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Baffler Meal

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Everything posted by Baffler Meal

  1. First I would like to thank you for posting your experiences. Your story will help serve as a road map for myself and others. I am especially happy about your weight loss, that is one of the best things you could do for yourself. Could you share some of the other activities you have done to try to make friends, or how you cope with doing things on your own? I would really appreciate it and I know others are reading with interest. I too am left without friends and this really is the hardest part to deal with right now.
  2. Welcome Genoh555. It's good that you're writing here about this. There are some great people here. I went crazy after my GF left me less than two weeks ago in way that was absolutely shocking to me. My family thought I was irrational and almost had me committed to the hospital. I really was a suicide risk, I think. Writing on here has really helped, even if I don't think anyone reads my long posts. But trust me people are reading, and we hear you. What can I say, you have had a lot of problems accumulate while you are young. You need to really understand and tell yourself over and over that you can rise above this crap. We are for the most part responsible for our lives, but there was nothing you could do about your knee or your Father's cancer. I think that it was humanly possible to fix the thing with your girl, but if you could figure it out you could make a billion dollars in a book deal. Don't pay too much attention to my advice, though, I am still pretty screwed up myself. Hitting that guy was very, very stupid and totally understandable. Go to Disney and throw his teeth into the water at "It's a Small World."
  3. Please let us know how it goes-I'm really curious. My only girlfriend left me 9 days ago after ten years (I'm 25) and I feel lost. People are telling me to "have fun", but it's hard not to imagine myself in a pretty serious realationship. I am hoping to avoid the dating and game playing and let friendships develop into more. The only problem now is that I have no friends yet. Good luck, princepesa2.
  4. My thoughts on this post: 1. Your BF should know better than to send that to someone at work. 2. Your boss is a jerk. I know- it's redundant. He sounds like he's on a big power trip 'cause he is in charge of insurance adjuster testing. Big whoop. I would imagine that there is some pretty harsh language in the world of insurace adjusting. I would have just told you to not open email from that person again. Better yet, they should just make a no personal email rule. Then again, I would probably show Glengary Glen Ross as a training video if I were a boss at a christiain charity fundraiser. 3. No offense but it sounds like your boyfriend is the type of person you have to go reeeaaaalll sloooooooooow with. When you explain something to him visualize building a pyramid the background at the bottom and the main idea you want to express at the top. Build each level and verify he gets it one piece at a time. 4. It could just be your pace and inflection. I had a brief stint at a call center once and I was good. Here's why-it sounds too simple to be true but it works. Always speak at the same pace as the person you are trying to share information with. I would even imitate the voices of the men who called. I would also push my voice deep like a radio announcer. I guess a woman would want to try to imitate the AT&T woman. She wrote a book about the voice that is suppossed to be good but I have yet to read it. 5. If I were you I would be more worried about getting that job than your communication skills right now. Good luck.
  5. Bring a book. Seriously, just show him what you need- if you know. No need to be uptight about it. He will be happy to learn how. If you can't do it yourself take a day off and spend all day at it 'till you figure it out. If not seek professional help. Trust me, it'll be woth it worth it.
  6. Hmmm... I would have told her to go F off and die- and meant it, but I'm not in love with her. I wish you luck. At least she seems to be honest about her feelings which seems a little mean but is far better than the alternative.
  7. If you read my post from last night ( link removed ), you will see that we are pretty much at the same place right now. You are not alone. How long has it been for you? It is one week today for me. I can imagine life without her but I feel I can't live it. Aside from my broken heart, I now have a million issues to deal with. My life seemed like it was all set up and is now shattered. I thought of activities to go to in the evening to try to meet people (I have no friends now) and get out but I could not after I break down every day. I was into fitness, but cannot imagine exercising. I have a weekly recreational class tonight, I hope to Hell I will be able to go, but I don't want to alienate people there with my behavior. The people who helped me last night will hopefully try to help you too. Keep writing, it made me feel a little bit better. I would say to take something to sleep and force yourself to drink meal replacement drinks like I have been doing, but to be honest I don't feel as depressed when sleep and nutrient deprived.
  8. I am so jealous of you right now. I can't imagine a better feeling than if my girlfriend said that to me right now. I think I would cry for days.
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