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Getting back together really does happen!

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Reading through this thread over the past few days has been massively helpful. Yes, it gives you hope. But it also helps you realise that either way, you have to move forward for yourself and ultimately you WILL be happy again, whether that is with her or with somebody new.


I broke up with my GF of 2 years last saturday, we met at Uni and knew it was right, but Uni ended and the stress of long distance and real life changing who we were eventually tore us apart to the point where she feels really weird being intimate with me, which is something I'd like to hear more about from girls or other breakup/recon stories. I guess she's just lost attraction and I need to become the guy she fell in love with in the first place. I see that I've changed and I don't like it, I don't make myself happy anymore, let alone her.


Anyway, I guess I have a few recon stories, though not really any positive ones!


First year of Uni, I was a virgin. A good friend of mine introduced me to a friend of hers (with massive boobs, woo!!) and we kinda hit it off. Not magical, but fun. It was quickly obvious we had something, so we started a relationship. It was all good and well for a month or two, we lost our virginity to each other, but it never felt like love. Christmas break came around and despite planning to see each other, we never did and ended up texting maybe once or twice over 4 weeks. We got back to Uni, I saw her in the SU and it just didn't feel the same, I could barely speak to her. Something had changed, it felt so awkward. After a week of avoiding her I manned up and discussed a split. The obvious regret, sadness and loneliness set in and in our weakness we got back together. Things were okay again, but no better. We never discussed what went wrong, we just missed the company. A week later we split properly and I quickly got over her, and she me.


Around Christmas of 2nd year the same friend that introduced us, a very good friend of mine by now, told me my ex was still single, pretty horny and had been having thoughts about me. That was exciting I guess, not romantically but I hadn't had sex in a year. I looked forward to going out and bumping into her, but in the end nothing came of it. She went on to become very close to a guy she was living with all along and I'm happy for them. Very quickly after I realised a girl in my house I'd been living with all along was the one. She's now my ex, different story, see the bottom!


My workmate has a story too. He was with a very pretty woman for 5 years. They split, and he did all he could to get her back. When he finally did kiss her again, the moment they touched, he knew he didn't want her again. Show's that recon isn't always what we truly, deeply want I guess.


A friend at Uni had a very similar story. Recon'd with his GF after she cheated on him. He had her naked, spread eagle and ready to go, but suddenly felt he just couldn't do it. I takes time to understand what you really want, I think that's important to remember. As others have said, don't rush and understand that BOTH people have to grow, change, improve and BOTH people have to want and be committed to making it work.


I know another couple from my course that split for a few months too. They're back together and happy now, though one lives in Cardiff and the other Manchester, so I don't know how they're making it work. Either way, they split and now they're together and have been for 2 years I think. Happy days!


Hoping for recon with my ex down the road, but who knows. She's the most intelligent, real girl ever and would never rush into a decision like that. Reading everything in the thread so far has been so helpful in understanding how to move on to be happy with myself again, and how to increase my chances of recon. I'd never rush back in, we'd take it slow and thoroughly discuss the problems that led to the BU before; instability, neglect, long distance. Hopefully she comes out of her funk of 'not feeling right with me, it's like kissing a brother' and feels the passion. If not, then I'll be a changed guy anyway and I hope to find another love like that, though I doubt it. She was, in all regards, perfect. Starting NC tomorrow after a skype talk to say goodbyes and read her a basic list of everything I'm sorry for, and everything I'm thankful to her for. I never want to lose her as a friend, our bond is too deep and she agrees, but we need time apart for sure and LC is just hindering our progress. We'll come out of NC and I'll likely initiate, that's just the way she is. Very scared, shy and fragile.


I'll keep you guys updated and thanks for all the stories!

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Thought I'd come back to this forum and post my story seeing as reading over others experiences helped me quite a lot.


My ex girlfriend broke up with me 10 months ago for really unknown reasons, she gave me some but it was your typical " I need to find myself, I still love you but not in love". I tried to convince her for about 2 or 3 weeks that she was making a mistake but she was having none of it. After those 3 weeks or so I transitioned into NC which lasted for a few months until she contacted me around christmas with what I thought were breadcrumbs so I kind of shrugged it off with very short replies. We actually ended up meeting up after contact from her increases and she said she regretted breaking up with me.


We slept together a few times and I felt like this was good for me because I still felt that I had her on a pedestal in my head, but afterwards she was normalised and I felt at ease with it all. I actually felt like I didn't want to get together at that stage but I continued to see her until I found out from a friend that she was actually seeing someone else. I confronted her about it and she basically told me she wasn't in the wrong as we weren't together. This did upset me but in no comparison to the initial breakup. I shut her out of my life yet again and was in total NC up until about 5 weeks ago when she contacted me. She sent me a huge apology saying I didn't deserve to be treated that way and she hates the person she has become (partying a lot, some drugs).


I said I appreciated the apology, don't hate her but I won't be there for her in any way. She said that OK she just wanted to let me know how sorry she was and that she would respect NC. Well that last for about a week where she came out to me that she still has strong feelings for me and would do anything to make it work again. Now after some talking over the last few weeks the ball is pretty much in my court, I have said to her I can't trust her and I want her to go and sort herself out on her own and then we can talk. I don't want to be any kind of crutch and for me to be sure of her feelings I need her to be on her own for a bit.


So I guess that she has come back to me and this time seems genuine, but I wouldn't be able to just take her back with open arms. It just wouldn't work out, I wouldn't respect myself. For anyone wondering I am mid 20s and she is early 20s. Some may say she had GIGS but who knows, some of the symptoms are definitely there. We were together for ~4 years, break up occurred 10 months ago. 3 months of NC to begin with, then another 5 months strict NC.


I'll be sure to update again so watch this space!

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Good to hear your update Kromon. And thanks for posting.


And I think you're doing the right thing. While you two were broken up you changed, grew, and matured. The same can't be said about her. And if you two tried to make it work without her changing/growing through self-introspection the wavelengths probably wouldn't match. But if she did have some growth, then your 'new' relationship could be stronger than what it was before.


But it's good to hear that you were not phased and were able to genuinely move on and let go.


Hope everything works out in your best interest and good luck!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hmm I just heard a reconciliation story from my friend today.


Her best friend was married to this guy for a couple of years (I think they were together for about 5 years). She cheated on him and got pregnant but she was unsure who the father was. After 6 months, and discovering she was going to be having twins, she told him that the children may not be his. He said after the children were born he'd get a paternity test. If the children were his, he'd stay with her, work it out and raise the kids. If they weren't' his, they were getting a divorce immediately. The children weren't his and they got a divorce immediately.


She saw the children's biological father briefly and then came begging for her ex-husband back. For a year he ignored her and his family and friends hated her. After a year she continued, saying she'd do ANYTHING to earn his trust back. They began to date after a year against everyone's wishes. After 2 years of dating, she slowly earned his trust and they re-married. They have been married for 2 years and have been happy together. There were deep trust issues which is why the reconciliation process took a few years but they worked and out. He raises the children like they are his own.


Thought this story shows that anything can indeed happen.

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Witnessed another story just this past weekend.


My best mate from Uni had a GF for the first few months of Uni. They'd been together 2.5 years and seemed like a pretty sweet couple. One day out of the blue he told me they broke up. Arguments, stress, distance, he couldn't deal with her anymore, wasn't feeling it anymore. He cut her out of his life COMPLETELY after the split and never talked of her again during my 3 years with him at Uni.


Fast forward to this weekend and she calls him up drunk one of the nights. She comes round and we get chatting, it turns out they're casually 'seeing' (sexing ) each other again. It was a massive shock to my mate, when she initiated contact and said she'd like to meet a few weeks back he was a WRECK, could barely eat or anything, didn't know what to do with himself the entire week leading up to seeing her. I guess the emotions he suppressed after the breakup re-emerged. They had a nice dinner and have been spending time together since with no labels. She told me that she was heartbroken when they broke up and quickly found another BF who she had another 2.5 year relationship with, but that the new guy treated her like **** so she left him. She realised that she still loves my mate and being back home after Uni made it easy to get back in touch. They're both taking it slow but they both know what it's probably leading to again, though they're both scared of the other not committing. I told my mate to man up! She is into him, he is into her. Stop faffing around!


So yeah, 2.5 year relationship, split for 3.5 years, then looking likely they'll be back together officially as a couple in the near future. Sweet couple, I wish them the best!

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One more for the age gap relationships. I met this couple a few months ago who were very proud to share their love story. The woman was in her 50s and the man was in his early 30s. They met as friends, were together for a few years then split. I was under the impression he was dealing with issues of not having children and so on. I guess love won out since they ended up together again after he accepted this fact. They've been happily married ever since and I think have been married for about 4-5 years.

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I absolutely love this thread!


I've just recently had my boyfriend of 11 months/1 year break up with me 3 weeks ago due to miscommunication and arguements in the relationship. We've talked everything over about both agreed that we will try again when the times right (ie we've moved on from the relationship, got over the break up and can talk as friends). He's promised we will be together again because he doesn't think we're finished.

I've been in LC with him since the break up (yes, I have begged, told how how much he means to me, how much I want a second chance and everything else you're not supposed to) but yesterday he started speaking to me like he used to. I've started NC today to help me move on, as I have heard of him telling a girl "he ended it because he had enough" and that he's seeing a girl on Saturday and having her stay at his...


Suppose all I'm trying to say is thanks for all the positive posts, really does give some hope that one day it could happen again, considering all you see here is "move on" "forget about them" ect ect.

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Suppose all I'm trying to say is thanks for all the positive posts, really does give some hope that one day it could happen again, considering all you see here is "move on" "forget about them" ect ect.


Sorry for the long post


When I first came around these boards roughly 7 months ago when my ex broke up with me I hated seeing those posts of "just move on" and "they are never coming back". While I am still not an advocate by any means of completely whisking away hope, because I truly believe anything is possible, I finally understand those comments. I struggled A LOT for the first 5-6 months with clinging on to hope. My ex is with a new guy and I lost so much time simply analyzing everything and hoping she will return. What I came to learn is, it really doesn't matter right now. Hoping someone will come back to the extent that you are torturing yourself about it won't bring them back, but it will hinder the healing process. I believe, from what I have seen in my life, that reconciliations after a long BU are usually offered once the dumpee has moved on. By move on in this instance I mean happy, confident, and "whole" again. So the comments of move on and forget about them, TO ME, don't mean you will never reunite, but they mean you need to simply look at how things are right now, and realize that there is (in most cases) nothing you can do to force the situation in a different direction.


Now I don't think this post would be appropriate necessarily unless I actually said something on topic to the thread title, so I will begrudgingly give you the 3 stories I know of.

Contradicts what I said above, oh well.


1) My sister and her now husband dated for 6 years but those years were very on and off. The last time they broke up, she was a sophomore in college and he was 1 year out of college. He broke up with her, and my sister still believes that it was to pursue another girl because this other girl had proclaimed her love for him and they began dating shortly after the BU. My sister went no contact and healed. Somehow she managed to complete her healing process within 5 months (I have no clue how), but was able to start a friendship with him again from a place where she was comfortable with him dating someone else. Well maybe 3 months into the renewed friendship he broke up with the new girl and started dating my sister again. They have now been married for 7 years and have 3 kids.


2) My ex girlfriend's baby sitter growing up was with her boyfriend for a few years. I think he was deployed in the army and cheated on her. She broke up with him. Not sure how long they were separated but I know that they are married now.


3) Lastly, this story I just learned about last night. One of my best friends in high school dated her boyfriend for 3 years, went to the same college, but then he started treating her really poorly and she had enough and ended it with him. I saw her last night and she told me that even though she had been with other guys she still loved him and 6 months after the BU she asked him to get back together. He said he still cared for her, but declined. He now has a new gf. So this isn't a getting back together but the dumper did offer for a recon and is still hung up on him.


Once again, something it took me a long time to learn is that while it is comforting to find similarities within someone else's story, no 2 situations will ever be exactly the same. Nobody can tell you whether or not your ex will come back, but what you can do is control how you live your life.

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anyone else watch korean dramas?


lee byung hun and lee min jung are getting married this year. they dated briefly in 2006 and reconnected august 2012. some korean actors are notoriously private about their personal lives, but i'm sure more dedicated fans can give a rough timeline of these 2 based on whatever info's shared on the news. link removed

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oh, I have one! My best friend's dad has been divorced for about 10 years, but was dating a woman he met through work for a few years. She moved into his house and everything, but one day they got in a huge fight (I think because she wanted to get married and he didn't want to) so she moved out and they didn't speak for at least 6 months. Her dad started dating another woman shortly after, but then she moved a few hours away so it didn't work out. A little while later, he got back with the first woman and proposed! I just went to their wedding yesterday and they looked happier than ever


And that same best friend dated a guy for a year in high school. He broke up with her before he left for the army but didn't say why. A few weeks later she found out from his new girlfriend that he left my best friend for her! My best friend was devastated but didn't contact him at all. A little over 3 months later, he came crawling back begging for her, saying he made a huge mistake and wanted to be with her. She denied, and still to this day (about 3 years later) he messages her every now and then! Not really a success story, but just shows how the dumper came back.

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there is another story. I broke up with my exex five years ago due to him cheating on me. He was devastated but I moved on and met my ex. I married my ex and together for four years. My ex divorced me six months ago due to location and argument all the time. I was very upset and still are. However, after my ex divorce me. I Decided to call my exex to talk about my problems and what went wrong. We met three times in half year and talk here and there. I think after five years, he makes me feel like different person. He's more mature and caring. Every time we saw each other. there was spark going on. I decided to give it a try last night and told him. He agreed we could start dating and reknow each other. We are not official yet...but that's how dumper will change mind after so many years.

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Got a new one. A friend of mine was seeing this guy (unofficially) for about 2 years. They went on vacation together and everything. They broke up because he liked someone else and they didn`t see a future together because they were different. They had a screaming match on a busy street in Toronto when he told her about the other girl and she walked away. They didn`t talk for 4 months, and then started seeing each other again slowly. This happened in September, they got back together around February and are still seeing each other now. They had lots of bumps and fights before getting back together (including him kissing another girl) Not sure how successful this recon is as he is moving away, but they were able to make it work after all that fight.


If it`s meant to be, it will be.

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Personally I don't have any getting back together stories because NONE of my exes I would ever want to get back with, except for maybe the most recent one, but it was only 2 months and I'm moving away. The only way I could see it happening is if it was a year or two from now and he decided that I was the one that got away. We sort of broke up mutually although I was trying to make it work. We became best friends instantly and it was hard for me to let go. It's been a month, and maybe I'll have a getting back together story at some point, but for now I'm moving on.


However, one of my best friends got dumped by her high school sweetheart and they were apart for a year. She moved away, apparently had a lot of sex and got drunk to cope with the feelings. She even fell in love with someone during her time away but she couldn't bear being apart from her ex. They got back together once, broke up again, but now they're back together and are practically married. I sense that they're going to get engaged soon. I'm so happy that she found love and was able to keep it!

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I'm lovin' this thread from the beginning up to the end. Amazing stories. I have couple of them to tell:


1. I have a friend, who had been dating this girl since they were in 11th grade. I think they were 18 when they started dating. They had a wonderful relationship for about 2 years - of course with some ups and downs. The first year in university had ended (they were 20) and she went to the States for the whole summer. Apparently, she found a new boyfriend there, but never mentioned it to my friend. My friend found out, after, she had been in the States already for a month. He initiated hard NC with her for about a year. So that was their first break up. After one year of NC, they got back together, were together four about a year and then broke up again. They didn't talk for half a year. Then he started to "be her friend again" and they started going out. Then they were together about half a year. Broke up again. A month later they got together again and were together for about 6 months. Then she left again. This girls, has a lot of issues and is IMHO bipolar. She totally dislikes me one day and "plays" a great friend on another. Anyway, my friend said he has had enough. Can't be with someone, who out of the blue just packs her together and leaves.


Btw. my friend got back together with her many times through NC. Many times, he initiated the contact himself. As a friend he asked her out or they went together to a random event where he "accidentally" had the tickets to.


2. I was together with a girl last summer. I started to date her, because she looked like my ex from three years ago. Even had the same laugh. So when time went on (couple of months), I realized, that I was lying to myself. The thing with me, is that I don't know how to leave a person, because I don't want to take actions towards others, that I don't want them to take towards me. So school kind of helped me and I said all the time, that I'm too busy to meet up etc. Eventually she ended it. I didn't mind. So we didn't talk from October til April. When she suddenly started calling to me and wanted to come over. I was like "I'm studying". So in the end of April, she texted me that she has a book of mine and she's moving to another city, and I should go and get it. So i went. One thing went to another, again I saw my ex in her and we slept together. I regretted it. Well, out of the blue she started to call me every night, if I wanted to come over. From there on I refused.

But hey, she dumped me and kind of came back, haven't seen her for months now.


But the saddest story is probably concerning my ex from four years ago (three years ago she broke up). I have had many girlfriends, but God, she was the one that I told I loved her and I had never ever said that before and haven't said it after her. In a year we both felt like we had been together for our whole lives. We traveled around Europe, flew out every now and then to other countries. Enjoyed each others company. We were madly in love. I know that she was also. But eventually things started to go sour. I think, we were or maybe I was immature (18 and with no real relationship experience). We were every day together and arguments started to come up. Sometimes, we argued for days. It kind of got exhausting. But I liked to take care of her. Liked to surprise her. Liked to make her happy. I mean, one day she calls me and says, that she's sick at home: I went to the store, bought strawberries and chocolate, went back home and covered them in melted chocolate and went to her place, lol. We had so many amazing times together, I could write another "Notebook". So three years later, I'm still not over her and think about her everyday. It's like a curse, I can't love someone else but her. Bad part is that, I keep dating girls like her and I'm kind of tired of that. We call each other on birthdays and she says that it makes it happy, when she talks to me. But I know that I was meant to find her, so you never know. Also I have improved myself and learnt my lessons from that relationship, SO my tips:


1. Agree with the break up (I did, at first, she was shocked)

2. Go for NC (I messed up this one, big time)

3. Give them space (we ended up in same nightclubs/places - that was bad)

4. Don't make them jealous (intentionally, posting pics etc)

5. Don't beg, or try to change girl's mind for too long (I did)

6. Use time apart to work on yourself (mostly mentally - inside I mean - people do change when they're strong enough).

7. If you reconcile, treat her like the most precious thing in the world (Think before you say. Think before you act)


Then they'll definitely contact you. I've been giving this advice to numerous people and they have succeeded. Back then I just didn't know how to manage.


And remember women look in a man for: CONFIDENCE-SECURITY-SENSE OF HUMOR.

p.s. my advice is not for abusers or cheaters (god i hate men who hit women or f*ck around, when they have the best thing in front of them).

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My brother (33) was in a happy relationship with his gf (31) for 2.5 years before they broke up. My brother is quite stubborn and immature at times, his gf is very unsure about everything.


The reason they broke up was that he was tired of holding her hand so to to speak and guide her through her everyday life. And also, she wanted to have a kid before she turned 32.


They lived together so it was kinda awkward in their appartement. My brother came to life at our place for sone months, while his gf went to her mother's place.


They tried everything: NC, relation therapy, ... Nothing worked and we all feared it would be the end.


Until my brother realized that he missed his gf more than he thought: he should have talked things out with ger instead of letting her go. Lucky for him, she never gave up on him.


They got together after 5 months and now they're expecting a baby boy in November! Their relationship is stronger than before apparently


I just wanted to share this story with you guys. I'm going through some rough times as well (about to be dumped by my bf) but stories like these give me hope

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Another story, that I totally forgot about.


1. So after the love of my life broke up with me, I started noticing a girls in school who looked exactly like her - like 90%. This girl had a boyfriend. I didn't mind. So we started to talk over the internet via MSN, eventually started to text and call, then we started to hang out in school, we finally started to go out together. Btw. she was still with her boyfriend, but he was acting kind of a douche. One night, she went out with her girlfriends and came to my place, one thing led to another and we were in bed - just kissing and talking. So she kind of cheated on him. A week later we already slept together and couple of days after that she left her boyfriend for me. We were together about 6.5 months. Eventually, she started to notice that I wasn't over my ex and she knew that she looked like her (they had been best friends in childhood btw, so they also acted kind of the same, but had hated each other for years). Once I accidentally called her by the name of my ex girlfriend and things started to go downhill. But I didn't admit to her that I wasn't over my ex. So arguments started to grow. She secretly had contacted her ex, whom she had left for me and one day, when I was out of the town, she didn't pick up the phone. Later she called me that she met her ex and they are getting back together, and if I'm not wrong they are still together. I'm happy for her. She's a good girl. We're both from the same zodiac sign, so we got along pretty good. So girl number two who I have dated after my best ex and looks like my ex. I'm cursed and now I have another girl on the horizon who looks like her, but I'm trying to keep away from her, but FATE has brought us together (that's a story for another day).


IMO, there is not a lot of stories, where the girls is the dumper and goes back to the dumpee?!

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One story I remember hearing from last year.


I was in Africa volunteering and met this nice Kenyan woman there. She was engaged at the time. I was telling her about some struggles I had with my ex. She told me that she and her fiancee had an off and on relationship. One day they had a huge fight and that was it, they were done. He got another girlfriend shortly after that. They spent close to a year without talking but then he got in a bad accident and had to go to the hospital. She came to comfort him and he told her how much he loved her. He broke up with the other girl he was seeing and they slowly started a relationship.


She said that it was hard at first but they had to learn to communicate better. They spent a lot of time learning to communicate and now they rarely fight and are very happy. She's not married yet but will be soon.

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not quite a gbt story but it there's a possibility.


a friend of mine broke up with his ex of 2 years more than a year ago. i'd say it was a fruitful one. he noticed she was giving him the cold shoulder and felt that she may have had an emotional affair with a coworker. also felt that she might have been leaning towards breaking up but didnt quite know how to. so he went ahead and ended it for them. the ex begged and pleaded but my friend didnt budge. he got over her quickly, about a month. the ex blocked us off fb, etc. not too long, he found out his ex and the said coworker began dating. lasted about a year.


just a few months ago, the ex added us back on fb. we noticed she was single. she tried to initiate xontact with my friend. asking for her xbox gsmes.


my ex broke up with me a month ago and my friend gave me support. i asked him his perspective being the dumper. and then when i asked him if he wss open to the possibility of reconcilling with his ex, he did say he was open to it. but he is enjoying his single life too much atm. haha.


so i guess what the story entails is time really heals all wounds. after enough of it has passed. there might be a possibility of gbt, especially if the relationship was good to begin with...

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Not quite a get back together story either, but I think it's on that road.


My ex and I broke up after he freaked out during a small argument we were having. Like just threw his hands up in the air and stormed off into the night. I ended up in the hospital after that, but one of our mutual friends kept him from contacting me there because he thought it would be bad for both of us. When I got out, our communication was odd and then became very stilted until I ran into him on the street one day. We ended up having a nice conversation and he admitted he had been afraid to talk to me. We started hanging out as friends, as he made a big point that he was trying really hard to focus on himself and fix a lot of things that he hated about himself, which I was glad to hear even though I told him I still loved him. So that went on for a few months until he started flirting with me again, and not play flirting, but like serious business flirting, asking what he had to do to prove himself to me. The next week, he got crazy quiet and I made him tell me why, and he said that he'd met someone, though he was quick to say that he wasn't sure if he just wanted to be her friend or what. I told him I couldn't spend time around him if he was so confused he couldn't even decide what he wanted to do because it was hurtful to me. I promptly texted his roommate, who is also my friend, to ask when I could get the rest of my things....


Last week I had lunch with the roommate, who was trying hard to give me some type of closure about my ex, that I meant something to him but that he just didn't want a relationship. This was week four of NC since the incident I mentioned before, so I figured this was probably the best I was going to get and took it at face value. But when I got home with the bag of things and opened it up, there was a long, beautiful letter from my ex inside that elaborates on his struggles with using drugs and booze to fit in and ignore who he really was, that he was more empathetic to some of my complications now that he was spending time understanding his own. He speaks of hoping that we could meet again in the future to talk about our journeys, that he wasn't happy with casual acquaintance but that we had to be strong to live through this. He finished the letter saying that he thought I was a beautiful soul and that I should take the time to temper it, and that hopefully, when he was a person he admired, that I would forgive him.


I thought a long time about what to do, but I decided to do what I felt was right, despite all the advice and talk of NC or whatever you'd get from all sides. I wrote him a letter back that pretty much acknowledged his need to figure himself out, but that I had forgiven him a long time ago, he was not alone and that even if he thought it was hard to see what a great person he was, it wasn't as impossible as he might think, since I could see that person so clearly. Then I wrapped the letter around my oldest coppy of The Catcher in the Rye, and wrapped that in brown paper, put his name on it and snuck into his office at work to leave it on his computer. That was a few days ago, so we'll see how it goes, but I have a feeling that something good is going to come out of it for us.

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I've got yet another one that may be heading towards reconciliation. My roommate's cousin dated his girlfriend for three years until she broke up with him because she found someone else. He was totally heartbroken according to my roomie, and they spent a year apart - no talking, nothing. She dated that guy I think, and he saw a few girls for a short while but nothing stuck. His ex called him last week and told him she was thinking about them being back together. Not sure if she's with that other guy or not anymore, or if she's just playing games, but he's going to meet up with her.

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Thanks mbee. I must say that there's still work to do, but the effort she's making is awesome. I have my story in the "Relationship with X" thread. It's actually at the end and still ongoing.


Just read them! That's great! I know it's ongoing but I am wishing you the best regardless of what happens for you and your family!

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