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Lol.... Hmmmm


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And yes I agree at the beginning of a relationship its fun to be mysterious, that's the getting to know each other phase. If everyone walked into a relationship and laid everything out about themselves it would be B-O-R-I-N-G but once the relationship develops and one is STILL trying to figure out the other person feelings/intentions, then it gets tiresome, draining and probably going down the tubes.

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And yes I agree at the beginning of a relationship its fun to be mysterious, that's the getting to know each other phase. If everyone walked into a relationship and laid everything out about themselves it would be B-O-R-I-N-G but once the relationship develops and one is STILL trying to figure out the other person feelings/intentions, then it gets tiresome, draining and probably going down the tubes.


how can you develop a relationship with someone when they are mysterious and you don't know much about them?

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Sure am! But don't quote me on that because sometime "I" can't not figure out myself.


But back to the whole dating situation. I know that I am not rushing anything because I didn't feel ANY guilt or sadness for last night. It all felt natural and exciting like it should be.


I'm not the only one who quotes! Pffff! Usually men don't usually say they themselves are having a hard time figuring things out. True or not true?


So - is it safe to say that you weren't 100% sure that ya weren't rushing things until after you tested yourself last night? Until ya proved you didn't feel guilty?

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I'm not the only one who quotes! Pffff! Usually men don't usually say they themselves are having a hard time figuring things out. True or not true?


So - is it safe to say that you weren't 100% sure that ya weren't rushing things until after you tested yourself last night? Until ya proved you didn't feel guilty?



Before she came over and we made out night before last... I didn't know what to expect. As soon as she turned towards me on the couch and puckered up.... I knew that I was doing the right thing.


So last night, I had no doubts at all. Everything went amazing


So in fairness, yeah, I was not sure about how I would feel after hooking up with someone just a few weeks after the break up. I don't think you can ever really know if you are ready though

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haha! your F-retarted man!! lol.


sorry, just in a wacky good mood today. its friday, payday, tons of partys this weekend and probably gettin laid so im just a ball of joy right now


i really didn't need to read you are a ball of joy and 'laid' in the same sentence. sick.

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good for your Drew... i hope to reach this point some day


Why not reach try and reach this point today Gry? All you have to do is network with friends and see if there is a party worth going to this weekend and then find a girl that you would like to invite to it.


Make that your goal today. If nothing else, accomplish one of the two goals... Either find a party to go to, find a girl to take out or find a party AND a girl to take to it.


I can almost gurantee if you ask 5 girls, you will get at least 1 yes.

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Hahhahahahahhahhahaha! It is gonna be a good weekend, I can tell! Although I'll probably not be having the fun many of you will!


Avi.... haha Thanks for the details of how your visits have went... "When she puckered up I just knew!" hehe


You don't think one can ever tell if they are completely ready? Eh - guess it doesn't matter.... Fun is fun even if you're not ready.... maybe. Sometimes...

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