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pheromone spray?


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so I was talking to a friend of mine last night about dating and (after a few drink) he revealed to me that he uses a pheromone spray when he goes out to meet girls. The idea is that the spray contains a special blend of chemicals which a subtle smell which attracts members of the opposite sex. He claims it works in subtle but noticeable ways, and it often helps him "get his foot in the door" when meeting girls.


I don't really know how to feel about this, it kinda seems like "cheating" to me (whatever that means in the dating world)


he equates it with spending money on nice clothes, a good haircut and smelling clean, no one thing is going to get you laid by itself, but each gives you an edge when attracting possible partners. he also admits there is no substitute for a good personality/conversation.


anybody got an input?

also, for the ladies. wouldn't you feel lied too if you found out a guy you felt attracted too used this kind of product?


maybe i'm just old fashioned . . .

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So where do you get this spray?..lol..hey whatever works, but like your friend said, if you don't shower, or are not interesting or in any way attractive, well then you can spray all you want, but no amount of pheromones on the planet will help ya, but still, I don't concider it cheating, I doubt it even works, it sounds like more of a placebo than a scientific breakthrough.

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might not be rubbish, but if it's 'just like nice clothes and a good haircut' then spend your money on those things instead... at least then the girl won't be scratching her head about why she feels attracted to you... and pheromone spray doesn't work on yourself, spraying it on won't make you feel confident like going out knowing you look good does.

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im not sure if it works. im sure it doesnt. i bought a pheromone spray at a sex party once. i bought it bc it smelled nice- strong but nice. i only wore it once bc it was sticky. i got a lot of attention that night but it could have been a number of factors... clothes,makeup, confidence...

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Well, from my perspective, I'd find it a turn off (if I knew/found out about it). To me it'd say that the guy wasn't confident in himself, since he felt the need to resort to a method of questionable viability - it'd be kind of like finding out that a guy was taking penis enhancement pills he found online.

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I dunno.. Hmm..

If I where to find out a guy used it,

I would laugh at him, at the fact that he needed to use it to attract women. Shows a bit of low confidence to me? Or like he doesn't have much to offer, so he needs "help".

Then I would begin doubting if I would have been attracted to him in the first place.

WHich is very weird b/c I never believed pheromone sprays work but now that Lana1111 mentioned getting attention I wonder if it does? (Of course like she said it could have been other factors/must have been... And most important how she carried herself/confidence.)

Try getting girls without it. It's most natural. (oh and we all make pheromones anyway, but b/c of soaps and deoderants they get masked).

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In the old days (mid to late 80s) there were these advertisements in comic books about hypnotizing women to date you. They ran right next to the fake vomit and that classic ad where the skinny kid gets his girl stolen at the beach by the muscular guy, but weeks later after trying Super Pills, he wins his girl back (she was a living person btw). That's sort of what I think about this spray. There are so many things that can negate the spray's powers, like bad clothes, rudeness, messy hair, bad breath or not being attractive enough that will render this power useless.

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Personally, as long as it didn't smell bad, I wouldn't really care if some guy wore phreromone spray. Go on with yo bad self, studmuffin!


Basically, it's like this - remember when Ben Kenobi gets the stormtroopers in Star Wars I to back off and say what he's telling them to and Luke is all like, wow, how'd you do that? Ben says something like he can use the Force to control weak minded people. Know what I'm saying?

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Well, science does show pheromones do indeed work in attraction - we don't actually "consciously" smell them (so you can still prefer the smell of soap and still smell soap....pheromones work quite differently).


However, that being said, I would be very, very cautious of the product itself and whether they really are using human pheromones and are valid claims...they are not going to be approved by FDA or another regulatory body and could just be olive oil for all you know.


And they simply will NOT make up for a lack of personality, initiative and confidence in any matter. If you are in a crowded room, even if they DO work, the other person might sense them but associate them with someone else whom has the personality to win them over.


But again, even if you do use them for a boost of confidence, it could be more placebo than pheromone....especially where the product might not be what it claims to be.



How would I feel if a guy used them? I don't know....I mean the truth is they won't make up for lack personality and long term compatibility or lack of being a "good person", they may work initially on physical attraction but even that requires far more then pheromones. Probably would not hold it against them, but it may have me wonder why they feel the need to use them when other qualities go much further, and are what is really important.

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Omg this idea of pheromone spray remembered me of that thing they use to make male pigs horny.

They say it stinks like crazy.


Thats all I have to say

If I discovered a guy is using pheromones spray I would be laughing like crazy since that stuff to make pigs in heat would be my very first association..

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I saw a programme on tv and they said prostitutes use/used to use vaginal discharge/vaginal lubrication dabbed behind the ear as a pheromone...


Copulins.....not surprising really.....though I don't think copulins would be a "pheromone" really as I don't think they fall in that class of pheromones per say.


Anyway, idea is that women secrete more copulins during arousal and particularly when they are ovulating....which men can "pick up on" (and even women can, which is why women living together may find all their cycles adjust to be the same or similar).

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i believe it works to a certain extent. i've smelled some things on women that i have to look when i smell it. doesn't mean i'm going to run over and rip her clothes off cause i'm so overtaken. but victoria's secret 'love spell' is so intoxicating to me. i will check a girl out fir sure if she has that on.

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