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Broke Up Not Because He Has Cancer...But He's Married!

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I've been in a relationship with a married man for 14 months. While my father was sick, I haven't been in contact with him nor have I seen him around especially when my father passed away. There's definitely love between us but I just can't breathe with his daily complaints of fighting, yelling, arguing with his wife, and being miserable.


Few weeks ago, he said he couldn't call or text me from his Blackberry for a while because there's so much tension at his home and his wife started to ask if he has someone else. So he said he can only call me from his work.


So I've been doing a lot of thinking and faced the fact that he'll never make me happy on a daily basis. I'm tired of the hiding and the limited communication and began planning my break up speech. Unfortunately it happened 2 days after he told he he has been diagnosed with prostate cancer. I still offered my support and friendship but notified him that it's time for me to look for someone who can give me back what I deserve in a relationship. His response? "Your friend must be pretty special to make you leave me when you know I have cancer and the holidays are coming. Wow talking about kicking a man when he is down." How do I respond to that?? Was I being unreasonable?


Seems his response was all about himself. How dare he! First of all, I don't have another "friend". Secondly, I am not responsible for his misery!


Right now I am so angry at him. I deleted his number from my cell phone. He hasn't called yet because he's with his family but I know he will send me a text or call me when he gets back to work and try to win me back.


Forumers, back me up on this! What do I tell him because I've said everything I can and he doesn't get it!

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he has a wife to let him deal with the cancer!


why did you get into a relationship with a married man? you need to cut that off, ASAP! if he is that unhappy with his wife, he needs to leave her. and if he doesn't want to do that, then he needs to get into therapy and leave you alone.


you deserve a full relationship, with a man who can love you fully and give you love.

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Good people get cancer, and bad people get cancer. Cancer is irrelevant to the issue at hand, that he's a married man who lies to and cheats on his wife, and doesn't offer you much at all. And for all you know, he's lying about the cancer because he senses you pulling away and was hoping to guilt you into continuing to see him.


If he's genuinenly ill, then he needs to focus on getting well, not swiving some other woman besides his wife. Please recognize that you do deserve more, and it was the right thing to break it off, and keep it broken off. If he's ill, he can rely on his wife to take care of him.

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Good people get cancer, and bad people get cancer. Cancer is irrelevant to the issue at hand, that he's a married man who lies to and cheats on his wife, and doesn't offer you much at all. And for all you know, he's lying about the cancer because he senses you pulling away and was hoping to guilt you into continuing to see him.


If he's genuinenly ill, then he needs to focus on getting well, not swiving some other woman besides his wife. Please recognize that you do deserve more, and it was the right thing to break it off, and keep it broken off. If he's ill, he can rely on his wife to take care of him.


that's a good point. did you actually see the x-rays????


i know some people who fake illnesses to get attention.

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