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She looked in my shower and wanted to know about my underwear and socks


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Itsallgrand, yeah, I hear you on the privacy thing. I disagree that it is rude to talk about it after the fact. Afterall, I'm sure she is talking to her friends about me today and what went on yesterday. I don't think it's rude, I'm just gathering some different and varied opinions. Kuiks for example, was great, I would have never thought of that by myself. Hersmudders, I'm in complete agreement with your timeline... everyones is different.



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To each their own.


So you gonna just let it pass? Or talk to her about it next time around if it comes up again (other behavior like this)?


I still don't understand why someone would think this is ok. Maybe I'm just too private to get it. lol.


Remember that show "Room Raiders" on MTV? I used to think "OH MY GOD if they ever looked in my underwear drawer, I woudl freak out!" A guy can ask me about my underwear all day if he wants (or not all day, but you get my point), but the second he wants to see my stockpile of them, I'm gone....

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I think it's natural for people to compare someone new to their ex. It is what we're used to and we are changing what we are used to, so of course we point out to ourselves the subtle and not so subtle differences.

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CAD, I'm going to ask you to refrain from deflecting the topic of this thread to sex. It's not about sex, Hersmudders is correct, it's about the strangness of the shower and underwear thing in and of itself. You can think poorly of me for having sex on a first date or whatever, frankly I don't care, nor is your opinion on my moral compass relevant. It should be obvious that if her questions bothered me to the point where I didn't want have sex with her, I wouldn't have had sex with her.




I am not deflecting the topic to sex...I am merely pointing out that what is strange to some is not strange to others. So to YOU and others those questions might be strange..to HER they are not strange...to ME sex on the first date is strange...to YOU and others it isn't. It is all part of the same thing...so the bottom line is, my opinion is indeed relevant and I am backing it up with the sex issue. You can disregard my opinion, that is your prerogative, just like it is my prerogative to post my opinion. If my opinion goes against your beliefs and values so be it, you certainly have plenty of supporters in your opinion of the matter so my viewpoint shouldn't really make a difference...and I think something has to be said about posting an opinion that is not just baa baa baa like sheep.

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Maybe she dated some dirty boys in the past with holes in their boxers, different coloured socks, and scum in their showers. Maybe she sees you as a good potential...so she's checking to see if you're not like that. She might be a neat freak. If I were her, I wouldn't have admitted it to you...that she snooped accross your whole house...but yeah.


that's a good way to look at it!

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Ha... yeah I did ask her, jokingly about if she was profiling me or if I was going to wake up without my debit card in my wallet, or if I was going to be drugged and left in the tub on ice with my kidney removed, etc. Long story short, I didn't get to the root of her questions. I can only summize that it's a combination of all of the suggestions made here... I'm being compared to an ex, I'm being "tested", she's trying to be quirky and funny, etc.


Kinky house keeper... ummmm, I could go for that!!!



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It sounds like you two had a playful attitude about her grilling, which is what it was, and that's a good sign. Maybe you can make it into a twenty questions game which will let you find out more about her also.


There's a point where this kind of thing early on turns rude, and if she is full of these types of questions whenever you see her, tell her to read the F.A.Q., and if she asks where the F.A.Q. is tell her to "FAQ" off...

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She sounds like she might have obsessive compulsive disorder, and before long it wont matter how you organise you socks, because she will be organising them for you.



And there is something wrong with this? LOL



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When I went on a first date with my last long-term bf, he was looking something up on the internet in the living room, and while wandering around the house I asked him if I could search his room. I was joking of course, but he told me later on in the relationship that he had thought I was serious and found that really odd. She might have been teasing you a bit.


I also think that a question can be strange whether you had sex or not. The question would still be strange if they'd had sex on the twelfth date or the twentieth date.

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AND telling you what to wear and what shampoo to use... LOL


and getting an anxiety attack if she ever finds a single hair in the shower,

being unable to sleep because the dishwasher is not loaded the right way,

rewashing clothes because she has this feeling that some of them didn't get clean enough, getting angry if you crease one of the bindings of one of her paperback books... you get the idea.


I've dated people who were diagnosed OCD and GAD (I think GAD was the official name). It takes a special kind of very patient understanding person to deal with them. Asking a few grilling type questions on the first sexy date is of course no indication of an disorder.

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