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Lol.... Hmmmm


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this post is just all over the place....Avi - good job moving on, if you can heal this fast, we shouldn't judge it. So be it....enjoy being single it can be VERY fun.


GRY - stop making assuming and just make things happens already!!!


Drew - NIKE STYLE???? lol really? LOL


you love it!


Well i think this thread has run its course and we ALL have gotten our points accross. Kudos to all of us! rock on and hang out with your wang out!

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I'm sorry if I didn't understand all the circumstances completely. Maybe this was a bit more of a time coming than what I realize.


I do understand the moving on in a way. It just all seems so fast since you were "engaged." In the way that sitting at home and moping does nothing. But I think that as a human, we all need time to heal. Your time is just much more quickly! And I think what hit me too is that this new girl works where you and your ex work and all... ?


Shake hands?


My ex does not work with me... thanks.


As for speed grieving.... sure if that is what you call it. Sorry you all feel like you have to mourn for more than 300hours. To me... thats obsurd.


As for anyone being replaceable... Yes. No one in this world can take so much of my life that I can not replace a SMILE on my face once they are gone. So with that said... GREAT COMMENT!

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And Aviiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! Man, I wish I wouldn't have seen your thread you posted yesterday. It contradicts some of the things you're saying in a way.


Correction... She moved it out 5 days ago..


She moved her THINGS out last Sunday. She (as a being) moved out on the 26th of October.

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Or are those of us who have felt so easily dispensed with, discarded and replaced just jealous of Avi for feeling he's such a hot tamale, his investment in her really doesn't feel like a loss of such proportions?


I do not feel like a "hot tamale" lol. WOW!!!! where did that come from? Because I said she had a crush on me? Or was it the statement that DrewciouS281 and I have never had problems finding someone to date?


Either way, sorry if you take it that way. I guess confidence on my part makes me conceited too. LOL!


Grow up people. SERIOUSLY!

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I never understood the concept of healing in someone else's bed. I guess I just can't wrap my mind around it, no matter how much it's explained. It's so foreign to me as a way of healing. But who am I to judge? If it works, it works. If it helps, it helps.


I stated that we hooked up. Never said we were in bed together. We did not have sex.


Thank you for another assumtion


Oh wait. I DID say that we didn't sleep together.


We ended up making out for a few hours but did not sleep together. I am glad that we didn't
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I suppose I get dating again. I get that. That part doesn't bother me.


It's the whole cut and dry process of the end of the relationship that gets me.


People do it. I've been engaged and it not working out. A phonecall "I changed my mind - need my ring back....." I don't know.. just seems that engagements aren't taken so seriously.


To me, proposing shouldn't happen unless 2 people know 100% they are willing to work through thick and thin.



And how do you KNOW what another person is capable of? We BOTH WANTED to work through thick and thin but when it came down to it... she ran. Not my fault

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If I am in Avi's situation I would be running after that girl even if she was the one that walked out on me.... I am weak that way


I did run after her. She didn't take to it. It's not a weak thing to do... It's called trying your best to make it work "Thick and Thin" Thats what I tried to do.

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I did run after her. She didn't take to it. It's not a weak thing to do... It's called trying your best to make it work "Thick and Thin" Thats what I tried to do.


in this case i think something is seriously wrong with your ex.. sorry no offense.. but she really sounds strange.

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bingo. holla holla holla holla


misery loves company. i think it sounds as if some of the people going the other way saying people like avi should just stay home and mope and what not have been led down the wrong path by someone in rebound mode.


who knows, maybe avi ends up marrying this girl. (not likely) but things happen. he has an opportunity to move on, why not?h


AVI, seriously, you have 2.5 more months of crying before you can go out man. pffft.






Thanks man. I thought I was moving on with my life too soon. Let me go cry!

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I stated that we hooked up. Never said we were in bed together. We did not have sex.


Thank you for another assumtion


Oh wait. I DID say that we didn't sleep together.


Well, no, Avi, I was not assuming anything. In fact I did read your post thoroughly. Maybe I was not clear enough. I was not responding to your specific situation. I was responding to the general idea of rebounds. I never said that you slept together. I guess I could have put it differently. I could have said that I never understood the concept of rebounds. But I thought that I was pretty much saying the same thing, just using more colorful language.

Anyway, I never said I thought there was anything wrong with it. I actually said, to each his own. I said I don't get it. Not judging. It does seem awful fast to me that only weeks after the person you are in love with moves out you are able to be hooking up with someone new. I'm not saying it's a problem. It really doesn't impact me in any way LOL. I'm just saying it's hard for me to wrap my mind around. It's hard for me to understand.


Some people assume that people who are skeptical are just here to bring you down. Not so. I say, more power to you. I'm still scratching my head because it is hard for me to understand. But my main concern is your happiness and emotional wellbeing, not my understanding.

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Some people assume that people who are skeptical are just here to bring you down. Not so. I say, more power to you. I'm still scratching my head because it is hard for me to understand. But my main concern is your happiness and emotional wellbeing, not my understanding.


well said..

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Oh my gosh...some people get too analytical!! I get dizzy reading all the posts...


Avi...have fun, move on, & just make sure you're over the ex before you get into anything else with this new chick.


Good luck, & remember to wrap up.





Thanks hun... I have always liked your advice. You are on the same page as DrewciouS281 Ghost and I usually.



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I also wanted to post a question but held back. I don't want to bring anyone down, but I don't understand how you can move on in a week.

I'm not saying it's not possible. In fact I wish I could be as level headed as you. I just wonder how it feels to move on so quick..



I'm happy that you are happy though of course.

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Some people assume that people who are skeptical are just here to bring you down. Not so. I say, more power to you. I'm still scratching my head because it is hard for me to understand. But my main concern is your happiness and emotional wellbeing, not my understanding.


Well thank you! I appreciate the concern. This girl is however very pretty, seems to be very mature (thus far) lol. And she knows all that is going on and ACCEPTS it. She knows my recent past, I know hers. She is hott, a great listener, great kisser and has a killer bod. What more can I ask for!? lol

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Thanks hun... I have always liked your advice. You are on the same page as DrewciouS281 Ghost and I usually.



avi no offense bro.. but i do not think it is nice of you to form cliques just because some posters agree with you while others disagree... you have to realize that ppl that are disagreeing are not disapproving of you in any way... they are only trying to understand how some one can move on so fast as they are on a different plane.. that is all.


it is your life. you will make the decision that works for you.

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I also wanted to post a question but held back. I don't want to bring anyone down, but I don't understand how you can move on in a week.

I'm not saying it's not possible. In fact I wish I could be as level headed as you. I just wonder how it feels to move on so quick..


It has not been a week. It has been a week since I stopped crying and realized that all this grieving will not get her back. Then I realized that I don't want her back. Now... I am out again and living life to the fullest.



I'm happy that you are happy though of course.




Thank you! Means a lot.

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You know what's funny, and don't call me lame LOL, but once I went out and bought one of those "getting back together" books and one of their tips was to not mope around but to get started dating almost right away. Basically the author said not dating might seem "normal" right after a breakup, but he didn't think it was healthy. I could never bring myself to do that, but maybe he is right after all.

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avi no offense bro.. but i do not think it is nice of you to form cliques just because some posters agree with you while others disagree... you have to realize that ppl that are disagreeing are not disapproving of you in any way... they are only trying to understand how some one can move on so fast as they are on a different plane.. that is all.


it is your life. you will make the decision that works for you.


I understand what you're sayin, but sometimes people aren't necessarily seeking advice or approval, they just want someone to say "hey that's great!" or "i'm happy for you!", & maybe just a quick "i'm watchin out for you..." word.


(not directin this towards you grymoire...just commenting on your post)

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avi no offense bro.. but i do not think it is nice of you to form cliques just because some posters agree with you while others disagree... you have to realize that ppl that are disagreeing are not disapproving of you in any way... they are only trying to understand how some one can move on so fast as they are on a different plane.. that is all.


it is your life. you will make the decision that works for you.



How is saying that I like her advice and that she is usually on the same page as Ghost, Drew and I, a clique forming statement?


I simply like her view on most things... Should I just rep her privately for it so no one takes offense to my liking towards her train of thought?

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