, said differently, handled differently... I realized that I won't begin to heal until I forgive both her and myself. "when you forget, you move on but when you forgive, you evolve"
  3. Day 40 - The big 4-0... now that I've made it to the 40th day of no contact, I looked back when I first started no contact. The first 2 weeks were the hardest part but I got through. Had those urges to contact her but I didn't, proud of myself for making it this far!! Throughout no contact, I've had my ups and downs but I get through. Everybody going through no contact, keep pushing because it'll get better
  4. Day 39 - so many times throughout the day I thought about her today, sometimes it's hard. struggling with the fact that he just cut me out of your life and all I tried to do was make her happy. Its fine though, I'll get through
  5. Day 37 - Really didn't think about her at all but forgot to post about it yesterday Day 38 - She crossed my mine twice but I spent majority of the day hanging with friends and wasn't feeling sad or gloomy. A way to make no contact easier is to hang with friends. It'll get you mind off of things
  6. Day 37 - Actually ran into my ex today... she was at my job. Walked right pass each other and didn't even speak. I can't even lie, it hurt me a little. How you act like someone who tried his best to make you happy doesn't exist? I'm not perfect but I tried to be there!! I'm still going to remain strong!!
  7. Missed posting day 35 Day 36 - I'm having a weak moment, can't even lie... It was so easy for her to walk out of my life, I guess she didn't want to be there in the first place You try so hard to be there and make someone happy and it's not enough. I know it's for the best that we're not together. I'm going to stay strong
  8. Day 34 - Thought about her twice today which is good for me, usually she'll be all over my mind. Staying busy to keep my mind off her
  9. Just now joining the challenge on day 33... I feel okay. I'm actually thinking about why we aren't good for each other. I still wonder if she thinks about me but I'm staying strong over here
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