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  1. My brother (33) was in a happy relationship with his gf (31) for 2.5 years before they broke up. My brother is quite stubborn and immature at times, his gf is very unsure about everything. The reason they broke up was that he was tired of holding her hand so to to speak and guide her through her everyday life. And also, she wanted to have a kid before she turned 32. They lived together so it was kinda awkward in their appartement. My brother came to life at our place for sone months, while his gf went to her mother's place. They tried everything: NC, relation therapy, ... Nothing worked and we all feared it would be the end. Until my brother realized that he missed his gf more than he thought: he should have talked things out with ger instead of letting her go. Lucky for him, she never gave up on him. They got together after 5 months and now they're expecting a baby boy in November! Their relationship is stronger than before apparently I just wanted to share this story with you guys. I'm going through some rough times as well (about to be dumped by my bf) but stories like these give me hope
  2. Day 6 He finally responded to my text messages (asking whether he would like to have a face-to-face talk). He said he didn't know how to reply, I was surprised. I said I wanted to see him one last time, even though it might be the time when "the talk" will occur. M. is afraid it will make the breakup worse, because we'll be able to show our emotions to each other. I replied that I've slowly prepared myself for a breakup and that I've cried enough in the past few months. He was surprised to hear that: he didn't realise how hard it affected me, both physically and mentally. Seeing him one last time is all I ask of him and if he has any affection left for me, it's a small gesture that would mean the world to me. After that conversation I went out shopping with a friend of mine, but I wasn't really enjoying it. I kept thinking about M. and how hard the breakup talk will be. I often cried while shopping and even though my friend told me she didn't mind my desperate whining, I can tell she didn't have a pleasant day. She did tell me that I could go to her place whenever I feel like it: to cry my heart out and to hear her advice on things. She's great and I bless myself for having such a good friend But yeah, I broke NC. I would start over again, but it's only a matter of days until "the talk" will happen. I'll start NC again when it's over.
  3. Day 3 It's hard to fight the urge to contact him in any way. I'm really tempted to drive to his place and hang out. Or just talk. Whatever, as long as it's with M. I try to concentrate on me (I've been working out, hanging out with friends, ...) but M. is still a huge part of my life. I do hope I can convince him to sit down with me face-to-face. It's been 1.5 months since we last saw each other and I'm not giving up on our relationship before we had a talk in real life. Because text messages and facebook messages just isn't the same.
  4. Day 2 Normally I hate to work long hours but now I can't wait to work all day. It distracts my mind of M. since I don't have time to check my phone to see if he has sent a text. He doesn't send me anything but I check it anyway. I was really having a dilemma: I finished working around midnight and my next bus left at 2 am. M. lives near to where I was working so there was a temptation to ask him if I could sleep at his place (or at least wait there until my bus arrived). But I reminded myself about NC challenge so I spent 2 hours waiting for my bus. I came home crying, thinking about how I've messed things up between us. Tuesday is our 5 month anniversary. I usually send him a text saying I love him, but I'm not sure what to do. Last month I sent him a text and to my big surprise he replied. But things were slowly going okay then in comparison to now. I'm going shopping with a friend to distract my mind but I'll have to fight the urge to text or call him. I don't want to end the NC challenge that quickly.
  5. Day 1 Okay, here we go. Thirty days without contacting M. It's going to be hard, but I have confidence that it will help us reflect on our relationship slowly falling apart. I hid my relationship status on fb. I hope it's sending him some sort of a signal. I didn't change it to "single", but only made it visible to me. I'm feeling fine. Currently in a state of "see if I care", even though my heart says otherwise. But it has been 2 days since I last cried over M., so yeah. I hope he will slowly start to miss me. Because I know he's still attracted to me and there's a very small part in him that has some affection for me. Let's see how the next days will go.
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