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pheromone spray?


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I don't think a discussion on pheneromes is going to be very useful unless the actual name of the product or brand is individually discussed because there is so much stuff on the market, and some of it may very well be olive oil, and some if it could be the real deal.


What your friend says sounds like a realistic expectation for that product. You may notice some subtle changes, like more eye contact or connectivity or better non-verbal rapport. This coupled with good haircut, good clothes, good smell, makes for a good tool-box for presentation. As they say, half the battle is getting your foot on the door, but if you cant get that far, your personality/conversation is not going to work if the receptivity is too low.


However, some of the exagerrated testimonies about the product are beyond belief. For example, a woman asking for my number out of the blue, or asking me if I want to hang out with her and her friends, without even knowing me would be a bit of a stretch. I've read lots of testimonies and sort of believe the less dramatic ones because it could be possible. People wouldn't go to the trouble of writing a non-dramatic testimony if it wasn't true, and your friend's testimony of the product is not dramatic at all, since he's just saying 'subtle, but noticeable change' so it's plausible.


I've done some research and have purchased what I believe is the best phenerome product that's out there for about $ 40 and am waiting for it to be shipped. I'm sort of believing the 'Twilight Zone' change of reality occurring when I spray this stuff on and am just curious to see if there are really any noticeable changes, whether subtle or dramatic and feel it is sort of worth the experiment. What is

$ 40 for the piece of mind that something may make give me the edge I need to feel confident, or that at least I solved the mystery and have the peace of mind I tried it out.

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Based on the last study I read, the best smell you can have on you, male of female, is licorice. In that study, expensive colognes and pheromone sprays actually had a negative effect on blood flow to sex organs in females.


I think there are two distinct kinds of responses going on when we smell something on someone. The first response, the actual sexual response discussed in this thread, seems to be very subtle, involuntary, not enough to really turn you on, a background factor that is a remnant of a more bestial time in our evolutionary past.


The second response would be a more frontal lobe deal where you subconsciously reason that a person wearing a scent smells cleaner or "tastier", thus more likely to be pleasant to be close and intimate with. Another line of subconscious reasoning would be that a person who takes the time to smell good is more likely to be hygienic in other ways too. So there is some pleasure + safety/hygiene reasoning going on when we get turned on by the way someone's fragrance smells. This response seems to be the more powerful in our modern brains. Just a theory.

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LOL! That gave me a laugh.


I don't think you're going to prove whether it works or not, and if it does work the effect is going to be minuscule and subtle. The argument shouldn't be over whether it's scientifically guaranteed to have positive effects, but instead whether it's worth your money to take the risk of buying the product. There are things you can do with that money that do have positive guaranteed effects (quality shaving products, good haircut, nice clothes). They might be very small effects, but you know for certain that they will help, unlike this pheromone spray, which has uncertain positive effects of the same magnitude. Why invest in something that has a risk of not working at all when you can invest in something that has the same magnitude of positive effects that you KNOW will work.

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Based on the last study I read, the best smell you can have on you, male of female, is licorice. In that study, expensive colognes and pheromone sprays actually had a negative effect on blood flow to sex organs in females.


Can you post a link to that study or a reference, I'd like to see it.

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LOL! That gave me a laugh.


I don't think you're going to prove whether it works or not, and if it does work the effect is going to be minuscule and subtle. The argument shouldn't be over whether it's scientifically guaranteed to have positive effects, but instead whether it's worth your money to take the risk of buying the product. There are things you can do with that money that do have positive guaranteed effects (quality shaving products, good haircut, nice clothes). They might be very small effects, but you know for certain that they will help, unlike this pheromone spray, which has uncertain positive effects of the same magnitude. Why invest in something that has a risk of not working at all when you can invest in something that has the same magnitude of positive effects that you KNOW will work.


For the sake of argument, let's say you have tried all of the above - quality shaving products, good haircut, nice clothes, and none of them really worked. Say, for some reason or another you feel ignored in your environment, or you are just not connecting? Let's say you even try to initiate, but feel that there is a replusion from the person you are trying to approach and you know she's going to diss you before you open your mouth. Then it's time to start an experiment to try out a product, backed by testimonials and third parties reviews that claims to hold an answer to the dealing with the chemistry question.


You see, I believe most people who are having a difficult time with the ladies have already probably tried these above things out. I know I have.


The real question would then be, if the cost of the pheromone product is reasonable (say under $ 50), then it's worth the risk. Here's why. Expensive perfumes can cost $ 100, or really cost allot of money. Perfumes are worn so people smell good and hopefully will help at attracting people.


Now, with the pheromone product, I see it as a 'magical' perfume that doesn't smell, but yet has the same effect as the best brand of perfume that is out there and actually works to help break the ice in the environment, so to speak.


Now, with all the positive testimonies of this product circulating out there, and if you REALLY having a difficult time with the ladies and have nothing to lose, then can you afford to not try this product out and see if it works or not? Even if it doesn't work, you have the peace of mind to see that, you at least checked out to see what all that fuss was about for yourself.


Anyway, I made up an experimental thread and plan to post results on it as soon as I get this perfume, so if it doesn't work for me, then maybe people on here will save their money if they read that thread. If it does work, then I'll have to see to what extent it works.

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Apparently this Dr. Hirsch has a "smell and taste" institute in Chicago and a book out called Scentsational Sex


Good N Plenty candy, as RayKay pointed out once, is licorice smelling.


Interesting. Served Cold. Interesting.


But, I've also read articles elsewhere written about how pheromones seem to work on humans, which will contradict this article that claims there is a change of behavioural response.


Here is a guy who tried out phelure pheromone and started his own website on the product: link removed


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To name a few. New York Times. BBC. Web Md. You got doctors attesting to something being there.


On independent reviews Phelure is rated as the best pheromone:


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These are two independent companies that are not related to the Phelure brand that have top rated this particular brand as having an authentic pheromone. I've also checked out other sites and this brand is the cheapest.


I'd be a fool not to try this product out for a measly forty bucks.

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@Luke - It'd be worth a try to test it on others to see if there's a placebo effect involved. For all we know, the stuff can work, but only because it makes the person believe he/she is more attractive, giving him/her more confidence, and we all know more confidence means more success.

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@Luke - It'd be worth a try to test it on others to see if there's a placebo effect involved. For all we know, the stuff can work, but only because it makes the person believe he/she is more attractive, giving him/her more confidence, and we all know more confidence means more success.



Only people in the online community with my anonymous cover can know about this top secret classified experiment.

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That would make me gag. No thanks.


Used to use an aftershave called Royall Bay Rhum, which has a similar smell to licorice. Many women commented on it, all favorably, telling me I smelled something like licorice. Never felt that it was a big factor in attraction though, and certainly didn't notice any involuntary lusty passion other than what was generated by other means.

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  • 4 years later...
I saw a programme on tv and they said prostitutes use/used to use vaginal discharge/vaginal lubrication dabbed behind the ear as a pheromone...


I just caught this post on a Google query and read through the thread, and I felt I should comment.

All the gags aside, I believe that this works. The scent of my GF's fills me with lust, and getting a taste flat out turns me into an animal.


That said I do not believe any commercial supplier provides the right chemicals. Most likely they're placebos, though if you're unlucky they made an actual attempt at nailing this and you're spraying on animal pheromones. I have no idea how they would harvest this from humans.

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